the financial year

[ði faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l jɪr][ðə faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l jə:]

财政年度, 会计年度

  • Advertising revenue in the new financial year has got off to a flying start

    广告收入在新 财年取得了开门红。

  • In its first trading statement since separating from the Royal Mail in April the Post Office said operating profit in the first half of the financial year was # 163 ; 61m up by # 163 ; 5m on the same period last year .

    自从今年4月从皇家邮政中分离后在最初的交易声明中,邮局说上 半年 财政营运利润是6100万英镑,比去年同期增加500万英镑。

  • The company is on course for profits of £ 20m in the next financial year .

    该公司有望在下一个 财年实现2万英镑的盈利。

  • We must keep our costs down for the remainder of the financial year .

    我们必须削减花销以备 财政 年度余下的日子之用。

  • The firm has drawn up a budget for the coming financial year .

    这个公司已经起草了明年 财政 年度 预算。

  • Local authorities will run out of money part way through the financial year

    地方政府等不到 财年结束钱就会花得一干二净。

  • LinkedIn which has 90 million members worldwide speculated that one reason why January is so popular for career advancement is that is coincides with the financial year .

    LinkedIn推测说一月份之所以是职业晋升的旺季,是因为一月份同时也是一个 财政 年度的起始时间。LinkedIn在全球拥有9000万会员。

  • He predicts a continuation of healthy profits in the current financial year .

    他预计 财年能继续保持可观的利润。

  • Government incentives have reversed a free-fall in demand in its biggest markets in recent months but the group nonetheless expects to lose Y200bn ( $ 2.2bn ) in the financial year to March .

    最近几个月,政府的激励措施扭转了其最大市场需求直线下降的趋势,但该集团仍然预计,在截至 明年3月 财年将亏损2000亿日元(合22亿美元)。

  • With their dedicated support we continued to set targets for energy and paper consumption at the beginning of the financial year .

    在他们大力支持下,本处继续在 财政 年度初期订下能源和纸张耗用量的目标。

  • Proposed established posts and estimated staff costs for the financial year & XX

    财政 年度提议的常设员额和人事费用估计

  • The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year .

    这家公司在上一个 财政 年度损失惨重。

  • Furthermore the paper applied relevant statistical and financial methods to conduct cost-benefit analysis for compensation management of the Industrial Bank on both aggregate and average amounts and reached conclusions such as the compensation level of the Industrial Bank should be mainly determined by the financial year revenue .

    更进一步,本文运用相关统计学和财务学方法从总量和均量两个方面分别对兴业银行的薪酬管理进行成本收益分析,并得出兴业银行的薪酬水平主要由 当年的营业收入决定等结论。

  • Second vastly higher savings and investment underpin this acceleration with gross domestic savings up to 38 per cent of GDP in the financial year 2007-08 .

    其次,储蓄与投资的大幅增长,为这种增速提供了支撑。2007年至2008年 财年,印度国内总储蓄升至GDP的38%。

  • Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Evaluating the Financial Year Statement of Joint Stock Companies

    多元统计在上市公司 财务 年报分析中的应用