But we insisted upon their opening their ports to us with the result that after a turn or two of the wheel there arrived the disaster of Pearl Harbor and the fall of Singapore .
结果在历史 的 车轮 旋转一、两周之后,就发生了珍珠港的灾难和新加坡的沦陷。
From there basic exchanges emerged increasing the scale of ad sales and real-time exchanges have become the latest turn of the wheel .
在此基础上,形成最基础的交易平台,扩大广告销售规模,由此,实时交易平台如今已成长为 互联网广告行业新的 有生力量。
The driver averted an accident by a quick turn of the steering wheel .
那司机 急转方向 盘,避免了一次意外事故的发生。
美[ði tɚn ʌv ði hwil]英[ðə tə:n ɔv ðə hwi:l]