the year before last

[ði jɪr bɪˈfɔr læst][ðə jə: biˈfɔ: lɑ:st]


  • On the back of a surge in bank loans to government-mandated infrastructure projects fixed-asset investment rose sharply in March compared with the year before while growth in industrial production also accelerated last month .

    流向政府指定基建项目的银行贷款激增,在此推动下,3月份固定资产投资与 去年 同期相比出现大幅上升,而工业产出增长也有所提速。

  • LTD of low last pins Abram as last year than the year before By rivers are low cross the guangdong zhushanxia county with customers most times last year they say not only can not sell out a bad .

    以盛产低价兰、杂交兰为主 广东 翁源去年来往客商多数倍,他们说不怕卖不出,只怕种不好。

  • The year before last I said that company political instructors could be somewhat older with more accumulated experience and the ability to do meticulous ideological work .

    前年我就讲 ,连指导员的年龄可以稍大一点,多积累些经验,可以做细致的思想工作。

  • That still left overall consumer expectations in the survey at their best levels since January 2007 a year before the last recession began .

    即便如此,调查中总的消费者预期依然处于2007年1月以来的最好水平,而那时是 次衰退开始的

  • There had been a high tide the year before last but last year saw a let-down .


  • The year before last they went into the cornfield and .


  • His brother was chosen as our manager the year before last .


  • His grandfather died the year before last .

    他爷爷是 前年去世的。

  • The year before last when I visited the No.2 Motor Works with Comrade Chen Pixian one of the deputy directors showed us around . I was very impressed with him .


  • She still remembers being in hospital the year before last .

    她仍然记得 前年医院。

  • The cashier from her untimely Plaid old on the skirt it recalls a year before New Year 's Eve the last guests .

    女掌柜从她那身不合时令的花格呢旧裙装上,一下就回忆起一 除夕夜那 最后 位客人。

  • The skyscraper being built is still higher than that built the year before last .

    正在建的那幢摩天大楼比 前年那幢还高。

  • For instance both the regime we set up in the Hunan-Kiangsi border area the year before last and the one we set up in western Fukien last year were the product of this policy of concentrating our troops .

    例如我们 前年干的 湘赣边界政权,去年干的闽西政权⑿,都是这种兵力集中政策的结果。

  • The year before last our class made a survey of the local dialect there .


  • It was the year before last that he went to Xizang Tibet w_13 .


  • The state debt investment of last year continued to strengthen infrastructure and increased investment in industrial upgrading and science and technology progress and education infrastructure compared with that of the year before last .

    去年国债投资 继续加强基础设施建设的同时,与 前年相比,增加了对产业升级和科技进步,以及教育基础设施的投入。

  • There was heavy snow in these parts the year before last .

    前年 带有大雪。

  • Since I came to this school the year before last .

    我是 前年来这所学校 开始学英语的。

  • The year before last he win a gold medal and the year before that he win the silver .

    前年赢得一枚金牌,大前年赢得 枚银牌。

  • The year before last summer I eventually succeeded in my entrance to university .


  • Tom hasn 't left here since the year before last .


  • The year before last I became her new neighbor .


  • My mother had heart failure the year before last .

    我母亲 前年曾经发生心力衰竭。

  • They were in fashion last year and the year before last .

    它们在去年和 前年时兴。

  • Li Hua after beating Wang Chao at the University Sports Federation year before last becomes the best tennis player .

    李华在 前年 大会 击败了王超,成为全校最好的网球运动员。

  • A colleague got 12 candles the year before last .

    我有个同事, 前年 收到了12个香烛。

  • He was a worker the year before last .
