the odds are that

[ði ɑdz e(r) ðæt][ðə ɔdz ɑ: ðæt]


  • We 'll call Chicago and notify them of the situation . yeah the odds are that where he is .

    我会通知芝加哥方面, 事情告诉他们。他 什么地方呢?

  • The odds are five to one on that horse .

    匹马 赔率 一。

  • If you 're conservative in outlook the odds are you will dress that way too .

    如果你 个观念保守的人, 可能在穿衣上也保守。

  • The odds are that if America imposed tariffs on China under the bill 's provisions China could successfully bring a complaint against America at the WTO .

    吊诡 如果美国根据货币法案的条款对中国施加关税惩罚,中国就能成功的在WTO提起一项针对美国的投诉(申诉)。

  • IF YOU are a German the odds are that one day you will be mocked at the tiny PrimeTime Theatre in Wedding a goulash of a neighbourhood in Berlin .

    如果你是个德国人,你说不定哪天会成为《黄金时段剧场》节目里嘲弄的对象。这个广播站位于柏林 威丁区的节目在当地颇受欢迎。

  • The odds are massively stacked against the apes but if they fail to perform like the children the invariable conclusion is that they lack the mental capacities under investigation .

    因此取胜 形势 类来说 极其不利的,但是如果它们未能像人类儿童表现的那么好,结论始终都是它们缺乏研究人员所调查的心智能力。

  • The odds of getting caught are low of being prosecuted lower still and of being convicted almost nil . that I 'm gonna be fine .

    被逮住 几率 低,遭起诉的 几率更小,被定罪的 几率几乎为零。

  • But when a company is already unhealthily indebted creditors resemble owners ; the odds of bankruptcy are rising so bondholders also face the danger that their cash receipts may stop .

    但当一家公司的负债情况已达到不健康水平,债权人就与所有者类似了;破产 可能性 上升,因此债券持有者也面临着拿不回钱的危险。

  • The odds are that you are going to fail .

    你很 可能会失败。

  • The odds are ten to one that her horse will win the race .

    她的马获胜 可能性 十分之一。

  • So the odds are that this will be a change election & which means that it 's very much Mr.

    因此, 机会 可能会是一场“改变”的选举 这意味着很可能奥巴马的选举失败。

  • So the odds are that any good economic news you hear in the near future will be a blip not an indication that we 're on our way to sustained recovery .

    于是, 最大 可能 在不远的将来你所听到的经济新闻都将只是信号,而不是显示我们正步入复苏的迹象。

  • Nobody knows what the pay rise will be but the odds are that it will be in the order of five per cent .

    没有人知道工资将会增加多少,但 可能 5%左右吧。

  • Hoffa ? What are the odds of that ? - what are the odds of that ?

    霍夫曼反应如何?- 什么反应如何?

  • If unknown users can access your web application the odds are almost certain that malicious users will try to gain unauthorized access to your application .

    如果未知用户可以访问您的web应用程序, 几乎可以确定恶意用户将尝试获取对您的应用程序的未经授权的访问。

  • The odds are that he will fail his examination .

    多半 通不过这次考试的。

  • But the odds are that the comeuppance can be delayed .

    不过 债市 应得的惩罚可能会延迟到来。

  • Look around most boardroom tables and the odds are that everyone there is male .

    四顾一下大多数的董事会 可能在座的每个人都是男性。

  • Though Cohen was unable to provide comment for the story odds are good that he and his superiors are pleased with the deal ; he has since been promoted to partner .

    尽管科恩未能对 本文置评, 可能他及其上级对该交易很满意;科恩随后晋级为合伙人。

  • Through the specific data simulation the parameter estimations of cumulative odds model and the logistic model are compared . At last the paper illustrate that when the classification is appropriate the analyses of the two models are very similar .

    通过具体数据进行模拟,对比 累积 模型和Logistic模型 参数估计, 说明了在分类适当的情况下,得出的两种模型的分析结果很相似。

  • However if the team always works from the top of the list down the odds are high that the team has always been working on the most important items for the release .

    然而,如果团队始终按照从上到下的顺序开发列表上 内容 那么团队将始终能够优先完成发行版中最重要的内容。

  • The odds are THAT is the very thing you need to do .

    问题在于, 件事 恰恰 你需要去做的。

  • So the odds are good that he 's left the state .

    所以他 可能已经离开 纽约州了。

  • The odds are that it will rain this afternoon .

    今天下午会 下雨 可能性

  • If you drive a car all your life the odds are that you 'll have an accident at some point .

    如果你一辈子开车 你有 可能在某时某刻发生车祸。