the narrow way

[ði ˈnæro we][ðə ˈnærəu wei]


  • Ged and Arren went through the narrow streets alone though a few times they saw a figure at the turning of another way distant and hardly to be seen in the gloom .

    Ged和 Arren独自穿过 狭窄的街道,曾有几次,他们仿佛在街道的拐角处看到人影,那么远,在昏暗中看不真切。

  • For rescuing philosophy from the narrow professionalism we need to advocate regaining the presence and practicing philosophy as a way of life .

    要重新恢复哲学 活力,需要倡导 重回在场,进而倡导将哲学作为一种生活 方式来实践。

  • Within the range of all uncertain factors being narrow it is an ideal way for us to replace it with the total differentiation method .

    在诸因素变动幅度 不大的条件下,代之以全微分法是一个理想的 选择

  • In addition the scope of the provisions in relevant laws and regulations on compensation is narrow in the way of compensation is unity and the compensation standard is low . All of the provisions lead farmers can not maintain the original standard of living .

    加上相关法律法规对补偿的范围规定 狭小,补偿 方式单一并且补偿的标准低,这些规定导致农民无法维持原有的生活水平。

  • The higher art education in our country must step out the narrow rang of the professional art institute and must attempt actively a new way of running school in higher art education .

    我国的高等艺术教育必须走出专业性艺术学院 狭小天地,积极尝试在综合性大学中发展高等艺术教育新的办学 思路

  • In view of the different natures between act of commission and common civil delegation the author undertakes a judicial interpretation on the forbidden provision of the commission in a narrow way so as to preserve the validity of articles on guaranteed minimal profit .

    针对金融理财活动中委托行为与普通民事委托活动本质不同的问题,可以研究对《证券 》委托理财的禁止性规定作出 狭义 司法解释,以维护理财交易中保底条款的有效性。

  • They slipped out of the kitchen and down a narrow passageway to an uneven staircase which wound its way zigzagging up through the house .

    他们溜出厨房, 穿过 窄窄 过道,来到一段高低不平的楼梯前。

  • The space is too narrow for vehicles to make way for each other .

    地方太 不开车。

  • The city has razed acres of ancient neighborhoods of narrow alleys and low brick homes to make way for new construction .

    市已经夷平了数英亩古旧的 窄巷和低矮的砖房,为新工地 腾出空间。

  • He crossed the little river Crinchon and found himself in a labyrinth of narrow alleys where he lost his way .

    他走过了那条克兰松小河,在一条小街的 窄巷里迷失了 方向

  • The campus culture separate the broad sense and the narrow sense and the campus culture of broad sense be the total of a school existence way .

    校园文化有广义和 狭义 分,广义的校园文化是指学校存在 方式的总和。

  • Tyrion remembered the storm he 'd suffered crossing the narrow sea the way the deck had jumped beneath his feet the hideous creaking sounds the ship had made the taste of wine and vomit .

    提利昂想起了那个他在横渡 海时遭遇的风暴, 那种脚下的甲板的剧烈颠簸,船体发出的可怕的嘎吱声,葡萄酒和呕吐物的味道。

  • The development technical principle equipment structural characteristics and application cases of the technology of settling separation in narrow tilting upflow are described in a whole - sided way .

    全面 阐述了斜 流沉降分离技术的发展,技术原理,设备结构特征和应用事例。

  • Addressing executives from a cosy industry not used to new entrants he made bold predictions on the impact of multi-channel broadcasting . He attacked the narrow elites controlling television standing in the way of consumer choice .

    他对多频道广播的影响进行了大胆预测,抨击控制着电视产业 狭隘精英 妨碍了消费者的选择。

  • Urbanization and urban-rural income gap is the long-term stability of the negative relationship is to narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas the important way to promote balanced urban and rural development .

    而市民化则与城乡收入差距呈长期稳定 负向关系,是 缩小城乡收入差距,促进城乡统筹发展的重要 途径

  • There are worries overseas too for instance that the SEC will try to interfere with IFRS and interpret it in a narrow prescriptive way .

    对此,国外的企业同样也有他们的忧虑,例如证券交易 委员会会干涉国际财务报表准则或者从 狭义、惯例的 角度来对其进行理解。

  • Just like the CH pedals these are too narrow and too flat for my tastes they actuate in such a way as to get even narrower when moved to the limits of travel too .

    象CH踩的踏板这些是太 狭窄的,并且太平为我的口味,他们开动 就象变得更加狭窄,当也是移动向旅行极限。

  • In form of intangible assets corporations can pass the narrow channels which refers to threats in the way of their development and obtain permanent development .

    以基金会为媒介,不断实现有形资产和无形资产的相互转换,这就是企业 永续发展的制度 安排

  • Because of the wide and narrow of understanding of the property target and range of engineering there are two way of understanding of its reservation and the developing direction of discipline in project ethics .

    由于 工程的性质、对象和范围存在广 两种不同理解,从而也就在工程伦理学的学科定位和学科发展方向上出现了两 理解和两种 发展 进路

  • While the city transformation not only is an important means for achieving the economic and social transformation in China is also one important means to narrow the gap even an important way to realize common development at the present stage .

    而城市转型不仅是我国实现经济社会转型的重要抓手,也是城市自身谋求发展 缩小差距 重要手段,更是现阶段实现共同发展的重要 途径

  • Destiny never give us a chance to rest on the narrow way .

    命运永远不会给我们 安于一点 成就的机会;

  • Luoyuan Bay is one of the top six deep harbors in Fujian Province . It is located in the northeast coast of Fujian with the only narrow mouth at the northeast corner which is the only way to connect with open sea .

    罗源湾是福建省的六大深水港湾之一,位于福建省东北部沿海,属 口型 海湾,仅在东北角有一与外海连通的唯一 渠道&可门水道。

  • Together we can stand firm in trials and walk straight in the narrow way .

    手牵手,我们可以经受试炼,可以在 路上笔直前行。

  • She would lift the heavy bag load it on her narrow shoulders and carry it the long way home .

    她会搬起 沉重的包袱,放在 狭小的肩上,然后要扛很长的一段 才能回到家。

  • Very soon the coach was driving fast out of Paris and the people in the narrow streets had to run to get out of the way & if they could .

    很快马车就快速地驶出巴黎,人们不得不在 狭窄的街道上跑着给它 让路&如果他们能做到的话。

  • The traditional space for construction industry development is limited both to the implement stage of construction project and the build-up activities . There is a narrow way which is to elevate the efficiency and benefit for construction industry in that scope .

    在由工程项目实施期和从事 施工建造活动双重限制所定义的建筑业发展空间内,建筑业实现效率和效益提升的 路径 狭窄

  • Owing to the narrow field of view of single pushbroom imaging spectrometers one of a better way to enlarge total field of view is to combine multiple fields from several modules .

    由于单台推扫式相机(或成像光谱仪)视场 ,通常采用多个相机模块 进行视场拼接。