the Orient


  • San Francisco is generally known as the U.S. “ gateway to the Orient ” .

    旧金山是美国“通向 东方的大门”。

  • As a popular culture the Korean play develops from nationality to the orient even to cosmopolitan .

    作为一种流行文化, 韩剧从民族性到东亚性再到世界性,其影响已超越了文化本身的内涵。

  • This time I want to portray a cute Oriental girls a unique beauty of the Orient .

    这一次,我想描绘一个东方的可爱女孩,一种独特 东方美感。

  • Does everyone say Hong Kong is the Pearl of the Orient ?

    ,大家不是说香港是 东方之珠吗?

  • In these markets I breathed the smell of the Orient .

    在这些市场上,我感受到了 东方 国家的气息。

  • Hong Kong is the Pearl of the Orient ?

    香港是 东方之珠吗?

  • This is a key focal point in discussing the differences in personal relationships between the orient and occident .

    讨论 、西方人跟人之间 关系,这是一个关键性的焦点。

  • With our concerted efforts Hong Kong this Pearl of the Orient will shine even more brightly .

    在我们共同努力下,香港这颗 东方 珠必定能够光芒 再现,更形璀璨!

  • Most of our selections are very popular varieties grown in various regions in the orient .

    我们筛选的大多数品种,是在 东方多个区域内流行生长种植的品种。

  • The chrysanthemum is a popular flower which was introduced into America from the Orient .

    菊花是从 东方引进到美国的一种普遍种植的花。

  • Chinese creation is clangorous slogan from the orient .

    中国创造,那是来自 东方响亮的口号。

  • Richards led the effort in the Orient which uses the techniques to this day .

    理查兹带领努力在 东方 ,它使用的技巧这一天。

  • The Orient is rich in its crude petroleum .

    远东 地区盛产原油。

  • There are similar heated arguments between the rule of law and rule of virtue in the Orient and the Occident .

    关于法治和德治 争论在 东方和西方产生了相似的激烈争论。

  • I 'm afraid I bring disturbing news from the orient .

    我恐怕从 东方带回来一个令人困扰的消息。

  • Her famous books include Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile etc.

    她最著名的作品有 东方快车谋杀案》和《尼罗河上的惨案》等。

  • Seen from this angle the outline of this mountains can be seen clearly over the Orient sky .

    从这个角度观察,这座山脉的轮廓被 东方的天际衬托得格外分明。

  • The people in the Orient are mainly yellow or brown .

    东方 国家的人种主要是黄色的或棕色的。

  • Reflection on the Orient of Study Theory in Network Teaching

    对网络教学中学习理论 取向 思考

  • Once we land to board the Orient express you are free to go .

    一旦我们登上 东方快车,你就自由了。

  • I live in Hong Kong . It 's said to be the Pearl of the Orient shopping and food paradise .

    我生活在被称为 东方之珠的香港,这里是购物和美食天堂。

  • He returned to Spain still believing he had been on the verge of finding the way to the Orient .

    他最后回到了西班牙,但依然相信他已经快要找到通向 东方 航线了。

  • China and Japan are important nations of the orient .

    中国和日本是 东方重要的国家。

  • A Selected Analysis on the Study of Josephus Problem in the Orient ;

    本文旨在对中西医的比较研究中,尝试 李约瑟问题 做另一种回应。

  • They carried on trade in tea and spices with the orient .

    他们同 东方 国家做茶叶和香料 生意。

  • They love paintings from the Orient .

    他们喜欢来自 东方 绘画。

  • They are the Latins of the Orient .

    他们是 东方的拉丁人。

  • Introduced into United States from the Orient ; larvae feed on roots of sugarcane and other grasses .
