the salt of the earth

[ði sɔlt ʌv ði ɚθ][ðə sɔ:lt ɔv ðə ə:θ]


  • Christ chose an image which was familiar when He said to His disciples Ye are the salt of the earth .

    耶稣选择了一个我们熟悉的意象,当他对他的门徒们说:“你们是 大地 。”

  • They 're the salt of the earth those people .

    他们那些人是 社会 中坚

  • He 's the salt of the earth ; he 'd do anything to help anyone in trouble .

    他是个大 好人,他会尽力帮助有困难的人。

  • They think of themselves as the salt of the earth .

    他们自认为是 社会 中坚

  • Be the salt of the earth .

    别做 海绵,要做 大地

  • People said he was the salt of the earth .


  • Luke is the salt of the earth .

    卢克是个 诚实 人。

  • An honest hard-working man is the salt of the earth .

    诚实而勤劳的人是 社会 中坚 分子

  • This sexy new Bible went ' from strength to strength ' getting to ' the root of the matter ' in a language even ' the salt of the earth ' could understand .

    这本性感的新《圣经》不断壮大,用一种触及到问题实质的语言, 使 社会 中坚都能理解。

  • Ye are the salt of the earth .


  • The taxi driver who saved the drowning boy from the river is the salt of the earth .

    那个救 落水儿童的出租汽车司机是大学学习 榜样。

  • You can trust her she 's the salt of the earth .

    你可以信任她,她 这个人很 诚实

  • People like Bartow and Marianne are the salt of the earth .

    像巴托和玛丽安娜这样 人是社会 中坚

  • In this experiment the different total salt level different grain gradation artificial sample were compounded by use of the mixture of average design method to determine earth consistency limit .

    按混料均匀设计方法配制不同总 水平、不同颗粒级配的人工土样, 通过界限含水率试验测定 的稠度界限。

  • We no longer accept these country gentlemen who are so selfish as the salt of the earth .

    我们再也不承认这些如此自私的乡绅为社会 高尚 人。

  • She is really the salt of the earth .

    她确实是一个 品质 高尚 人。

  • In other words they ought to have been the salt of the earth or at least the glue that holds the company together .

    换言之,他们理应是公司 中坚力量,或者至少是能使公司上下团结的粘合剂。

  • You should not have cheated a girl like Xiao Li who has always been the salt of the earth .

    你不应该欺骗像小李那样连一点坏 心眼都没有 女孩子。

  • We no longer accept these country gentlemen as the salt of the earth .

    我们再也不承认这些乡绅为 社会 中坚 分子

  • On the formation of the moral dedication and remuneration system encouraging the salt of the earth . punishing the devilry man which is good for advancing civil moral diathesis .

    建立道德奉献与回报机制, 道德 高尚的人进行奖励,保障他们的道德权力,同时对那些恶行进行惩罚,这是提高培养公民的道德素质的有效途径。

  • They are no longer considered as the salt of the earth .

    他们再也不被认为是 社会 中坚 分子了。

  • The research shows that the casing load caused by the creep the salt rocks are inhomogeneous which is the highest in the direction of the minimum earth stress . Therefore it is greatly limited to calculate the casing external collapse load based on using overlying formation pressure .

    研究表明,非均匀地应力作用下, 岩蠕变产生的套管外载是非均匀的,在最小 地应力方向的套管外载最大,此时若按上覆地层压力计算套管外挤载荷局限性较大。

  • You are the salt of the earth ; but if its taste goes from the salt how will you make it salt again ? It is then good for nothing but to be put out and crushed under foot by men .

    你们是 。盐若失了味,怎能叫他再咸呢?以后无用,不过丢在外面,被人践踏了。