the same is true of


  • The same is true of the owl who always looks as if he were considering some important question .

    猫头鹰 也是 这样:总让人看起来好像猫头鹰老是在考虑很重要的问题的样子。

  • The same is true of the second of our human needs .

    人类的第二 需要 也是 合理的。

  • And the same is true of Amazon today .

    同样 说法今天 亚马逊 也是 成立

  • The new film is very boring and the same is true of its music .

    这部新电影相当枯燥,其中 音乐 也是 一样(枯燥)。

  • Macfarlane says that if Japanese people derive meaning only in relation to each other the same is true of Japanese art .

    麦克法兰表示,如果说只能从日本人彼此的关系中感觉到意义,那么日本的艺术 也是 如此

  • The same is true of the logical relations between the attributive clause and the anticipatory noun or clause .

    复杂多变 逻辑关系在定语从句和先行名词与先行 之间 体现同样 十分典型。

  • The same is true of my love for Peiping .

    我之爱 北平 近乎 这个

  • The same is true of all other good things .

    所有其他好的事物 同样 如此

  • The same is true of resumes that are pasted into the body of an email .

    粘贴到电子邮件正文中 简历, 同样 面临 类问题。

  • The same is true of his previous novel Cosmopolis & another frustrating book overall but one that to this reviewer 's mind contains some of the finest passages in all of Mr DeLillo 's work .

    他以前的一部小说很 类似,《国际都市》&另一部总体上给人以挫败感的小说,根据评论家的观点,小说中包含了 迪里罗先生的作品中写得最好的段落。

  • Who we are as a player lies in between and the same is true of Kwame Brown .

    我们都是在 之间循环的人, 真实 布朗同学 也是 这样的。

  • I believe the same is true of many other places too .

    我相信许多其他地方的 情况 也是 相同

  • The same is true of life after training can often make life wonderful .

    人生 也是 如此,历经磨练往往能造就精彩的人生。

  • The same is true of China several large cities with a powerful hegemony !

    也是 如此中国,一些大型城市,一个强大的霸权!

  • The same is true of water supply and sanitation services .

    供水和卫生服务方面 也是 如此

  • Practical medicine is and always has been an art and the same is true of practical analysis .

    医疗实践是,而且总是一门艺术,分析实践 同样

  • The same is true of many cases in life .

    生活中很多情况 如此

  • And if you tihk about it the same is true of the explanation of the vacuum .

    如果你仔细想一下, 和真空问题其实 一样的道理。

  • The same is true of all faux-fun pursuits : You can identify them by their wretched aftermath .

    一切假开心的追求 也是 这样:你用痛苦的后果能识别出它们。

  • The same is true of pursuing triumph badly in games because they are hopeless for life .

    例子 同样 适合于那种在游戏中 穷凶极恶地追求胜利的人,因为他们 生活失去希望。

  • The same is true of the contradictions between China and the imperialist powers other than Japan .

    中国和日本以外其他帝国主义国家之间的矛盾 亦然

  • However the same is true of almost any intellectual pursuit : philosophy is no different in this respect from physics literary criticism computer programming geology mathematics or history .

    然而,几乎任何学术追求, 如此:在这个方面,哲学与物理学、文学批评、计算机编程、地质学、数学或者历史并无不同之处。

  • Maybe not only for travel the same is true of life and many other things .

    也许,不只旅行,人生,以及人生中的许多事, 若是

  • The same is true of foreign keys like the one specified in the belongs_to association above .

    对外键来说也是 同样 ,就像上面那个定义了 belongsto关联一样。

  • Although the restrictions on the steering wheel of the wheel but it also guarantees the right way forward wheels The same is true of the rules of humanity .

    方向盘虽然限制了车轮,但却也保证了车轮正确的前进方向,规则对人类 也是 如此

  • Chinese study needs much practice ; the same is true of English learning .

    学习汉语需要大量实践,学习英语 也是 如此

  • In a sense I think the same is true of Beijing 's bid .

    在某种意义上,我想,北京申办奥运会 一样

  • Sound is intangible and the same is true of light .

    声音是无形的, 一样