the ghost of...


  • She stood in the doorway the ghost of a smile haunting her face like a cheap hotel sign .

    她站在门口, 一丝淡淡的微笑萦绕在脸上,像廉价旅店的招牌。

  • We have not the ghost of a chance of changing father 's will .

    我们 休想改变父亲的意愿。

  • The ghost of the revolution still affects many people 's mind today .

    革命 幽魂今天仍在影响许多人的心态。

  • I am the ghost of Christmas present .

    我是 圣诞老人的礼物。

  • But that is a matter for the ghost of Christmas yet to come .

    但这是未来 圣诞节 问题。

  • The hill was supposed to be haunted by the ghost of a leper .

    据说那个小山上经常有个麻风病患者 鬼魂在作祟。

  • Tell me about the ghost of the little boy .

    你知道关于 ,那个小男孩的什么事?

  • The ghost of the one you mercilessly trampled !

    那个曾被你无情践踏的人 鬼魂

  • She thinks that the ghost of Mary banner is killing people .

    她认为是玛丽班纳 鬼魂在杀人。

  • Man hollowing out a pumpkin is also engraved with a face point the ghost of the candle used to disperse ;

    男子挖空了南瓜又刻上点着一张脸,所使用的蜡烛驱散 鬼魂

  • He told me the ghost of his father appeared at his bedside .

    他告诉我 他父亲 阴魂出现在他的床边。

  • The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel .

    据说玛格丽特女士 鬼魂常在这个教堂出没。

  • And now I leave you with the ghost of Christmas yet to come .

    现在你要离开我随着 圣诞老人的降临。

  • Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy ?

    告诉我你是嫉妒 吗?

  • I am only the ghost of this business its substance vanished long ago ; and when I die its ghost will be laid .

    我只是这个商店 一个 幽灵 &它的实体很久以前就已消亡了。当我死了的时候,它的幽灵就被埋葬了。

  • The building was supposed to be haunted by the ghost of a leper woman .

    据说有个死于麻疯病的女人 幽灵经常在这座楼里出现。

  • ' I am the ghost of Christmas Past replied the spirit in a soft gentle voice .

    我是昔日圣诞 鬼魂,幽灵用柔弱、温柔的声音回答说。

  • I am the ghost of Warcraft past .

    我是魔兽 幽灵

  • Come in ! I am the Ghost of Christmas Present @ said a loud jolly voice .

    进来!我是现在圣诞节 鬼魂,一股宏亮、愉快的声音说道。

  • Well Hareton 's aspect was the ghost of my immortal love .

    是的,哈里顿的模样是我那不朽的爱情 幻影

  • Theseus : The Ghost of Sparta . Then what they say is true .

    特修斯:斯巴达 ,看来传说中确实有此事。

  • The ghost of a hanged poacher is said to haunt the manor house .

    据说一个吊死的偷猎者 鬼魂常在这个庄园里出没。

  • Lincoln 's wife Mary reportedly heard the ghost of Andrew Jackson Walters said .

    沃尔特说,林肯的妻子玛丽曾经说过她听到过安德鲁·杰克逊 发出来的声音。

  • They passed the ghost of a tall witch gliding in the opposite direction but saw no one else .

    他们与一个从对面游荡过来的高个子巫师 幽灵擦肩而过,但没有看见其他人。

  • The ghost of a woman appears and asks you to help her family .

    一个女人 鬼魂出现,并要求你帮她的家人。

  • Who can tell me the ghost of Thai movie starring material : dormitory .

    谁能告诉我泰国电影 宿舍》主演的资料啊。

  • Dean had heard about the ghost of the Grey Lady and we think it must be her .

    艾米说,迪恩曾经听说过 鬼魂灰女士的故事,我们觉得这一定就是她了。

  • He gave the ghost of a smile

    他露出 一丝微笑。

  • The ghost of a woman appears and tells you the trouble began on Johnny 's wedding day .

    一个女人 鬼魂出现,并告诉你的麻烦就Johnny的婚礼一天开始了。