For short radius horizontal sidetracking well this is especially true because it 's difficult to adjust in the relatively short interval and the horizontal section as long as several hundreds meters must be covered in the target area .
尤其是小半径大曲率开窗水平井,由于其井段较 短,调整余地小, 且水平段数百米的 长度均为靶区控制范围,若不解决精度问题,很难实现精确中靶。
Conversely the balance of payments of the host country is helped in the short run and may be hurt in the long .
反之,东道国的国际收支得益于 短期 , 而受害于 长期。
The days are short and the nights are long .
白天很 短 而且夜晚很 长。
No similar red mud catastrophe was seen before : that is why any kind of forecast about the short and the long term environmental impacts are uncertain .
类似这样的红泥灾害从来没有发生过,因此对于环境造成 的 短期 和 长期危害还不确定。
After all no one in her right mind goes around saying we believe in the short term and the long term be damned .
说到底,没有人愿意说,我们只相信 短期 , 长期就算做坏了也无 所谓。
The impact of Nominal effective exchange rate on domestic price is not one-to-one . The impact of the appreciation of RMB on the domestic price level is not significant in the short term and in the long run the impact is more significant than in the short term .
人民币升值在 短期内对国内价格水平的影响是不显著 的 ,在 长期中对国内物价水平的影响则要比短期中大的多。
In winter the days are short and the nights long .
冬天昼 短夜 长。
MRI showed that eight patients of ten patients had some abnormal signals of the short T1 and the slightly long T2 around superior vena cava resulting in lumen stenosis and two patients presented enhanced signals standing for flow stasis .
10例行MRI者8例见纵隔内等 短T1 、稍 长T2信号灶压迫上腔静脉壁致狭窄,2例见上腔静脉腔内稍短T1、长T2血流瘀滞高信号。
That too is an acute issue today as wealthy Americans do things that enrich themselves in the short run and harm everyone in the long run .
这是今天的一个尖锐问题,富裕的美国人做的事情, 短期 的发达自己 和 长远 的伤害大家。
From this perspective the author analyses the intra-industry trade 's benefit and brings forward rational strategies in the short run and in the long run to develop intra-industry trade in our country in order to raise the level of our country 's intra-industry trade .
从这一角度剖析产业内贸易的利益问题,使我国在 短期内 以及 中 长期内在发展产业内贸易上采取相应对策,以期提高我国产业内贸易水平。
Moderation in the short term and discipline in the long term should be the watchwords for fiscal policy .
短期财政政策口号应当是适度, 而 长期则应是约束。
When as now there is excess capacity in the private sector such public investments increase output and tax revenues in both the short term and the long .
当私人部门存在过剩产能时(比如现在),此类公共投资同时增加了 长期 和 短期 的产出和税收收入。
The characteristics of salary motivation are directness and high foreseeability . This kind of venture is comparatively small for managers but the short behavior is serious and not favorable to the long development of enterprises .
薪金激励的特点是直观、可预见性强,经营者的风险相对较小,但 短期行为严重 ,不利于企业 长远发展;
In the process of explicating this analysis he had utility dominant in the short run and cost of production in the long run .
在诉说这个分析过程中,他在 长期效用在 短期内 和生产成本优势。
The long arm and the partial short arm of chromosome 14 and the short arm and the partial long arm of chromosome 7 were painted by human chromosome 9 and 15 specific libraries respectively .
9号探针杂交到恒河猴14号染色体的长臂及部分短臂上;15号探针杂交到恒河猴7号染色体 短臂 及部分 长臂上;
If I had to give a snap judgment on the embryonic plan to save the euro I would say it is deflationary in the short term and inflationary in the long term the opposite of what is needed .
如果我必须对“挽救欧元”的初步计划做出一个快速判断的话,那么我 的观点是:它 短期会导致通缩 , 长期会引发通胀与我们需要的正好相反。
Second suboptimal credit allocation can harm economic growth both in the short and in the long run .
其次,不管是在 短期 还是 长期内,信贷分配没有实现最优化会危害经济增长。
In all cases chronic subaural hematomas were hyperintense on both T_1 and T_2 & weighted MRI . The responsible mechanisms for the short T_1 values and the long T_2 values of chronic subdural hematomas are discussed .
在MRI的T1和T2加权成像上,慢性硬脑膜下血肿均表现为高信号,结合文献讨论了慢性硬脑膜下血肿 短T1 和 长T2表现 的机理。
WASHINGTON – In his weekly address President Obama laid out his plans to address rising gas prices over the short and the long term .
来自华盛顿的消息-在本周演讲中,奥巴马总统阐述了如何应对 短期 和 长期 的油价上涨问题。
At both the short and the long SOA the predictive central symbolic cue produced a facilitative effect on the subsequent discrimination task in the 3-D condition and the difference between the two treatments was not statistically significant .
无论是 短SOA 还是 长SOA,3-D空间中预测性中央符号线索对后续辨认任务均产生了启动效应,且启动效应量不随SOA延长而变化。
Under sticky price unanticipated monetary expansion will stimulate the investment in the short run and increase the capital stock in the long run then bring along production and consumption and markedly magnify welfare effects of the expansive monetary policy at last .
在粘性价格时,扩张性货币政策在 短期刺激了投资活动 , 使资本存量出现了 长期的增长,从而带动了长期的生产和消费,最终大大加剧了扩张性货币政策的福利效果。
Conducting policy without such support is very difficult in the short term and unsustainable in the long term .
短期来看 ,在没有 国内支持的情况下推行政策难度极大, 长期来看则无法维持。
Before delving into the numbers it is worth emphasising why a bigger deficit in China would actually be a good thing both in the short term and the long term .
探究具体数字之前,我们有必要强调一下,为什么中国扩大财政赤字规模,无论从 长期还是 短期来看 ,其实是件好事。
How and why does a firm 's average-total-cost curve differ in the short run and in the long run ?
为何一个企业 的 短期平均总成本 和 长期平均总成本不一致?
The short day was spent and the long night had closed in .
短短的白昼已经过去 , 漫长的黑夜降临了。
Te output level is affected both in the short run and in the long run .
自然产出水平在 长期 和 短期都受到影响。
And it is going to recognise both the short term needs of the economy and the long term requirements of the country by a series of one-off fiscal initiatives designed to boost demand .
政府将通过推出一系列旨在刺激需求的一次性财政举措,来满足英国经济 的 短期需求 和国家 的 长期需要。
美[ði ʃɔrt ənd ði lɔŋ]英[ðə ʃɔ:t ænd ðə lɔŋ]