the other shop

[ði ˈʌðər ʃɑp][ðə ˈʌðə(r ʃɔp]


  • Do you wish to spread the scheme of plastic bag levy to other types of shop ?

    你会否希望胶袋徵费计划扩散至 其他更多的 商铺

  • This is the other great attraction of the true junk shop .

    这就是真正的旧 货店 一番魅力。

  • But they inhaled the smoke and forgot their prayers ; they rolled in the dust pounced on each other ran naked and burnt a Chinese shop .

    现在他们吸了这烟味,忘记了祷告:他们在尘土里跌滚, 互相攻击,并光着身子乱跑,还放火烧了一家华人 店铺

  • The design of cast in sit reinforced concrete frame structure is introduced in this paper . With the discussions on superstructure design foundation design of multistory frame buildings and other aspects author points out that the frame structure system is widely used in shop and office buildings .

    介绍了现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构设计,从多层现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构的上部设计、多层框架房屋地基基础设计 方面进行了论述,指出框架结构体系在 商场和办公楼中被广泛应用。

  • The pianos in the other shop will be cheaper but not as good .


  • On the other hand it provided comprises with many management functions such as the publish of traveling information the management of schedule information order management shop ` s application and so on .

    一方面,为企业用户提供旅游信息发布,旅游信息管理、订单管理、 店铺申请等管理功能。

  • It 's cheaper than the other shop but still expensive .


  • The other day I got a real USAF fighter pilot jacket at a second-hand shop .

    天,我得到了一个二手 真正的美国空军战斗机飞行员夹克。

  • And the last purpose of the game is to defeat other inns and become first in capital even peerless famous shop .

    而游戏的最后目的便是打败 其他客栈,成为京城第一,甚至天下第一的 名店

  • After decades development Beijing galleries have begun to take shape . Generally speaking gallery could divide into two parts one is modern gallery which carried out western proxy system the other continue the old tradition mode as a painting shop .

    北京画廊行业经过数十年的发展已经初具规模,总体来说画廊可分为两大类,一种是实行西方代理制度的现代意义的画廊,一种则是延续传统运作模式 画店

  • The same road also brings customers from other villages to his shop .

    此外条路还便于 其他村的顾客到他的 店里 东西

  • The other barber 's shop was very untidy .


  • The other is the newest film San qiang pai an jing qi ( A Woman A Gun And A Noodle Shop ) by Zhang Yimou whose classic Red Sorghum won the first Golden Bear for China in1988 .

    一部电影是张艺谋执导的《 三枪拍案惊奇》,张艺谋在1988年以《红高粱》为中国赢得第一个金熊奖。

  • Domestic consumers of imported wine increased on the other hand wine shop wine and liquor business chain of new sales channels increasingly rising the old pattern begins to impact to commercial supermarkets restaurants and other traditional terminal as the main body .

    一方面国内消费者对进口葡萄酒了解的增加,葡萄酒 专卖 、连锁酒行以及酒水电商等新兴销售渠道日益崛起,开始冲击以商业超市、酒楼等传统终端为主体的旧有格局。

  • The Economic Benefit and Other Information about Shanghai Cinque Savory Bean Shop

    上海 五香商店 经济效益

  • Instead the reverse is happening : as I cycled through Islington on my way home the other day I counted 17 estate agent shop windows in one street .

    然而事实正好相反:有一天我骑自行车穿过伊斯灵顿( Islington)回家,我数了数,在一条街上就有17 房地产经纪人 门店

  • The process specification language ontology-based representation of process plan information used can enable seamless integration of the scheduler and other heterogeneous information systems in a shop floor . A hybrid inductive learning-based scheduling knowledge acquisition algorithm was proposed .

    调度器还采用了基于工艺过程语言本体论的工艺规划信息表示方案,能够与 车间内部 其它异构信息系统无缝集成。研究了基于混合归纳学习的调度知识获取算法。

  • You guys closed the other shop and you 're all here ?

    你们这些家伙关了 ,你们都在这儿?

  • As the biggest technology company by sales HP now competes with every other IT shop that offers one-stop shopping for corporate buyers and consumers alike .

    作为销售额最大的科技公司,惠普现在同所有为企业和消费者提供一站式购买服务的IT 店铺竞争。

  • I like this jacket much better than the one I saw in the other shop .

    比起在 商店看到 夹克衫来,我更喜欢这一件。

  • Emerald and radiant orchid actually look good together Ms. Eiseman argues but the one is such an about-face from the other that it 's likely to encourage consumers to get out and shop in order to stay up to date .

    她认为翡翠绿与璀璨兰花紫搭配在一起其实很好看,但后者与前者 截然不同,所以它可能会促使消费者出门购置该色彩的 行头以便跟上潮流。

  • The two student interns'work this afternoon is to look for other organizations who can take over some of the donated items from the shop it 's already too much in the store .

    两个大学生今天下午的工作是,找 其他可以接受人们的二手物品的机构,因为,“ 商店”已经太满了。

  • Yes you should . I 'm sure it will be cheaper here than the other shop .

    是的,你应该 。我肯定这里比 商店 都便宜。

  • Her eldest daughter was in service and the other two worked in a shop .

    她的大女儿当佣人, 其余两个当 营业

  • I will now look at the other models as I need stock for my new shop if possible we can do some mixed car package if you like for better price ?

    现在,我会看看 其他车型,因为我需要为我的新 商店的股票,如果可能的话,我们可以做一些混合车包,如果你想更好的价格?