the pity is that...


  • The pity is that their happy days were soon over . A few weeks later the war broke out and they separated again .

    可惜 好景不常 几个星期以后战争爆发,他们又分手了。

  • Lots of people are willing to die for the person they love which is a pity for it is a much grander thing to live foy that person .

    许多人愿意为他们爱 人而死,这是 多么 可惜 因为为爱的人活下去才更伟大。

  • The pity is that it 's too short .

    遗憾 秋季太短。

  • The pity is that it was all completely unnecessary

    遗憾 完全没有必要。

  • Yet the pity is that it seems few people have paid enough attention to this aspect .

    遗憾 长期以来人们似乎并没有 该小说的时间 艺术给予充分的关注。

  • The pity is that Zakynthos is beautiful with some fine beaches and a record of extraordinary bravery during the second world war .

    令人 遗憾 Zakynthos岛非常迷人,这里一些海滩很美,而二战时期当地人民有着英勇非凡的表现。

  • The pity is that most of Qingdao and Chinese people cannot speak standard Chinese and most of the native speakers of English cannot speak their mother tongue in a standard manner either .

    遗憾 多数青岛人以及中国人都不能讲一口标准的汉语普通话,同样,多数以英语为母语的外国人也不能讲一口标准的英语。

  • The pity is that I have no chance to get even Unfortunately there is no such big idea on the horizon .

    遗憾 我没有报复的机会。遗憾的是还没有出现这样的好主意。

  • The only pity is that the Dallas Fed paper did not look at another curious and counter-intuitive recent development : namely that in the past year it seems that the flow of those unskilled Mexicans north has slowed if not stalled .

    唯一的 遗憾 就是 达拉斯联储的那份报告没有谈及最近另外一个奇怪的、违反常理的动向,即,过去一年来,那些低技能墨西哥人涌入美国的势头看上去有所放缓,甚至出现了停滞。

  • I deplore my classmates at the same time more like the boys that she felt pity that he will pay the price he is forever lost that love him and he loved the girl .

    我为我同学感到痛惜的同时,更为那个她喜欢 男孩感到 可惜,他将为他的行为付出代价, 就是永远的失去 那个爱他和他爱的女孩。

  • The pity is that internships can make a difference as a 2005 US study showed .

    遗憾 之处 在于 美国2005年的一份研究报告显示,实习有可能改变人生。

  • The pity is that you are not a prophet .


  • The pity is that it has taken the reality of decline to persuade them of the obvious .

    遗憾 两国直到实力衰落后才认识到这个显而易见的事实。

  • The pity is that the first auxiliary directrix after modification is generally expressed in an algebraic form because of the complexity of the vectorial expression .

    遗憾 ,由于其矩阵表达式 有些复杂 一般都将修改后的第一辅助准线表示为代数形式。

  • Yet the pity is that the design of art as a scientific subject lags far behind of economic research and still holds the idea of design for art 's sake which is a concept of blur design of art .

    遗憾 设计艺术学对于经济化研究严重滞后,还一直为艺术而设计,这是一种模糊设计艺术学的概念。

  • Thank you . The only pity is that we only got a bronze medal in the women ' 's 20km race walking .

    谢谢。唯一 遗憾 我们在女子20公里竞走中只得了块铜牌。

  • The pity is that the flight has been cancelled .

    遗憾 那个航班被取消了。

  • And the pity of it is that everything is in almost perfect order for the day 's work .

    使 惆怅 一切又仿佛已完全就绪,就等着当天开工了。

  • At present the life education in China has setting sail especially the middle and primary school life education have made some achievements but the pity is that university students ' life education have not yet received enough attention .

    目前,生命教育在我国已经扬帆起航,尤其是中小学的生命教育取得了一定的成效,但 令人 遗憾 大学生生命教育尚未引起足够的重视。

  • Of course due to the limited level there are inadequate the pity is that some relatively important factors so far found no specific quantification method model methods while not commonly used but not innovation .

    当然由于作者水平有限,难免有不足之处。 本文 遗憾 之处 在于有些相对重要的因素至今没有找到具体的量化方法,模型方法上虽然不常用但是没有创新之处。

  • The pity is that aside from Sir Richard Branson who is investing in alternative fuels there are no real British equivalents of Aloys Wobben .

    可惜 除了理查德布兰森爵士,谁是替代燃料的投资,有没有真正的阿洛伊斯Wobben英国等值。

  • The pity is that all the shipping space have is booked up .

    遗憾 所有舱位都已订出。

  • The pity is that you cannot come .

    可惜 你不能来。

  • The only pity is that such discipline is wasted on something so inward and pointless .

    唯一的 遗憾 在于 此类纪律被浪费在了如此内向且毫无意义的事情上。