the day of reckoning

[ði de ʌv ˈrɛkənɪŋ][ðə dei ɔv ˈrekənɪŋ]


  • What will you do on the day of reckoning when disaster comes from afar ?

    到降罚 日子,有灾祸从远方 临到,那时,你们怎样行呢?

  • For those manufacturers and importers who still refuse to modernize the day of economic reckoning is fast approaching .

    对那些依然拒绝顺应社会发展 潮流的制造商和进口商来说,他们 为此 付出 代价 日子正迅速来临。

  • Cheap money and capital flows fuel growth booms in the short run . But the day of reckoning always comes : those that borrow most suffer the biggest growth collapses from sudden stops of capital .

    短期内廉价货币和资金流动可以刺激增长,但 最后 审判 注定会到来:资金骤停会让举债最多的国家遭遇最严重的增长崩溃。

  • And assembled them on the first day of the second month reckoning them up by the kindreds and houses and families and heads and names of every one from twenty years old and upward .

    于二月一 召集了全会众,人 依照宗族和家系登了记,由二十岁以上的,都 一一将姓名登了记。

  • That 's the day of personal reckoning .

    那时就 了个人 清算 日子

  • In China projects like the South-North Water Diversion Project just delay the day of reckoning .

    在中国,像南水北调这样的工程项目只能推迟 总帐 日子

  • The day of reckoning could likely be delayed at least until early July with creative bookkeeping .

    清算 日子可能可能会延迟至少直到七月初和有创造性的代理记帐。

  • The day of reckoning has now arrived .

    眼下, 清算 日子到了。

  • Right now the Fed is delaying the day of reckoning and in the process exporting the US 's problems by adopting policies that intentionally or not weaken the dollar .

    目前,美联储正在拖延 最终 算账 ,并在这个过程当中,有意或无意地采取允许美元走软的政策,从而将美国的问题转移至国外。

  • The country has lived with chronic debt for years and like Mr Berlusconi it has always managed to avoid a day of reckoning .

    国多年来一直背负着长期债务,像贝卢斯科尼一样,也总是能躲开 直面问题的

  • What though of the fearful Day of Reckoning ?

    但是,什么是可怕 审判

  • A verifiable market-based trigger makes it impossible for a regulator to delay the day of reckoning .

    一个基于市场的可核实的触发条件,令监管机构不可能再推迟 摊牌 时间

  • He believes there is a limit to how long consumers can put off the day of reckoning .

    他相信,消费者 拖延 最后 算帐 的时间 有个限度。

  • But cheap goods from China – coupled with US monetary and fiscal policies that were locked into pro-growth settings – postponed the day of reckoning .

    但来自中国的廉价商品,加上美国坚定的促增长货币和财政政策,推迟了 清算 到来

  • The day of reckoning had not yet come for him .

    报应 日子还没有来到。

  • The US with the world 's largest economy and reserve currency may be in a position to ramp up its debt in a similar fashion and push that nasty day of reckoning ever further into the future .

    凭借 全球规模最大的经济及(美元的)储备货币地位,美国或许也能以类似的方式举债,并把令人头疼的 算账 不断推迟。

  • The day of reckoning has been postponed yet again .

    总账 日子再一次推迟了。

  • The period of low interest rates in 2001 forestalled the day of reckoning for the consumer and that set up a much larger consumer debt bubble William Cunningham global head of credit strategy at State Street Global advisors said .

    “2001年的低利率迟滞了消费者 结算的时间,并且催生了一个更大的消费信贷泡沫,”道富环球投资管理(statestreetglobaladvisors)信贷策略部门全球主管 威廉坎宁安(williamcunningham)说。

  • The risk however is this simply delays the day of reckoning .

    但问题是,这么做只是推迟了 最终 清算 到来

  • The day of reckoning will come when the high economic growth rate finally falters .

    经济高速增长最终难以为继时, 灾难就将来临。

  • The obvious risk is that when a real day of reckoning does arrive it will be that much tougher .

    显而易见的风险是,如果 总账 真正来临,情况会变得严峻得多。

  • But that only delayed the day of reckoning .

    但这只能推迟 摊牌 时间

  • If so the Assads have one choice left which is how much blood to spill to delay their day of reckoning .

    若是这样,阿萨德政府就只剩下一个选择:为了推迟他们的 最后 审判 ,还需要流多少血。

  • We merely put off the day of reckoning .

    我们只是推迟 赎罪 日子

  • Marc Faber of the Gloom Boom & Doom newsletter was also among those calling for a day of reckoning in China 's housing market last year .

    马克法•伯尔,创立“忧郁,繁荣与死亡”时事通讯,也是去年要求对中国房地产市场进行 清算的那些人中的一

  • The day of reckoning is coming for the water company directors .

    自来水公司的主管们 算账 日子就要到来了。