working expenses


  • Everyone worked hard but like ants but the value of working there ? Just for living expenses and so all out to work ?

    所有人辛勤地工作,像蚂蚁一样,可是, 工作的价值却在那里呢?仅仅是为了得到生活的 费用,值得这么整日劳碌地拼命吗?

  • Research results : From this paper we know that the shield system is less than the open / shut ventilated system in the working expenses .

    研究结果:由比较结果得出,在设备 运行 费用上,屏蔽门系统要低于开闭式系统;

  • With the development of information technology to carry out the online training of cadres can balance cadres ' learning against their working saving training expenses and achieving customized training .

    随着信息技术发展,利用网络开展干部在线培训,可有效解决干部学习的 工学矛盾、节约培训 资金、实现全员化个性化培训,是面授培训的有益补充。

  • To insure as against loss . Foreign social security premiums paid by enterprises to employees working in China shall not be itemized as expenses .

    企业不得 列支其在中国境内 工作的职工的境外社会保险费。

  • It is important to have enough working capital to carry the company through times when expenses are immediate and receipts are delayed .

    拥有足够的 周转资金,带领公司度过 支出迅速而进账缓慢的时期很重要。

  • The content of the investigation included institutional settings the team construction training exercises equipment and reserves working expenses and reserves etc. The evaluation index was constructed to analysis the current situation of health emergency work by using SAS statistical software .

    调查内容包括机构设置、队伍组建、培训演练、装备和储备、 工作 经费和储备金等情况。

  • Telemedicine compared with conventional medical model has its advantages in such aspects as modernization of doctors ' working style better health care for population control of medical expenses improvement of doctors ' professional skills medical information administration and so on .

    远程医学在医生 工作方式的现代化、使人们享有更好的医疗保健、控制保健 费用、提高医生业务水平、管理就诊者的医疗信息等方面具有传统医疗方式无可比拟的优点;

  • Or maybe your grades were low because you were working a job to pay off college tuition or living expenses .

    你的成绩低也有可能是因为你不得不去 打工挣学费或生活

  • It also said that it was working closely with TPG to improve procurement and supply chain management cut expenses and focus on strengthening its core brand .

    该公司还表示,它 正在和tpg紧密配合,改善采购和供应链管理,削减 费用,专注于强化核心品牌。

  • The fall came even though European nations have assembled a $ 1 trillion rescue package and are working to slash expenses to reduce their debts .

    尽管欧盟国家达成高达1万亿美元的援救计划,并且 努力试图削减 支出从而减少负债,亚洲股市还是出现下跌。

  • In the second part of the study we propose four policy suggestions to improve operational status of NCMS in Shandong province involving adjusting reimbursement program reforming payment method enhancing funding criteria and providing enough working expenses to administrative organization .

    新型农村合作医疗运行情况分析本部分研究提出合理调整补偿方案,改革支付方式,进一步提高筹资标准和切实保障新农合经办机构 工作 经费来改善山东省新农合运行状况。

  • Objective : Analyzed the distribution of medical expenses in curing batch of combined burn-shock injury to provide the evidence for working out the expenses standard in wartime and peacetime .

    前言:目的:分析成批烧冲复合伤病员救治的经费使用分布情况,为 制订平战时同类伤员救治 费用标准提供依据。

  • Working ratio cash working expenses divided by operating revenues expressed as a percentage .

    营业 费用比率即现金 经营 费用除以营业收入,以百分比表示。

  • As an economic variable having the function of automatic adjustment on the working of economy the expenses and receipts of social security has been called one of the three means to adjust the economic fluctuation .

    社会保障 收支作为一种经济变量对经济 运行具有自动调节功能,被誉为调节经济波动的三大手段之一。