worry through

[ˈwɚri θru][ˈwʌri θru:]

设法应付下去, 熬过去干完

  • But analysts and investors still worry over what is known as the wall or cliff of maturities that runs from 2012 through 2014 .

    但分析师和投资者仍 担心从2012年 2014年出现债券到期的“障碍”或“悬崖”。

  • I think it is the fear of the treatment more than the cancer itself that is their biggest worry and they go through all that pain .

    我想对治疗本身的恐惧可能比对癌症的 恐惧都大,放疗和化疗带来 太多痛苦。

  • A great dying is also a scenario that financial analysts should worry about as another man-made disaster the subprime mortgage crisis works its way through the global financial system .

    随着另一场人为灾难次贷危机在全球金融体系中 肆虐,“大灭绝”也是金融分析师们应该 担忧的一幕。

  • Don 't worry . you 'll just sail through .

    担心,你会轻易 过关的。

  • Don 't worry guys I 'm just passing through I called gently .

    “不要 担心,伙计们,我只是 经过而已,”我轻轻喊了一声。

  • The advantage to this system is that you never need to worry about tearing effects in animations caused by updating the screen contents partway through a frame .

    对于这个系统来说,优点是您永远都不需要 担心更新屏幕内容时 一帧中间导致动画产生“撕裂”效应。

  • That is don 't worry if any given object creation fails as long as progress is being made per iteration through the list of objects to be restored .

    因此,如果任何给定对象的创建失败了,那么不 担心,只要能够继续 遍历要恢复的对象的列表。

  • Blair : Don 't worry virgin . I 'll talk you through it .

    担心,小处女。我会和你谈话,帮你 克服罪恶感的。

  • Many German people have to do with unwanted gifts and worry about but the Chinese people have the unique commercial channels through successfully resolved the problem .

    许多德国人都为如何处理不需要的礼物而 发愁,但是中国人却 通过特有的商业渠道成功解决了该问题。

  • Don 't worry . we 'll get through it .

    担心,我们会有 抬头的一天的。

  • Don 't worry ; the remainder of this article walks you through these steps one by one .

    不要 担心,本文的其余部分将 逐一介绍这些步骤。

  • Don 't worry to much about lines . I just want to walk you through part of act i.

    “别 过于 担心台词,我只是想把第一幕的一部分给你示范 一下。”

  • Analysts worry however that official data may not capture the full picture as much of the credit to the real estate sector goes through the informal or shadow banking sector .

    但分析师们 担心,官方数据可能没有反映房地产信贷的全貌,因为许多信贷 来自非正规渠道或所谓的影子银行。

  • The security of E-commerce are also issues that people always worry about have only to ensure the safety of online shopping users can rest assured that through e-commerce shopping .

    电子商务的安全问题也是人们一直 担心的问题,只有保证了网上购物环境的安全,用户才能放心地 通过电子商务购物。

  • Moreover even if the introduction may raise the worry of excessive deterrence the worry can be effectively relieved through specific constraints on the application system .

    何况,即使是该制度的适用可能产生的过度威慑等弊端, 通过具体制度适用方面的一些限制加以消除。

  • Don 't worry about your driving test you 'll skate through .

    你的驾驶考试 担心,你会顺利 通过的。

  • Tellingly the government 's only worry about the deal is that it could lead to a back-door introduction of heavy-handed American-style Regulation-A threat it will block through a change in the law .

    显然地,政府 担心的是如果交易成功,将会导致引进美国式的严厉监管方式英国政府可能会修改法律 阻止此项交易。

  • The worry my walk through the night and the morning 's revelations had exhausted me .

    心中的 焦虑,夜来的 奔波,早晨听到的消息,这一切已使我精疲力竭。

  • But don 't worry : Though modern life seems to be the perfect breeding ground for anxiety such disorders can be effectively treated through regimens of exercise and subtle changes in lifestyle .

    但不要 担心:虽说现代生活似乎是焦虑滋生的温床,但 通过运动调养加上生活方式的轻微改变,这种失调是可以得到有效治疗的。

  • Don 't worry Warren Brady finally said . We 'll get through this .

    担心,沃伦,布雷迪最后说道:我们能 度过 难关

  • This research is trying to discover the educational secret worry of temporary teachers ' present conditions and country education through their work and life in Jingyuan County Gansu Province .

    因此,本研究 通过甘肃省靖远县代课教师工作、生活透视,试图揭示代课教师的生存现状以及乡村教育的 隐忧

  • There is no need to worry about the'How'because the'How'will be attracted to you through the use of your subconscious mind power .

    没有必要 担心'如何',因为'如何'会被吸引到你的潜意识心灵的力量, 通过使用您的。

  • She said for me not to worry she would dig through her pennies if she had to get us home .

    她要我不要 担心,如果有必要,她会尽全力让我们回家的。

  • I worry about whether he can pass through the crisis of his illness .

    担心他是否能 度过疾病的危险期。

  • Let us not worry about the clouds but sing because May flowers are brought to us through the April clouds and showers .

    所以,我们不要 黑云 烦恼罢,我们应当歌唱,因为五月里的花草,是四月里的云雨带给我们的。

  • Some worry that China might go through political insecurity as its economic development accelerates .

    担心中国随着经济发展加速会 经历政治不稳定。

  • The short answer yesterday was that they chose not to worry pushing the dollar down through key levels .

    昨天的市场给出了简短答案:交易员也选择不 担心,于是美元向下 突破了关键点位。

  • Some however worry that this accident of British geography may have colouredTesco 's view of the ready meals it is proposing to sell through its Fresh & Easy stores in America .

    然而,某些人 担心英国地理上的巧合有可能让乐购公司高估 新鲜轻松店和现成饭在美国的前景。

  • However some worry that falling retail prices could eventually have a negative impact on the environment through higher levels of car ownership .

    然而,一些 担心零售价的下跌最终 高水平的汽车拥有者中也会产生负面的影响。