working steam pressure

[ˈwə:kɪŋ stim ˈprɛʃɚ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ sti:m ˈpreʃə]


  • According to the experiment the pressure of exit hot water was more or less higher than the entrance working steam the maximum is up to 1.5 times . The effect of pressure gain was well proved . This was in good agreement with the theoretical analysis .

    实验所得的增压换热器的出口热水压力均不同程度高于入口 工作 蒸汽 压力,最高时可达1.5倍左右,很好的证明了该 喷射 增压效果,和理论分析吻合较好。

  • The developed device can respond to the change of vapor-to-water ratio directly and can be used in small working space in the steam with high temperature and pressure .

    研制的测量装置直接对汽液两相流的比例变化产生响应,能够应用于高温 高压及狭窄 工作空间的输 环境中。