working table

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈtebəl][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈteibl]


  • The paper analyses the influence of the working table of punching machine on the life time of die and gives some useful measures to solve it .

    对影响 冲模寿命的因素进行分析,提出改进措施,实施后达到了预期效果。

  • Open moving T-column structure is used in the whole layout together with tray – typed working table exchanging system and advanced machine tool .

    整体布局采用开放式动柱T型结构,托盘式 工作 交换系统,机床结构先进。

  • By some usages of working table function in EXCEL on probabilistic statistics this paper sets forth another method of seeking to prove the probability on random events .

    本文通过EXCEL中有关概率统计方面的几个 工作 函数的用法,论证了求随机事件概率的一种新方法。

  • It is most suitable to apply to machine tools or other precise machinery rotary working table or graduated disc .

    该轴承特别适用于机床或其他精密机械的旋转 工作 或分度盘。

  • Adopted push-draw working table detachable separate operation labor-saving operation fast printing .

    采用推拉式 工作 台面,可拆分开作业,操作省力,承印速度快。

  • The paper describes adopting three stepping motors which have been carefully divided to drive working table moving along X 、 Y directions to make fixed position of the workpiece correctly so that the automatic measurement is to be realized .

    描述了采用三个步进电机经过细分后驱动 工作 沿X、Y方向移动来准确定位工件,实现了自动化测量。

  • How to improve the rotation speed running accuracy equipment efficiency and process precision of the working table of heavy type numerical control process equipment and how to enhance its competition in international market is one of the most urgent missions at present .

    如何提高大型数控加工设备 工作 的转速、旋转精度、加工效率和加工精度,提高国际市场竞争力是目前非常迫切的任务之一。

  • The optimal working status shall be such when the maximum acceleration is acquired by the working table .

    工作 获得最大加速度的状态即为最佳工作状态。

  • The pa-per introduces emphatically the integral-type anti-interference portable working table and makes a forecast on the development of its applications .

    侧重介绍了整体式防干扰活动 作业 平台,并对其应用前景进行了预测。

  • Research on Positioned Measuring Accuracy or Flatness of Machine Tool 's Working Table

    机床 工作 平面度定位测量精度的研究

  • This paper introduces the control principle of denotation gas spraying ( DGS ) and the design of working table and torch 3 - dimensional traveller controlled by IPC .

    介绍了工件爆炸喷涂时的控制原理和由计算机控制的工件 转台及枪体三维行走机构的设计,并阐述了其结构和 工作原理。

  • The heating of asphalt is achieved by a non-contacting far infrared heater instead of the traditional contacting heater which improves the heating efficiency and safety factor and reduces the pollution to the working table .

    沥青的加热方式为非接触式的远红外加热,改变了传统的接触式加热,提高了加热效率和安全系数,减少了对 生产 机台的污染。

  • The Design of NC Working Table

    数控 工作 的设计

  • The working table has a simple structure high resolution of displacement and can achieve two-way motion .

    整个微位移 工作 结构简单,位移分辨率高,且能够实现双向可控运动。

  • The machine working table fault is diagnosed using Belief rule-base method .

    采用基于置信规则库的方法对数控铣床伺服系统的 工作 进行故障诊断。

  • Numerical simulation of solidification for working table casting has been carried on by finite element method . Transient temperature distribution and temperature gradient distribution contours are obtained .

    采用有限元技术对 工作 铸件凝固过程温度场进行了数值模拟,得到了瞬态温度场和温度梯度场分布图。

  • Extension working table placing the installation of the workpiece conveniently .

    加长 工作 ,利于工件的安装放置。

  • Position of upper clip and angle of working table all can be adjusted flexibly which enhance the conformability for sawing plate .

    诚实地进行交流,表明你是一个灵活的、于适应环境的职员。上卡头位置, 工作 角度都可灵活调节定位,使锯板适应性更强。

  • The special glue-scrapping and small absorbing device can be mounted on working table to reduce the amount of gas in glue inspired by workers .

    工作 台面可加装,特殊刷胶吸胶味装置,减少擦胶人员吸取胶味。

  • On the structure it is developed the emphasis on machine guide working table and wheel dresser .

    在结构上重点改进了机床导轨、 工作 和砂轮修整器。

  • Micro motors Controlling the Working Table in Micro - operating System

    微细作业系统 工作 的微电机驱动控制

  • Principle and Method of Adjustment Working Table

    可调式 工作 的调整原理和调整方法

  • The biggest advantage of this software lies in that it is designed to control the processing by galvanometer coordinating with the working table .

    该切割软件突出之处在于采用振镜和 工作 联合协调加工;

  • Structure analysis to the components of rotary working table in the machining center

    加工中心回转 工作 部件的结构分析

  • On the basis of the principle and methods of designing simulated courseware this article develops four sets of simulated surveying courseware on the best working table of software for courseware designing of surveying instrumental optical theory .

    本文使用制作测量仪器光学原理课件的最佳 制作 平台,应用模拟式课件的制作原理和方法,制作了四例模拟式测量课件。

  • Furthermore the influence of displacement rate of working table on load capacity and stiffness is studied for capillary restriction as the parameter .

    并以毛细管节流系数为参数,探讨 工作 位移率对于承载及刚度的影响。

  • These facilitate the working table loading and unloading process ; especially indicated for heavy and big panels .

    这些设备便利了一个 工作 装载和卸载过程,尤其对重的和大型的木板。

  • We use the high speed output function and special function black of PLC to realize to control the working table to move by rule and line .

    工作台控制则通过采用PLC的高速输出口和PLC特殊摸块功能技术,实现了 工作 的精密控制。

  • Research on Micro Positioning Characteristic and Error Compensation for Working Table

    工作 微定位特性分析及误差补偿研究