working form

[ˈwə:kɪŋ fɔrm][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ fɔ:m]


  • Through this paper it hopes to design a reasonable set of young employees incentive scheme design stimulate the enterprise youth the staffs working enthusiasm form the incentive mechanism effectively guide the direction of young worker also hope to inspire the development to other enterprises .

    通过本文研究,希望能设计出一套合理的青年员工激励方案设计,激发企业青年员工的 工作热情, 形成激励机制,有效地引导青年职工的努力方向,也希望能对其他企业发展有所启示。

  • The working module : Form follows function

    有效的模块: 形式取决于功能

  • Propose the system energy efficiency model of the energy-using equipment working in the form of systems optimization goals and optimization methods of system energy efficiency at different loads .

    提出了建筑中以系统 形式 工作的用能设备的系统能效模型,不同负荷时系统能效的优化目标和优化方法。

  • Wherever the rock mass structures are located groundwater always permeates through weak structure zones and may break through a key stratum and burst abruptly into working faces and form water inrush .

    不论岩体结构如何,地下水总是寻找采掘小区域内的构造软弱带,突破其中的关键部位(层),而 形成突水。

  • In many cases you can generate a working form with just a few mouse clicks .

    多数情况下,只要点几次鼠标就能生成可 工作 表单

  • The act of working out the form of something ( as by making a sketch or outline or plan ) .

    (通过草图或者大纲计划) 制作 某物的 外形的动作行为。

  • This part starting from interactive convergence necessity and possibility of the three mediations should cooperate with each other in the physical system the program level the level of the working mechanism and form the divergent cracked contradictory system .

    本部分从三大调解制度互动衔接的必要性、可能性出发,浅谈三大调解制度应在实体制度层面、程序层面、 工作机制层面上进行协调、配合, 形成有机结合的解纷止息体系。

  • After complete processing the products planned by the producing plan and working progress form the production department should make records according to the completion situation ; in case any item is not finished it should be adjusted appropriately .

    按“生产计划及 进度跟踪 ”中所确定的产品加工结束后,生产部应根据完成情况进行记录;对未能按时完成的项目,应予以适当调整。

  • The structural analysis of inclined boom suspension bridge includes following two geometric nonlinear problems the changing working structure form and the large flect .

    倾斜吊杆悬索桥的结构分析包含“变 作用 形式”和大位移两个几何非线性问题。

  • We are working on a form this week .

    这礼拜我们在 农场 干活

  • High thermal conductivity has been added into conventional phase change working fluid to form a suspension of nanoparticles ( i.e. nano-composite phase change material ) to improve its thermal conductivity .

    通过在蓄冷 质中加入高导热的纳米颗粒 形成悬浮液(即纳米复合相变材料)的方法可以改善其导热系数的不足。

  • Pneumatic muscle is a new kind of executing element which has the qualities of low ratio of weight-power diameter-output force and perfect flexibility . Pneumatic muscle has the same working form as physical muscle in many occasion it can substitute the traditional rigid cylinder .

    而气动肌腱是一种重量功率比低、直径输出力比小、柔顺性好、 工作 方式类似于人体肌肉的新型气动执行元件,在很多场合下可代替传统的刚性气缸使用。

  • The study has greatly improved the teaching result of moral education and basic learning abilities and information attainments of students . It has also changed the role working form and working content of teachers .

    此项教学实验提高了德育课教学效果,使教师的角色、 工作 形式和内容发生了重大的转变,使学生的基本学习能力和信息素养得到了很大的提高。

  • Working on a contact form ?

    正在 联系 表格

  • The spouting tests with different bore distance and high pressure coefficient were done before working in due form in order to confirm rational working procedure and technical parameter .

    为确定在这种复杂地层条件下进行钻孔高喷灌浆时 采用的合理的工艺工序和技术参数,在高喷灌浆正式 开工前进行不同 孔距、不同高喷参数的灌浆试验。

  • Composite beams and columns working together form a new kind structure . That is composite frame .

    组合梁与框架柱 共同起支承 作用 形成一种新型结构&组合框架。

  • In addition working medium can form natural circulation when power is failed thus the safety and reliability of boiler operation can be improved .

    并且能使锅炉 质在停电 状态产生自然循环,从而提高锅炉运行的可靠性和安全性。

  • 283 fertilizer workers with working years varied form 1 to 35 years under the CO concentration below 91 . 2mg / m ~ 3 were examined . No case of acute or subacute poisoning was shown .

    我们调查了某化肥厂接触CO浓度在 91.2mg/m~3以下, 工龄为1~35年间的283名职工,未发现急性和亚急性中毒病例。

  • The article puts forward the systematic concept of cooperative study based on WEB environment through CSCW working environment form fictitious studying in coordination in the colony emphasize coordination and interaction of cooperative study .

    提出了基于WEB环境的合作学习系统的概念,通过CSCW 工作环境, 形成虚拟的协作学习群体,强调合作学习的交互性和协同性。

  • On the other hand introduced its operating mode . Including three working form like : in procuratorial work tour procuratorial work special procuratorial .

    另一方面介绍其运行模式,主要有驻所检察、巡回检察、专项检察三种 工作 形式

  • The persistency of STEP data in relational databases was realized based on an entity instance manager in working form .

    通过内存 工作 方式下的产品数据管理器&实体实例仓库,实现了STEP模式数据的关系数据库持久化。

  • Mainly introduced this area location choice research at background overall some of the basic situation of the samples and left-behind children parents working form and left-behind children contact with frequency and so on finally this chapter carries on the summary .

    主要介绍了本研究所选择的调查区域的区位背景、样本总体的一些基本状况以及留守儿童父母在外 务工 形式、与留守儿童联系方式与频率等,最后对本章进行小结。

  • However the existing research technique is also quite unitary are mainly uses the written records working the form lacks to the real-time monitoring .

    但是已有的研究方法还比较单一,主要是采用纸笔 作业 形式,缺乏对推理过程的实时监控。

  • Learn how to make changes to a published form template modify a working copy of the form template and then republish the working copy to the original publish location .

    了解如何更改已发布的表单模板、修改 表单模板的 工作副本,然后将工作副本重新发布到原始的发布位置。

  • From the technical improvement and the equipment condition in site provide the suggestion of adding working conclusion column for the second kind working ticket form in transformer substation ( power plant ) .

    从技术进步和设备现场具体情况出发,提出对变电站(发电厂)第二种 工作格式增加工作终结栏的建议。

  • For more information about creating and working with a split form see the article create a split form .

    有关创建和 使用分割 窗体的详细信息,请参阅创建分割窗体一文。

  • The forms developer could then use the XML Forms Generator to very quickly generate a working testable form from the instance data provided .

    然后,表单开发人员可以使用XMLFormsGenerator极其快速地从提供的实例数据中生成可测试的 工作 表单