


  • But if you can 't present it well it 's worthless .

    但如果你表现得不好,就毫无 用处了。

  • And the emperor pardons him-the worthless man .

    原谅了这个 无用的人。

  • I think I always do the worthless thing .

    我觉得我总是在做一些 毫无 价值的事。

  • A surprising number of people were bidding for those rather worthless things at the sale .

    拍卖那些 没有 什么 价值的东西时,出价 抢购者人数 多令人 咋舌

  • In other words he became a weak selfish and worthless person .

    就是说,他让自己成为一个又懦弱又自私而 的一 用处的人了。

  • She has been in love with that worthless boy for so long that it will take a real shock to bring her to her senses .

    长时间来她一直钟情于那个 一文不值的家伙,要使她清醒过来真得费一番 工夫

  • You 'll realize I 'm not as worthless as you think I am .

    你会发现我还是有我的 价值的。

  • What a fool I was to bargain away my best dishes for this worthless furniture .

    我真傻,用我最好的餐具换了这 值钱的家具。

  • I 'd been brainwashed into believing I was worthless

    我被洗了脑,认为自己 一文不值

  • Don 't read worthless books .

    不要读些 没有 的书。

  • They made you feel that you were a worthless human being .

    他们让你觉得自己是个 的人。

  • The car was a worthless wreck after the collision .

    撞车以后,那辆车成了 毫无 价值的残骸。

  • I hold the opinion that money we save now might be worthless in ten years time .

    我认为我们现在存的钱过了十年或许就 毫无 价值了。

  • She is your sister in the flesh & worthless and castaway as she is she is the daughter of a saint in heaven .

    她是你的亲妹妹。不管她怎样 出息,怎样堕落,她也是一个圣徒的女儿。

  • Training is worthless unless there is proof that it works .

    除非能证明训练有效,否则就是 白搭

  • Their proposals are all worthless and designed out of sinister motives .

    他们的建议 不仅 一钱不值,而且包藏祸心。

  • His wheat and hay had all been so damaged by the rain that it was worthless .

    他的 麦子和干草遭受大雨破坏,已经不中用了。

  • Let out the secret and it is worthless .

    戳破这 窗户 一文不值

  • Though you knew he was perfectly worthless you could not but enjoy his company .

    尽管你明知这个人 一钱不值,你还是情不自禁地喜欢和他在一起。

  • He felt worthless and that no one loved him .

    他觉得自己 一无是处,没人再爱他了。

  • You feel you really are completely worthless and unlovable .

    你会觉得自己真是毫无 价值,一点也不讨人喜欢。

  • These stamps are worthless .

    这些邮票 不值

  • He said I want your promise promise is worthless in this era I believe that promise !

    他说,我要你的承诺,在这个承诺不 值钱的年代,我相信承诺!

  • You are not worthless .

    你有 自己独特的 价值

  • The one you have is not only worthless .

    你拿到的那个不但 一文不值

  • None of this worthless paper for me .

    这不 值钱的纸币 与我毫不相干了。

  • Was I really worthless to him ?

    对他而言我真的 那么 不值吗?

  • The guarantee could be worthless if the firm goes out of business

    如果厂家倒闭,保修单就会变得 毫无 用处