worth while

[wɚθ hwaɪl][wə:θ hwail]


  • Truth is it 's the first worth while thing I 've ever done .

    事实上,这是我第一次做如此 意义的事情。

  • We consider it worth while having another try .

    我们认为再试一次是 值得的。

  • It is worth while paying a vistlt to the great wall .

    去参观长城是 值得的。

  • Well I can go but will it be worth while ?

    好吧,我可以去,不过 值得吗?

  • It is worth while make such an experiment .

    做这样的实验是 值得的。

  • Do you consider it worth while reading such a book ?

    你认为读这样的书 值得吗?

  • That was the everlasting wonder ! That was what made life worth while .

    那才是千古奇迹!那才叫人觉得生活是 值得 留恋的呢。

  • When would some paper think her photo worth while ?

    什么时候会有份报纸认为她的照片 值得呢?

  • If that novel is an instructive one it will be worth while reading it .

    假如那是一本有教育意义的小说,那就 值得 读。

  • It 's worth while taking care of your health .

    照顾你的健康是 值得的。

  • But as he could only see not hear he did not know what anyone was saying and once the fighting had stopped and the talking had begun it was not worth while looking in the pool any longer .

    但因为他只能看,却听不见,他就不知道什么人正在说些什么话,而且,一旦战斗停止,谈话开始,也就不 值得再往池水里张望了。

  • It is worth while asking how far their education contributed to their success .

    他的成功得益于教育的地方到底有多大是 值得研究的。

  • This book is worth while to read careful .

    这本书 值得仔细阅读。

  • It is worth while visiting to visit w_1758 the place .

    这地方 值得参观。

  • I think so but it 's worth while I can be with many people on holidays .

    我也这麽想。但是假日里我可以和很多人待在一起也 值得

  • We must consider whether it will be worth while .

    这样 值得,我们必须考虑一下。

  • It is not worth while to rack your brains over such a trifle .

    这样的小事不 值得你伤脑筋。

  • It makes life worth while to meet people like that .

    瞥见神仙的世界,” 马丁轮渡上说,“跟那样的人见面使生活变得有了 价值

  • However it seemed well worth while to chance it so he fell to groaning with considerable spirit .

    不管怎么说, 还是 值得 试的,于是他 煞有介事地开始呻吟起来。

  • Now the question is whether it 's worth while to undo all that has been done .

    现在的问题是半途而废是否 值得

  • It is worth while to learn english .

    学英文是 值得的。

  • This work is worth while .

    这工作 值得 时间精力

  • He imagined that she would have nothing at all of the things he thought worth while .

    在他看来,她一旦回去,就没有机会得到那些他认为 价值的东西。

  • All the boys were grown up and done for by this time ; so it is scarcely worth while saying anything more about them .

    男孩子们这时全都长大了,完事了,不 值得再提起他们。

  • No matter what without goals life is not worth while .

    无论怎样,没有目标的生活是不 值得 期待的。

  • All I ask is that my results should convince seekers after truth that there is beyond doubt something worth while seeking attainable by methods more or less like mine .

    我只希望我得到的结果能使后来追寻真理的人相信世上有一些东西是 值得追寻的,可以用多少有些类似于我的方法来达到。

  • It certainly was not worth while to throw a veil of innocence over such palpable human cupidity .

    要在这么露骨的人类的贪婪性之上加以无辜的面网,也当然是不 值得的。

  • Our unique natural landscape is so worth while to visit .

    我们独特的自然风景是很 值得去游览的。

  • A visit to one of these places is well worth while .

    这些地方的任何一处都是很 值得一去的。