
[ˈwʊstɪd, ˈwə:stɪd][ˈwʊstɪd]


  • Worsted roving forecast based on genetic algorithm and BP neural network

    基于遗传算法和BP网络的 毛纺粗纱质量预报

  • Wool fibers are processed into two fabric types : woolen fabrics and worsted fabrics .

    羊毛纤维加工成两种织物类型,粗纺毛织物和 精纺 织物。

  • A thread or fiber that has become separated from a woven material . embroidery done with loosely twisted worsted yarn .

    散纱从一件织好的物品分下来的线或纱用 精纺 毛纱松散地编制出来的刺绣品。

  • Relationship between drape behavior and structural parameters of light-weight worsted fabrics

    薄型 精纺 织物悬垂性与结构参数的关系

  • Our company is developing a new generation low-wool content cloth to meet the standard of worsted cloth .

    自主开发新一代的低羊毛含量面料达到 精纺面料的品质。

  • Worsted suits are nice and warm .

    精纺 毛料套装很暖和。

  • Try this three-piece worsted suit .

    请试试这套三件式 精纺西装。

  • A soft cotton or worsted fabric with an open mesh ; used for curtains or clothing etc. .

    有开的网眼的柔软的棉布或 仿 毛纱纤维;用于窗帘或衣服等。

  • Four-lane highways crisscross the country . a strong worsted or cotton fabric with a diagonal rib .

    四线干道纵横交叉布于全国。有交叉线的坚硬的 精纺 毛纱或棉布纤维。

  • Worsted systems show more complexity and variety than cotton systems .

    精梳 毛纺系统看来比棉纺系统更复杂化,更多样化。

  • He was challenged to a fight out was severely worsted .

    他接受挑战跟人打了一架,但遭到了 惨败

  • Port Philip wool is the finest in Australia and is used to produce the highest quality woolen and worsted fabrics .

    菲利普港羊毛是澳大利亚羊毛中最细最好的,被用于生产最高档次的粗梳和 精梳 织品。

  • Perhaps a worsted and a tweed .

    大概要一套 精纺和一套斜纹软呢。

  • A worsted carpet with a heavy pile of colored yarns on a linen warp . heckle hemp or flax .

    +在亚麻布上用一堆彩线织出的 精纺地毯。用麻梳梳理麻布或纤维。

  • Ring spinning frame for worsted yarn

    开士米 针织纱线( 精纺 毛纱 精梳 毛纱用环锭细纱机

  • Spinning machine green acrylic-alkyd enamel Ring-spinning frames for worsted spinning system

    纺机绿丙烯酸醇酸磁漆精梳 毛纺用环锭纺纱机

  • Design and produce of pill-resistance stretch worsted fabric

    抗起毛 起球 精纺弹性织物的设计与生产

  • Research on Production Process of Middle-weight PET Spunbonded Nonwovens Study on anti-pilling finishing of worsted fabric

    中厚型PET纺粘非织造布的工艺探讨 精纺 织物抗起毛起球整理工艺研究

  • However it is customary to produce cotton and linen yarns with a Z-twist and woolen and worsted yarns with an S-twist .

    然而,人们习惯性的生产棉和亚麻纱线时用Z捻,生产羊毛和 精纺 毛料纱线时用S捻。

  • Linear worsted yarn with soft handle due to the presence of selected merino wool ;

    由于选择的美利奴羊毛, 精纺纱线手感柔软;

  • Uniqlo which sells moderately priced sportswear says it uses a pill-reducing treatment on its worsted merino-wool sweaters .

    出售中档价位运动装的优衣库(Uniqlo)称,它在自家 精纺的美利奴羊毛毛衣上就用了一种去 球法。

  • The company has full advanced production facilities for worsted fabrics from top combing spinning weaving to finishing .

    公司拥有先进的 精纺 呢绒生产设备,从梳 、纺纱、织造到染整全部设备配套齐全。

  • Figure 4 outlines the operations that take place in woolen and worsted fabric manufacturing .

    图4概略表示出粗纺和 精纺 织物生产的工艺流程。

  • Study on anti-bacterial cashmere scarf with mercerized worsted wool and lycra by dip dye process


  • Worsted : Wool yarn made of long-staple fibres that have been combed to remove unwanted short fibres and make them lie parallel .

    针织 精梳 毛纱:用经过精梳的羊毛长纤维纺成的毛纱。精梳时除去不需要的短纤维并使纤维平行排列。

  • The pilling grades of worsted tweed fancy are predicted based on different of influencing factors .

    根据各种影响因素的变化预测 精纺粗花呢起毛起球等级。

  • Nanshan Worsted Fabrics presents the dignity of quality which will be carried forward in future development .

    南山 呢绒 呢绒呈现出一脉传承的品质与尊贵!

  • He wore a brown coat and small clothes with black worsted stockings and buckled shoes .

    他身上穿着咖啡色的上衣和紧身半衣裤,脚上穿着黑 毛线袜和带扣的鞋子。