




  • Lord we worship You as the God-man .

    主,我们 敬拜你是神的儿子。

  • God is a Spirit : and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth .

    神是个灵(或无个 )所以 他的,必须用心灵和诚实拜他。

  • You were enshrined with our household deity in his worship I worshipped you .

    你曾和我们的家庭守护神一同受到祀奉,我崇拜家神时也就 崇拜了你。

  • Skulls cemeteries and blood are associated with her worship .

    头骨,墓地和血与她的 崇拜相连。

  • You hated them because of their detestable practices their sorcery and unholy worship .

    因为他们操行巫术和邪恶的 祭祀,作出了最可憎恶的事。

  • For me the religion I live and use to worship God is the Catholic religion .

    对我来说我所生活和用来 崇拜上帝的信仰是天主教。

  • Where there are adoration and confession there is worship .

    哪里有崇拜和忏悔,哪里就有 信仰

  • She became an object of worship .

    她成了一个被 崇拜的对象。

  • Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali .

    印度上层种姓多数 崇拜女神时母。

  • Lord we offer to You our praise our thanksgiving and our worship .

    主,我们向你献上赞美,献上感谢和 敬拜

  • She had worshipped him for years


  • He has won worship .

    他得到别人的 敬仰

  • Panhu and Wang Yao is set totem worship and ancestor worship .

    而盘瓠和盘王是瑶族的图腾 崇拜和祖先崇拜。

  • The haberdasher presented a cap saying here is the cap your worship bespoke .

    帽匠拿出一顶帽子来说:“这就是老爷您 定做的那顶。”

  • Stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege .

    礼拜 场所偷东西是对神灵的亵渎。

  • Devotees often come to this temple to worship .

    这座寺庙常有善男信女来 朝拜

  • You worship god heaven and hell .

    他们会 敬拜神、天堂和地狱。

  • Humans are good warriors and thieves but can also learn the ways of magic or of priestly worship .

    人类是好战士和小偷,但是也能学习魔术的方法或僧 崇拜

  • I will worship you with labour .

    我将用劳动来 礼拜你。

  • So Jehu destroyed Baal worship in Israel .

    这样,耶户在以色列中灭了 巴力

  • To appreciate-the law of worship : men women enjoy so much more charming woman and Aura ;

    欣赏- 崇拜定律:男人对女人欣赏,使女人多了妩媚和灵气;

  • They worship dreams Holiness in art ritual entertainment .

    他们 崇拜梦, 崇拜艺术、仪式和娱乐中的神圣。

  • It 's good to worship God so you will be blessed .


  • And were closely connected to the worship of the gods and heroes .

    它与对上帝和英雄的 崇拜紧密相联。

  • He deserves all the praise and worship .

    配得我们一切的赞美和 崇拜

  • Temple : Edifice constructed for the worship of a deity . Features commonly include a sanctuary and an altar .

    庙宇:为 崇拜神而建的大建筑。一般包括一个避难所和祭坛。

  • Welcome to worship God with us !

    欢迎和我们一起 敬拜神!

  • We focus on worship and prayer we pray for Jerusalem in according to the Promise of the Bible .

    我们著重 敬拜和祷告,并按圣经对耶路撒冷的应许祷告。