working tension

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈtɛnʃən][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈtenʃən]


  • According to the working features and requirements of the belt conveyor the paper introduced the design principle and method of the tension protection device of the belt conveyor .

    根据带式输送机的 工作特点及要求,文章介绍了一种带式输送机 保护装置的设计原理和方法。

  • In this paper based on characteristics of working conditions for down coiler the design on coiling control system of temperature speed tension are introduced .

    本文根据地下卷取机 工况特性,论述了卷取温度、速度及 张力控制系统的设计。

  • Following results were obtained : By combining a home-made interfacial tension electrode electrochemical cell and an electrochemical working station in-situ and continuous interfacial tension curves at MDE / solution interface was obtained simultaneously with voltammetric curves .

    结合自行设计的张力电极、电解池系统和电化学 工作站,实现了电化学信号激励下的坐汞滴/溶液的界面 张力的实时、连续测量。

  • Relations of Variations of Overhead Line Working Conditions with Horizontal Tension for Continuous Spans on Steep Mountains

    陡峭山地连续档架空线 工作条件变化与水平 张力变化的关系

  • By improving slack adjuster this paper adjusts the runing working condition of conveyor belt tension reduces running trouble of conveyor belt satisfieds manufacture require .

    通过对带式输送机拉紧装置的改造,调整了输送带 张力的运行 工况,降低带式输送机运行事故率,满足生产要求。

  • Considering working roll flexibility deformation and the situation under tension rolling is more complex and has more units and it has the existence of material non-linear .

    考虑 工作辊的弹性变形及 张力情况下,轧制模型较为复杂划分的单元较多,又存在着材料的非线性。

  • The tests are carried out with different working fluid . It proved that the ratio of surface tension to density for liquid phase is the main factor that determines the physical properties on void fraction the larger the ratio the smaller the void fraction .

    通过实验和分析首次提出 相的表面 张力与密度的比值是含气率的物性决定因素,此比值越大,含气率越低。

  • The working state of the tension cable has been mastered by analyzing the monitoring results which provide valuable reference material for designing 、 monitoring and protecting of the large structure with cable .

    通过对监测结果的分析,初步掌握了 张力结构缆索的 工作状态规律,为以缆索为主要 构件的大型结构的安全监测、维护及其缆索部件的设计提供了宝贵的参考资料。

  • Some major characteristics are elaborated here by way of a brief introduction on structures working principles weft tension filling speed and adjustment of yarn storage which could be served as a reference .

    本文介绍了SGT-301型储纬器的结构、 工作原理及其纬纱 张力、储纬转速、旋转方向和储纬量的调试,还介绍了储纬器的主要特性,可供无梭织机使用厂及制造厂参考。

  • The Control System of Winding Working in Constant Tension and Constant Speed for Winding

    可定 张力、定速度 工作的卷绕控制系统

  • I guess so but whatever working out does it relieves my tension .

    我想是吧,但不管 锻炼身体有什么作用,至少它能舒缓我 紧张的神经。

  • The main influential factors in health were working long time intensity of noise tension of spirit and irregular diet .

    工作时间过长、精神 紧张、噪声强度大、社会保障机制的不完善及生活无规律等可能是影响其身心健康的主要因素。

  • Working under great tension to make a deadline .

    为赶在最后期限以前完成 工作而在巨大 压力工作

  • The principle for cable tension meter working on the basis of three points loading flexure is analyzed . The formula for determination of cable tension is deduced and justified by test .

    通过对根据三点弯曲法原理设计的夹持式钢索张力测定传感器的研究,建立钢丝绳 张力计算模式,用导出的钢丝绳 张力计算公式计算,其结果与试验结果吻合较好。

  • And the main reasons that cause the short service life of working rolls and serious wear of tension rolls in the PL-TCM are the unreasonable distribution of torques of rolls and the unbalance of loads .

    而在酸洗轧机联合机组中, 矫机 工作辊寿命短、 辊辊面磨损严重,其主要原因则是辊系的力矩分配不合理与负荷不均所致。

  • Determination of Working Load of Bolts Distributing on the Circle with Eccentric Tension Force

    偏心 的圆周均布螺栓群 工作载荷的确定

  • Study on solution space working space and cable tension 's optimized analysis for huge flexible Stewart Platform

    巨型柔性Stewart平台解空间、 工作空间的研究及悬索 张力的优化分析

  • Working Principles of Eccentric Gear Tension Compensation System on Roving Frame

    粗纱要偏心齿轮式 张力补偿装置补偿原理探讨

  • The present paper analyzes the axial pressure of the coil the working principle of the coil drum and causes of slide scar on the strip head and advances the new method for the taper control of the coiling tension .

    针对单机架平整机的带钢头部滑伤问题,分析了钢卷径向压力、卷筒的 工作原理,及带钢头部滑伤形成原因,提出了卷取 张力采用锥形控制的新方法。

  • In working out occupational norms of teachers we have to follow the logic of utilitarianism which is in tension with metaphysical virtue ;

    其次,功用主义是 制定教师职业伦理规范的重要逻辑基础,这一点与教师的德性要求在 矛盾中构成 张力

  • According to characteristic of the winch load experiment system the performances requiring of the tension winch load experiment system in many different working conditions were discussed and the electro-hydraulic tension winch control system was designed .

    根据绞车负载试验系统的特点,讨论了不同 工作状况下系统对于负载试验用张力绞车的性能要求,据此设计了 张力绞车的电液控制系统。

  • When it is working in the ocean heave motion of the towed ship on the rough sea leads to change of the towed body depth and the cable tension .

    系统在海洋中拖曳 作业时,拖船在海面的升沉运动引起拖体深度和拖缆 张力的变化,并随着海况的恶化而 加剧

  • Working Principle and Application of Adjustable Tension Device

    可调式 张力原理与应用研究

  • Producing more by working less is the key to rising living standards but in the short term there is a tension between efficiency and jobs .

    提高生活标准的关键在于,以 更少的工作量 创造更多的产出;

  • With the social development urbanization is increasingly clear that people working and living in a state of tension a busy status the incidence of disease as well .

    随着社会的发展,城市化现象日益明显,人们 工作生活处于 紧张、繁忙的状态,疾病的发生率也随之提高。

  • Firstly this thesis analyses the working principle of the loom the factors which make the warp tension fluctuate and the characteristic of the warp tension control and model are built for them respectively .

    首先,在本文中分析与研究了织机的 工作原理,影响 张力波动的各个因素,织机经纱张力的特性,并建立了相应的数学模型。

  • The working mechanisms and design methods of anchor plates one of the applicable tension foundations of tensile cable-membrane structures are introduced .

    系统地介绍了轻型预应力张拉索膜结构适用的一种锚固基础类型&锚板类型抗 基础的 工作机理和设计理论。

  • This paper introduces the importance of steel rope tension check device to steel rope checking in weel multirope hoisting system introduces the form working principle of steel rope tension check device and economic benefits .

    介绍了矿井多绳提升系统中钢丝绳张力检测仪对钢丝绳检测的重要性,并介绍了钢丝绳 张力检测仪的组成、 工作原理和它所带来的经济效益。