world economy

[wɜrld ɪˈkɑnəmi][wɜː(r)ld iˈkɔnəmi]


  • This is clearly good not only for China but also the world economy .

    显然,这不仅有利于中国,也有利于 世界 经济

  • He called their discussions productive and said they also talked about Iran and the world economy .

    他说,他们还谈论了有关伊朗和 世界 经济方面的问题。

  • The open world economy has navigated huge crises .

    开放的 全球 经济已驶出了巨大的危机。

  • These issues pose severe challenges to the healthy and stable development of the world economy .

    这些问题对 世界 经济健康稳定发展形成了严格挑衅。

  • The strong world economy is due to past policies to enhance competition economic sustainability and flexibility .

    全球 经济的强劲 增长,缘于以往的政策加强了竞争,提高了经济的可持续性和灵活性。

  • Today the organisation of the world economy is very different much more integrated and responsible .

    今天, 世界 经济组织是非常不同的,更加综合和负责任的。

  • The financial crisis has accelerated the transformation of the economic growth pattern and brought new opportunities and growth points to the world economy .

    金融危机加速了经济发展方式的转变,为 世界 经济带来新的机遇和增长点。

  • Banks and securities firms used this highly liquid world economy to deepen and diversify their operations .

    银行和证券公司借助高流动性的 全球 经济,推动业务深化和多元化。

  • Asia as a whole is increasingly central to the world economy .

    亚洲作为一个整体,对 世界 经济日益重要。

  • But they would speed up needed rebalancing of the world economy and reduce the risk of future crises .

    但它们将加速 世界 经济再平衡的过程,并降低未来危机爆发的风险&而这正是我们所亟需的。

  • We live in a positive-sum world economy and have done so for about two centuries .

    我们生活在一个正和 世界 经济中,这种状态已经持续了大约两个世纪。

  • The world economy has become credit addicted .

    世界 经济已变得对信贷上瘾。

  • China has made important contribution to the world economy in terms of total economic output and trade and the RMB has played a role in the world economic development .

    中国在总的经济产出和贸易方面为 世界 经济做出了重大贡献,人民币也在世界经济发展过程中发挥了作用。

  • Steady and relatively fast growth of China 's economy is in itself an important contribution to the world economy .

    中国经济保持平稳较快发展,这本身就是对 世界 经济的重要贡献。

  • Clearest of all is that the global population will grow and with it the world economy .

    最明确的是,世界人口将会增加, 世界 经济也会随之增长。

  • Globality and information are two remarkable characteristics of current world economy development .

    全球化和信息化是当今 世界 经济发展的两个显著特点。

  • But emerging markets are entering the latest turmoil in the world economy from a better starting point .

    但是,新兴市场是从一个较好的起点上被卷进 全球 经济最近这轮动荡的。

  • The buoyant world economy in1984 supported this adjustment effort .

    1984年,欣欣向荣的 世界 经济支持了这一调整工作。

  • International cooperation speeded up China 's economic development while contributing a lot to the world economy .

    广泛深入的国际合作加快了我国经济发展,也为 世界 经济 发展作出了重大贡献。

  • This collection documents the different ways in which Asian governments have been pursuing economic nationalism even as they have been integrating with the world economy .

    该文集记载了亚洲政府追求经济国家主义的各类方式,即使这当中揉合了 国际 经济

  • Businesses and the world economy would also suffer .

    企业和 世界 经济也会受损。

  • This Chinese reform would be a radical structural adjustment in the world economy .

    世界 经济来说,这样的中国改革将是一次根本性的结构调整。

  • The US financial crisis will have far-reaching impact on the world economy and China 's economic modulation .

    美国金融危机对 世界和我国 经济 发展与经济调制将产生深远的影响。

  • These stagnant high-income economies are the weakest links in the world economy .

    这两个停滞的高收入经济体是 全球 经济中最薄弱的环节。

  • Comply with the integration of the world economy and the development of globalization .

    顺应 世界 经济一体化和全球化的发展,联想公司越来越向国际化方向发展。

  • India and China are adding billions of new cheap workers and consumers to the world economy .

    印度和中国在向 世界 经济增添几十亿新的廉价劳动力和消费者。

  • World economy has been entering a service age in the 21 century .

    21世纪, 世界 经济已经进入到了一个服务年代。

  • Economies directly affected account for close to half of the world economy .

    直接受到危机影响的经济体占到了 全球 经济的近半数。