work force

[wɚk fɔrs][wə:k fɔ:s]


  • That amounts to one third of the total work force in that sector .

    这一数量占该部门全部 劳动力的三分之一。

  • For the past three years I have supervised a work force of twenty people .

    在过去三年里,我一直负责一个20人 工作 小组

  • Volunteers constitute more than 95 % of The Center 's work force .

    该中心95%以上的 工作 人员是志愿者。

  • The whole work force is on strike .

    全体 工作 人员在罢工中。

  • Practically the entire work force has gone on strike .

    几乎所有的 工人都罢工了。

  • If many members of the work force are ill with malaria this further hurts the already weak economy .

    如果大量 劳动力都患了疟疾,这就会损害已经衰弱的经济。

  • I want to get out I want to get into the work force and start my life .

    我渴望毕业,找到 工作,开始我的生活。

  • It 's a complete disservice and incredibly demeaning to a terrific work force and a company that 's been a jobs and opportunity machine for50 years .

    这无论对于一个好 员工、还是对一个50年来创造了无数就业和机会的公司来说,都是一种彻底的伤害和难以置信的贬低。

  • And I will eliminated unemployment in this country by reducing the productivity of American work force .

    我也会通过降低美国的生产率来消灭这个国家的 失业率。

  • The company locked out the workers and then the rest of the work force went on strike .

    公司禁止工人入 ,其余 工人便开始罢工。

  • What Are the Supervisory Implications of Downsizing Continuous-Improvement Programs and Work Force Engineering ?

    在企业缩小规模、续改进计划和 劳动力工程改善等项目中管理者的影响是什么?

  • Mitsubishi opened a ship repair yard and trained the work force .

    三菱公司开设了一所船舶修理工场并培训了 工人

  • An enterprise has the power to decide how to recruit and use its work force .

    企业有权自行决定 用工办法。

  • Migrant workers in China 's reform opening up and the industrialization the urbanization process of a new type of work force promote economic and social development .

    外来务工人员,在中国的改革开放和工业化,城市化进程中的新型 劳动 大军,促进经济和社会发展。

  • The industrial work force includes scientists engineers and technicians .

    从事工业的 人员包括科学家,工程师和技术人员。

  • Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force .

    能够在不同文化和 工作 人员的背景下出色地工作。

  • Mould that produce in the auto condition can reduce the work force .

    模具在全自动条件下生产,无需 员工的频繁 操作,以减少 工人 劳动力

  • The economy is going through the heart of reductions in the work force now .

    经济现在贯穿着 劳动力减少的中心环节。

  • We 're preparing them for the work force and in the work force there are rules .

    我们要将他们训练成合格的社会 劳动力,而劳动力是需要守规矩的。

  • This will require retraining and rebalancing of work force .

    这需要对 劳动力重新培训和重新权衡。

  • Overall task of system to make clerical work force can light to finish to account task of management swift .

    系统的总体任务是使银行 办公 人员可以轻松快捷地完成对账户管理的任务。

  • You solve the appalling working conditions that lead to suicide by sacking the work force ?

    你通过解雇 员工来解决导致自杀的恶劣的工作条件问题吗?

  • The entire work force cooperated with the management and the police .

    整个 劳动 大军与资方及警方携手合作。

  • Was there college or did you go straight into the work force ?

    你上大学了,还是你直接 去找 工作

  • Migrant Workers are a special work force in China 's economic transformational period and they represent a special phenomenon in China 's industrialization and urbanization .

    农民工是在我国经济转型过程中形成的一种特殊的 劳动力群体,是我国工业化和城镇化进程中产生的独特社会现象。

  • It 's under 7 percent only because statistics don 't count the people who aren 't qualified to be in the work force

    数字低于7%,只是因为统计数据没有把不能算作 劳动力的人口包括在内。

  • Our skilled and lean work force takes pride in the ownership of both the product and the production process .

    我们的熟练和精细的 劳动 工人对那些产品和那些生产过程的所有感到自豪。

  • For the first time in its history the federal work force is no longer the backbone of Washington .

    历史上首次出现在联邦政府 供职 劳动力不再是华盛顿的支柱。

  • Highly skilled production personnel make up the work force and equipment houses service virtually all production requirements .

    高技能的生产人员组成的 工作 力量,设备房服务几乎所有的生产要求。

  • All of this work must ensure that teachers pay and conditions reflect a commitment to delivering high quality education by a qualified and motivated teaching work force .

    这方面的所有工作都必须确保教师的收入和条件体现了一支高质量和有事业心的教学 队伍致力于提供高质量教育的决心。