work out

[wɚk aʊt][wə:k aut]


  • Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise

    谈判人员定于今天晚些时候 进行会谈,商定一个折中方案

  • He has failed to work out a coherent strategy for modernising the service

    他未能 制定 一条连贯的策略来实现服务的现代化。

  • I hope it will work out well

    我希望 进展 顺利

  • What if this doesn 't work out ?

    如果这个 不行怎么办?

  • We knew we could get better work out of them .

    我们知道他们可以 漂亮

  • The deal just isn 't working out the way we were promised

    结果待遇根本不是他们对我们许诺的 那样

  • I suggest that you work out a careful rota which will make it clear who tidies the room on which day .

    我建议你 制定一个详细的值班表,明确哪一天由谁整理房间。

  • With conventional insurance policies it is difficult to work out accurately the replacement value of your possessions .

    在传统的保险条款下,很难准确 计算财产的重置价值。

  • Things just didn 't work out as planned

    事情根本没有按计划 进行

  • Negotiators must now work out how to reconcile these demands with American demands for access .

    谈判人员现在 必须 办法调和这些要求和美国人想要参与的要求。

  • Work out at a gym or swim twice a week .

    一周去健身房 锻炼两次,或游两次泳。

  • It will probably work out cheaper to hire a van and move your own things .

    租一辆面包车自己搬的话, 起来可能要更省钱些。

  • The price per pound works out at £ 3.20

    每磅价格合计 3.20英镑。

  • There was an interim before her successor actually came because she had to work out her notice .

    在她的继任者真正到任前有一段过渡时间,因为她得 离职通知规定的时间。

  • One of the ways people experience loss is when relationships don 't work out .

    人们会经历种种 失落,恋情没有 结果时的失落感便是其中之一。

  • People involved in it think it 's a nightmare but I 'm sure it will work itself out .

    参与者都觉得这是一场噩梦,但我相信其结局会是 圆满的。

  • I could work out that problem standing on my head .


  • It is proving hard to work out the value of bankrupt firms ' assets


  • Work out what situations or people make you feel stressed and avoid them .


  • To work out a plan one has to start with investigation .


  • While the lads are golfing I work out in the gym .

    小伙子们打高尔夫球的时候,我在健身房 锻炼

  • The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences

    三方将在下个月会面,以 解决余下的分歧。

  • That argument apart it is for the Germans themselves to work out how their forces should come together .

    撇开那场纷争不谈,德国人自己也应该考虑 一下如何将各种力量拧成一股绳。

  • They would first have to work out some scheme for getting the treasure out

    他们首先得想个 法子把财宝取出来。

  • It took me some time to work out what was causing this

    我花了一些时间才 弄清此事的起因。

  • They are cutting costs by subcontracting work out to other local firms .

    他们通过将任务 转包给当地其他公司来减少成本。

  • Work out how much all these things will cost .


  • When asked what a £ 40.35 meal for five people would cost each diner they were unable to work it out .

    问到5个人吃一顿饭花了 40.35英镑,每人要出多少钱时,他们算不 出来

  • ' How will you contact me ? ' — ' We haven 't worked that out yet . '

    “你们怎么跟我联系?”——“我们还没 出来呢。”