World Court


  • Because of the weakness on the relevance of character evidence in order to avoid the judge have subjective bias and improve the efficiency of lawsuit all countries in the world set up relevant elimination rule in principle to ban the bad character evidence into court .

    由于品格证据在关联性上的弱点,为了避免审判者产生主观上的偏见,以及为了提高诉讼效率, 世界各国都设立了相关排除规则,在原则上禁止当事人的不良品格证据流入 法庭

  • At present there are three kinds of constitutional supervision models in the world namely supervision from parliament or from power organ supervision from common court and supervision from a special agency .

    当今 世界有议会或权力机关监督、普通 法院监督和专门机构监督三种宪法监督模式。

  • Justice and efficiency are the first values of a social system in human society . These two topics with the character of the century and the world are also the eternal theme in the work of the people 's court .

    公正与效率是人类社会制度的首要价值目标,这个带有世纪性和 世界性的命题也是人民 法院工作的永恒主题。

  • And present the pointed opinions on improving and look forward to the better progress of them in World Championships of 2010 and the London Olympics Games of 2012.The ability on attacking of the back court guard include : offensive capability of individuals and the ability to organize offensive .

    并对中国女篮提出针对性的改进意见,提高中国女篮后卫的攻守能力,期待在2010年 世锦赛和2012伦敦奥运会有更好的表现。后卫 队员的进攻能力包括个人进攻能力、组织进攻能力。

  • In this way the particular social world becomes the world tout court .

    在这样的方式下,这特殊的社会世界,是 他们简单的 世界

  • Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court .

    让所有的国家自治,在 世界 法庭中解决外界的纠纷。

  • They travel from the United States to paris from the chamber of the world criminal court to the top of the Eiffel tower in pursuit of a mysterious assassin and the even more mysterious leader of the triads the world 's largest criminal organization .

    他们从美国到巴黎、从 国际刑事 法庭的大厅到埃菲尔铁塔的顶端去追捕神秘的刺客以及全球最大犯罪组织“三合会”的更加神秘的头目。

  • Andy Murray captured the biggest title of his career with an emphatic victory over Roger Federer in the Olympic men 's singles final at Wimbledon . Murray beat the Swiss world number one in straight sets 6-2 6-1 6-4 on a raucous Centre Court .

    在温布尔登球场,安迪穆雷在网球男子单打决赛中击败 世界排名第一的瑞士天王 费德勒,获得了他个人职业生涯中最重要的一场胜利。穆雷以6-26-16-4的比分直落三盘击败费德勒。

  • The world 's largest software company withdrew its remaining appeal at a European court .

    这家 世界最大的软件公司在一所欧洲的 法庭撤销了起诉。

  • The world would have said 'You are perfectly within your rights in going to court ' .

    的人当然会说:「你们绝对有权 法庭。」

  • The court system of the United States undoubtedly the largest developed country in the world is one successful example of the adult western court system with over two-hundred-year evolution .

    美国无疑是 世界 最大的发达国家,其 法院制度经过二百多年的发展,已俨然成为西方成熟法院制度的杰出代表。

  • There are three kinds of constitution supervision models in the world namely supervision from parliament or from supreme organ of state power supervision from common court and supervision from a special one .

    在立法 体例上,宪法监督制度有最高国家权力机关或立法机关监督制、 司法机关监督制和专门机关监督制三种模式。

  • Last year Australia filed a complaint against Japan at the world court in The Hague to stop Southern Oceanscientific whaling .

    澳大利亚于去年向海牙 国际 法庭起诉日本,要求其停止在南极海域的“科学捕鲸”。

  • And some derivatives lawyers in London such as Jeff Golden have suggested creating an international court to handle contentious complex securities deals – in effect an equivalent for the derivatives world of the International Criminal Court in The Hague .

    伦敦的杰夫•戈尔登(JeffGolden)等衍生品律师提议创建一个国际法庭来处理存在争议的复杂的证券交易,实际上相当于衍生品 领域的海牙国际刑事 法庭

  • That evidence spans the world from Buddhist temples to European court cases .

    证据遍布 世界,从佛教寺庙到欧洲的 诉讼案件,都表明大侦探还活着。

  • She urged US lawmakers to press for Kim one of the world 's most reclusive leaders to be brought before the International Criminal Court .

    她请求美国立法者给金正日压力,他是 世界 最虚伪的领导者,要带到国际犯罪 法庭 审判

  • The World Court is the only global judicial body .

    世界 法院是唯一一家全球性司法机构。

  • You can have all the talent in the world but if you don 't have heart I don 't need you stepping on the basketball court .

    你可以是 世界级别的全才,但是如果你不用心,那么我就不需要你来篮球

  • You can take Uncle Sam before a world court .

    国际 法庭之前,你能够抓到山姆大叔。

  • Some scientists doctors and legal experts have even asked the United Nations to seek an advisory opinion from the World Court declaring human cloning to be a crime against humanity .

    一些科学家、医生和法律专家甚至曾要求联合国寻求咨询意见, 宣布克隆 是一项反人类的罪行。

  • The UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly Tuesday in favor of a resolution demanding Israel heed a world court ruling to tear down its controversial separation wall in the West Bank .

    联大以压倒性多数通过决议,要求以色列服从海牙 国际 法院的裁决,停止在巴勒斯坦被占领土上修建隔离墙并拆除已建的部分。

  • He wishes to see the fine world & the king the queen and court ;

    他想看看这个 花花世界看看国王、王后和 王官

  • The world has been changed irrevocably by that first nuclear chain reaction on the deserted squash court underneath the stadium at the University of Chicago .

    在芝加哥大学体育馆地下的里废弃的墙式网 球场所进行的第一次核连锁反应,已经无可扭转地改变了 世界

  • In a separate report former FIFA executive Chuck Blazer admitted in 2013 to accepting bribes related to South Africa 's 2010 World Cup bid according to court filings released Wednesday .

    另据3日公开的一份 法庭文件,国际足联前执委会成员布拉泽2013年承认,曾在2010年南非 世界杯的申办过程中接受贿赂。

  • With an extremely stacked line-up the A-Train has all the room in the world to develop into one of the greatest Centers to ever take the court .

    在拥有无比耀眼的豪华阵容的湖人队,我们的“强力火车头”拜纳姆有著 最好的环境和最大的上升空间去把自己打造成 上最具统治力的、最伟大的中锋之一。

  • The ICC whose International Secretariat is based in Paris sets many of the rules and standards that govern world trade . Its international court of arbitration also accepts more than 500 commercial disputes every year for adjudication .

    国际商会制定了许多 世界贸易规则和标准,其国际秘书处设在巴黎,其国际仲裁院(international courtofarbitration)每年也会接收500余起请求仲裁的商业纠纷案件。

  • Now many countries in the world have established a small claims procedure in remission of court trial pressure to solve the contradiction between the limited judicial resources and t Infinite resolve disputes need . And realize the goal the judicial popularization have played a significant role .

    如今 世界 很多国家都建立了小额诉讼程序,且在缓解 法院的审判压力,解决有限的司法资源与无限的纠纷解决需要之间的矛盾,实现司法大众化方面都发挥了显著的作用。

  • World history is a court of judgment .

    世界的历史 无非是自由意识的发展。

  • World history is the world 's court of judgement . & Friedrich Schiller

    世界历史就是 世界 法庭。&席勒