world liquidity

[wɜrld lɪˈkwɪdɪti][wɜː(r)ld liˈkwiditi]

[经] 世界清偿力

  • Under a gold standard increased reserve accumulation would have been deflationary since it would have drained the rest of the world of liquidity .

    在金本位制度下,增加外汇储备积累会产生通缩效应,因为它会吸走 世界其它国家的 流动

  • However the effect is not obvious but to make the world economy suffered a huge flood of liquidity .

    然而效果并不明显,反而使 世界经济体遭受了巨大的 流动 泛滥。

  • Holding the largest and still increasing foreign reserves in the world presents difficulties in monetary management resulting in excessive liquidity in the financial system .

    内地坐拥 全球最大并且仍在增长的外汇储备,为货币管理带来困难,及使金融体系 流动 资金过剩。

  • And for those who counsel patience arguing that China can eventually be brought around : the acute damage from China 's currency policy is happening now while the world is still in a liquidity trap .

    另外我想对那些有足够耐心的、认为可以说服中国回到正轨的人说几句:中国的货币政策正在给我们带来巨大的损失, 世界仍处在一个 流动 陷阱(liquiditytrap)之中。

  • While banks around the world are having to absorb tougher capital and liquidity rules the UK banks which were among the hardest hit in the financial crisis are also having to get to grips with drastic changes to the way they sell products .

    就在 全球银行不得不消化更为严格的资本和 流动 规则的同时,作为金融危机最大受害者之一的英国银行,也不得不应对产品销售方式上的急剧变化。

  • The GIN method grouting is the most advanced grouting method on the world . The grouting liquid problem especially its stability and liquidity is the most important problem in the GIN method grouting and it relates directly the smoothly fulfilling of the GIN method grouting .

    GIN法灌浆是目前 国际 最先进的一种灌浆方法,GIN法灌浆中最重要的是浆液问题,尤其是浆液的稳定性和 流动 问题,直接关系到GIN法灌浆能否顺利进行。

  • Deutsche Bank and the Asian currency markets the world 's largest liquidity providers also offers offshore renminbi is the first electronic trading bank .

    德意志银行为 全球及亚洲货币市场最大的 流通 供应者,亦是首个提供离岸人民币电子交易的银行。

  • China 's FX reserves seem to have turned into some kind of massive black hole for the world 's liquidity says Stephen Green economist at Standard Chartered .

    中国外汇储备似乎已变成吸取 全球 流动 的某种巨大的黑洞,渣打银行(StandardChartered)经济学家王志浩(StephenGreen)表示。

  • The world needs more diversified sources of international liquidity to allow orderly balance of payments adjustments .

    世界需要更多元化的国际 流动性来源,以便实现收支平衡的有序调整。

  • Even if bank deposits offer negligible income the purchasing power of cash is rising in a deflationary world and its liquidity is absolute .

    即使银行存款只能产生微不足道的收益,但在 通缩时期,现金的购买力可是在不断增强,而且具备绝对的 流动

  • China has also come in for persistent international criticism over its currency policy and high domestic savings which some economists believe helped contribute to the crisis by flooding the world with excess liquidity .

    中国的汇率政策和国内高储蓄率也受到国际社会的批评。一些经济学家认为,这些因素向 世界注入了过剩 流动 ,促成了危机的形成。

  • This crisis was not brought to closure by the world 's central banks ' injection of huge doses of short-term liquidity .

    全球央行向市场注入巨量的短期 流动 ,并未让这场危机就此终结。

  • In addition to this London is one of the world 's leading international financial centres can also offer access to capital and liquidity to help support the internationalisation of your businesses .

    另外,作为 世界主要国际金融中心之一的伦敦,能够提供资金和 资金 流动 ,从而支持你们业务的国际化。

  • Across the world US dollar swaps have also been reintroduced to keep dollar liquidity flowing when US markets are shut .

    全球 各地再度实施美元互换,以便在美国市场关闭时保持美元 流动

  • There is already a bifurcation in the world with sluggish growth and a shortage of funds in the developed world while in Asia liquidity remains abundant and companies are both cash rich and confident enough to invest .

    世界投资格局已出现了两级分化:发达 国家增长乏力,资金匮乏;而在亚洲, 流动 仍很充沛,各公司坐拥大量现金,有足够的信心进行投资。

  • For the rest of the world the advantage of this is that Chinese household liquidity is effectively sealed off .

    对于 全球其它地区而言,好的一面在于,中国的国内 流动 得到了有效封锁。

  • Our current credit problems are the flip side of our balance of payments problem he told the Financial Times . The world has been awash with liquidity and money has been pouring in from abroad so lots of money had to get invested fast .

    我们当前的信贷问题是国际收支问题的另一个方面,他向英国《金融时报》表示:这个 世界一直充斥着 流动 ,资金不断从国外涌入,大量资金不得不迅速投资到位。

  • The FSA rules may prefigure a world where large pools of liquidity and capital remain trapped within borders as insurance against the worst .

    但在 FSA的规则下, 流动 和资本被囤积在一国之内,不再跨国界流动,以此作为应对最坏情形的保险机制。

  • Before the 2008 financial crisis throughout the world the high liquidity risk aversion together with the high profitability of REITs produced far-reaching effects to the global real estate financial market .

    在2008年席卷 全球的金融危机爆发之前,REITs的高 流动 、风险规避性、高收益性对全球房地产金融市场产生了深远的影响。

  • The world has been flooded by liquidity unleashed by the central banks of overdeveloped economies .

    过度发达经济体央行释放出的 流动 ,已经将整个 世界淹没。

  • Furthermore enterprises ' operating has broken through national boundaries to the world business competition . In this situation the fast liquidity of capital over the world makes it exposed in bigger risks .

    当前, 世界经济一体化的格局已经形成,中国企业的经营运作已经突破国界融入到 全球的贸易竞争中,资本在全球范围内的快速 流动 必然使其暴露在更大的风险之下。

  • In most of the industrialised world given that economies are in or near liquidity trap conditions it is the last two propositions that should control policy .

    在多数工业化 国家,鉴于其经济正处于或接近处于“ 流动 陷阱”状态,主导政策的应该是后两项主张。

  • Meanwhile punt the money in other parts of the world that are benefiting from all the extra liquidity .

    然后再将钱投到 世界 其它那些受益于充裕 流动 的地方。

  • Its large scale and prolonged sustainability make the whole world face the impact of the flood of liquidity .

    其规模之大,持续之久使得 全球面临着 流动 泛滥的冲击。

  • In the world as a whole there is still a lot of liquidity he added saying there was every prospect of GE 's sales outside the US expanding in the next few years by 10-15 per cent annually .

    他补充称:从整个 世界 范围来看,仍存在大量的 流动 ,他表示,通用电气美国以外地区的销售前景看好,未来几年内将以每年10%至15%的速度增长。

  • The US-led economies around the world have put forward liquidity slack policies in order to tackle the crisis . However these policies have become potential threats such as global liquidity surplus and devaluation of credit currency .

    为应对危机,以美国为首的 世界主要经济体相继出台 流动 宽松政策,却埋下了全球流动性过剩、信用货币全面贬值的隐患。

  • The deal at a yield of 3.5 per cent comes as property investment markets around the world have seen prices rocket amid an unprecedented level of liquidity .

    这一收益率3.5%的交易达成之时,由于 流动 处于前所未有的水平, 全球各地的房地产投资市场价格大涨。

  • The developed world faces the unprecedented prospect of failing into a liquidity trap at a time when the majority of its fiscal and monetary ammunition have been exhausted the letter said .

    信中表示:发达 世界面临前所未有的窘境,可能掉入一个 流动 陷阱,而与此同时,其大部分财政和货币政策手段已用尽。

  • They must not flood the world with liquidity again to sustain this bubble or create another .

    它们千万不能再向 世界大量提供 流动 ,以维持这个泡沫或再创造出一个泡沫了。

  • The activities of electronic marketmakers who built their technology to compete in this modern world provide critical liquidity during good and bad markets .

    电子做市商的活动他们通过开发技术,在这个现代 社会进行竞争提供了至关重要的 流动 ,无论市场形势良好还是糟糕。