working electrode

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ɪˈlɛkˌtrod][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ɪˈlekˌtrəʊd]


  • A galactose biosensor was constructed with the substrate working electrode of chamber-type microchip .

    并通过明胶包埋法将半乳糖氧化酶固定 电极中,构成微腔型半乳糖传感器。

  • Development of an amperometric immunosensor for the diagnosis of sub-clinical mastitis in dairy cows : self-assembled process of the working electrode and its characterization of performance

    诊断奶牛隐性乳腺炎的电流型免疫传感器的研究& 工作 电极的自组装及性能表征

  • Voltammetry is by use of copper lead zinc cadmium collecting on and dissolving from the working electrode to determine copper lead zinc cadmium in the waste water .

    阳极溶出伏安法是利用铜、铅、锌、镉在 工作 电极上的富 和溶出测定废水中的铜、铅、锌、镉。

  • The working electrode and the counter electrode were arranged as two concentric columns whose diameters were different .

    工作 电极与对电极采用内外同心圆柱形的布置方式;

  • A new paste carbon electrode chemically modified with morin was fabricated and used as the working electrode in the adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination of traces of lead in human urine .

    制作了用桑色素作修饰剂的碳糊修饰电极,利用该电极为 工作 电极,建立了测定痕量铅的新方法。

  • A rather low detection limit of AA is obtained with DPV measurement using MWNT / GCE as working electrode .

    应用 MWNT/GCE对AA以微分脉冲伏安法测定得到了很低的检测限。

  • Simultaneous determination of zinc cadmium tin lead and copper was studied in 0.2-0.3M hydrochloric acid-methanol by 1.5 grade differential anodic stripping voltammetry . A stick silver base mercurial film electrode was used as a working electrode .

    本文研究了用1.5次微分阳极溶出伏安法,在盐酸-甲醇底液中,以棒状银基汞膜电极为 工作 电极,同时测定罐头食品中锌、镉、锡、铅和铜的方法。

  • The experiment table for copper etching has three parts a3-D motion platform an electrochemical working center and a data processing center . Also the fixture of the working electrode and the electrolytic cell were designed according to related requirements .

    刻蚀试验平台由三维运动平台、电化学工作站和数据处理中心等三部分组成,并且设计了 工作 电极的卡具和电解池。

  • The etching current density of the alloy could be estimated by the cathodic polarization of potential sweep applied on Pt working electrode .

    应用Pt 工作 电极的动电位阴极极化可以对合金的蚀刻电流密度进行衡量。

  • The influences of the working electrode pre-deposition time and supporting electrolytes on the determination of heavy metal ions were investigated .

    研究了金 电极的预 处理方法、不同预富集时间和不同电解质对重金属离子的测定的影响规律。

  • This working electrode possessed characteristic behavior of n type semiconductor .

    结果表明,该 电极具有n型半导体的特征行为。

  • The CNF / Nafion / Ru ( bpy ) 32 + / CPE was used as the working electrode which could effectively reduce the consumption of expensive reagent .

    以CNF/Nafion/Ru(bpy)32+/CPE作为 工作 电极,节省了昂贵的发光试剂。

  • Three-dimensions electrode is the working electrode in electrochemical reactor . Its process is analyzed as the source of analysis of electrochemical reaction system so that the basic characteristic is realized in electrochemical reaction system .

    三维电极是电化学反应器中的 工作 电极,对工作 电极的过程分析是电化学反应系统分析的源头,能够了解系统内过程的基本特征。

  • The gold film that excites the surface plasmons is used as working electrode in the electrochemical cell . Both electrochemical and optical information are simultaneously obtained by in situ electrochemistry and SPR tests .

    用于产生表面等离子体的金属膜作为电化学研究中的 工作 电极,在同一条件下进行现场原位电化学和SPR测试,同时获得关于电化学和光学方面丰富全面的信息。

  • A redox polymer is dip-coated on the surface of the sputter thin film gold working electrode on the plastic substrate .

    将氧化还原聚合物滴在塑料基片上溅射的金薄膜 工作 电极上形成一层对过氧化氢的敏感膜。

  • The application of anodic differential pulse voltammetry with glass carbon electrode as working electrode to dopamine has been reported in this paper . The differential pulse voltammetric behavior of dopamine in a series of pH and electrolyte was investigated .

    本文采用玻碳电极为 工作 电极,以阳极微分脉冲伏安法测定多巴胺,研究多巴胺在不同pH和各种介质中的脉冲伏安行为。

  • The application of anodic differential pulse voltammetry to caffeine with a glass carbon electrode as the working electrode is reported .

    本文用微分脉冲阳极伏安法研究了咖啡因的 电化学行为。

  • Mechanical design is consist of automatic injection system the pre-treatment device and working electrode automatic replacement device .

    其中机械设计主要包含自动进样系统、水样的前处理装置、 工作 电极自动更换装置。

  • The objective of this work is to design characterize a coulometric detector based on the porous carbon felt as the working electrode and to demonstrate its application in flow injection analysis .

    本文设计了一个以多孔碳毡(Porouscarbonfelt)为 工作 电极的库仑检测器并将其用于流动注射分析。

  • MEA is employed as both a counter electrode and working electrode ( with an external SCE reference electrode ) for oxidation of hydroquinone in contact with ammonium sulphate under humidified nitrogen gas .

    膜电极被同时用作对电极和 工作 电极(用外部饱和甘汞电极),在于硫酸铵和加湿氮气接触条件下,研究了对苯二酚的氧化还原过程并得到了清晰的氧化还原响应。

  • The characteristics of the solid mercury electrode as the working electrode in the condensed electrolyte were presented .

    本文介绍凝固电解质体系中固体汞 电极 使用特性。

  • Therefore any changes in the cell are ascribable to the working electrode .

    因此,电池中的任何变化,都归因于 工作 电极

  • The effects of working electrode potential concentration and pH value of the running buffer separation voltage and injection time were investigated .

    研究了 电极电位、运行缓冲液的浓度和酸度、电泳电压及进样时间等对电泳的影响,得到了最优化的测定条件;

  • A Study on Absorption Spectroelectrochemistry with Dual Optically Transparent Electrodes in Parallel as the Working Electrode

    平行双光透 电极吸收光谱电化学的研究

  • Besides the traditional helical electrode the working electrode can be cylinders made from metal plates metallic meshes or even composite materials .

    除了传统的螺线管, 工作 电极还可由打孔的金属筒、金属网、甚至复合材料制成。

  • In electrochemical system conductive fabrics are prepared as working electrode .

    然后,将制备好的导电织物作为电化学体系中的 工作 电极,进一步发生电化学反应,得到电化学聚合吡咯/棉导电织物。

  • With Co / GCE as the working electrode an interaction between daunorubicin and DNA was studied .

    用钴离子注入修饰 电极研究了柔红霉素与DNA的相互作用。

  • According to the characteristics of three-electrode system on the topic of the working electrode ( WE ) reference electrode ( RE ) auxiliary electrode ( CE ) made a detailed analysis and contact the external circuit debugging the final conclusion .

    根据三电极系统的特性,对本课题的 工作 电极(WE)、参比电极(RE)、辅助电极(CE)作了详细的分析,并联系外围电路进行调试最后得出结论。

  • Response current value response sensibility and stability of measurement were investigated for CIO-1 ion with conducting polyaniline was used as working electrode .

    以导电聚苯胺为电极材料,考察了聚苯胺 电极CIO-离子的响应信号值、响应灵敏度及测试结果的稳定性。