work sheet

[wɚk ʃit][wə:k ʃi:t]


  • Nah I can work my way around a spread sheet .

    不,我可以 我自己的分析

  • On a clean work surface place one sheet of manicotti lengthwise .

    在一张干净的 切菜板上放一 通心粉。

  • Investigation and Analysis on Present Situation of the college sports work check the score sheet under the college sports work .

    同时根据《高校体育工作检查记分 》对高校体育 工作 开展现状进行调查分析。

  • Also it introduces in detail that integrating history and education of mathematics can include historical snippet student research projects based on historical text work sheet historical package and experience of mathematics activity etc. The common procedure of HPM practical developments is given .

    提出数学史与数学教育的整合可以包括历史片断、基于历史文本的学生研究项目、 工作 、历史包、数学活动经历等一些具体形式,给出了HPM实践开发的一般流程。

  • Ensure customers sign on every service work sheet .

    及时上缴客户认可签字的 工作

  • Audit the formation of the work sheet with recheck ;

    审计 工作 底稿的形成与复核;

  • MAXIMO is an imported equipment maintenance managing system with advanced management mode and normalized work sheet flow .

    MAXIMO是从国外引进的大型设备维修管理系统,具有较先进的管理模式和规范的 流程。

  • It is well known that the principal task in the operation phase of a shop floor is to work out an efficient schedule sheet .

    如何制定合理有效的日调度 ,是车间运行阶段所面临的主要任务,也是充分 发挥车间生产能力,实现资源优化利用的关键。

  • LCDs work by sandwiching a thin sheet of liquid crystals-in this case thin-film transistors-between two narrowly separated panes of glass .

    液晶显示器(LCDs)的 工作原理是在二块紧密贴合、似分非分的玻璃 之间夹一层很薄的液晶膜(在液晶显示器中是薄膜晶体管)。

  • Previous work has indicated that a sheet beam driven traveling wave tube can meet this need but it require the beam which can carry higher current . Sheet electron beam is one of the most important one .

    通过 研究发现 带状电子束行波管能够满足这样的需求,而这需要一种能够承载大电流的电子束源,带状电子束就是其中最重要的一种。

  • The idea of visual work sheet system which combines the characteristic of the substation management is put forward .

    结合变电管理的特点,提出一种可视 化工 系统设计思路。

  • Each fermenter needs a different amount of time so you need to check your work sheet !

    需要不同的泵送的时间,所以你每一次需要查看你的 工作

  • How to Read the Offset Entry of the Combined Financial Statement 's Work Sheet The Main Entry and MARC

    谈合并报表 工作 底稿中的抵销分录主要款目与机读目录

  • According to results of present work a suggested principle flow sheet for the extraction of lead and manganese dioxide from lead concentrate and manganese carbonate ore is given in the fifth chapter of this paper .

    根据本 研究的结果,本文的第五章给出了从铅精矿和碳酸锰矿提取铅和二氧化锰的推荐原则工艺 流程

  • The Research on Work Sheet CAD System of the Machining of Stone

    石材 加工 的CAD研究

  • The idea to apply the J2EE technology to the electricity work sheet management system with the B / S model is presented .

    通过对传统C/S电力系统 工作 管理系统的分析,提出将J2EE应用于 工作 管理系统的思想并进行实践。

  • An Optimized Design of Work Sheet Management System for Power Network Dispatching

    电网调度 工作 管理系统的优化设计

  • Defect elimination treatment is performed according to the defect elimination work sheet .

    根据消缺 工作 现场进行消缺处理。

  • The system prints terminal adjustment work sheet and control function adjustment is conducted on site .

    系统打印「终端调试 」,到现场进行控制功能调试。

  • To work with data on the sheet start by getting an HSSFRow ( org . apache . poi . hssf . usermodel . HSSFRow ) object which represents a row in the sheet .

    处理 工作 上的数据,首先要获取一个HSSFRow(org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow)对象,它表示工作表中的一行。

  • Research on Integrative Work Sheet of Substation Equipment Maintenance and Repair Management

    变电检修管理一体化 工作 研究

  • The Electromagnetic Design of Rare-earth Magneto and How Fixing the Work Sheet of the Magnet Steel

    稀土永磁发电机电磁设计及 磁钢 工作 的确定

  • Analyzes in 84 taste commonly used injury from fractures Chinese medicine using the Excel work sheet and the variance analytic method the calcium element content and the different natural quality the effect the nature and turns over to after between relations . Results : 1 .

    运用Excel 工作 和方差分析法分析84味常用跌打损伤中草药中钙元素含量与不同自然属性、功能主治、归经和性味之间的关系。

  • Work with other sheet metal parts designer to convert the industrial design into oversea markets .

    或与其他 钣金设计工程师一 将概念图转化为可推向市场的产品。

  • Study on Temperature Field and Thermal Profile of Work Roll in Sheet and Strip Rolling

    带轧制过程 工作辊温度场与热辊型研究

  • Some methods in our practice are as following : work sheet method T account method symbolizing method account classification method .

    在我国,其编报方法在实际 工作中主要有 工作 底稿法、T形账户法、标行法、科目分析法。

  • Application of J2EE technology to electricity work sheet management system & a transformation from C / S model to B / s model

    J2EE在电力系统 工作 信息化管理中的应用&从C/S模式到B/S多层模式的转换

  • Characteristics of work amount quotation sheet and cost control
