working tape

[ˈwə:kɪŋ tep][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ teip]


  • The basic working principle of magnetic head is described frequency response curve is given as gap-depletion expression and gap-depletion is explained to be the main cause that the frequency response range of tape recorder is limited .

    阐述了磁头的基本 工作原理,绘制了磁头的频率响应曲线,给出了缝隙损耗的计算公式,揭示了重放磁头的缝隙损耗是造成 记录的频率响应范围受到限制的主要原因。

  • The paper mainly introduced the working principle adaptive environment and products of some major firms of the virtual tape base in order to make the readers know more the new technique .

    本文主要介绍虚拟 库解决方案的 工作原理、适用环境以及几个主流厂商的产品,以便更多的读者了解这种新技术。

  • On Saturday while the president was working a crowd to intermittent boos a freelance cameraman caught on tape an unidentified man telling Sarkozy not to touch him .

    星期六总统在 力劝一群人不要喝 倒彩时,自由摄影师抓拍到这样的 镜头:一身份不明的男子告诉萨科齐不要碰他。

  • The working principle and structure of one kind special minor-caliber drip tape for greenhouse with 8mm tube diameter were introduced in this paper . Its hydraulic performance and application benefit were analyzed too .

    介绍了一种管径为8mm的小管径温室专用滴灌 的结构与 工作原理,研究了小管径滴灌带的水力性能并对其进行了经济分析。

  • So they planed to find someone who was working in the administration and gave the tape to him .

    于是,他们计划去找一个在行政管理部门 工作的人,然后把 录音带给他。

  • This paper presents working principles domestic-foreign developments and advantages of a new type of pumping unit called continuous steel tape pumping unit .

    介绍了一种新型连续 钢带抽油机及超长冲程泵装置的 工作原理、国内外的发展现状以及技术优点,分析了该抽油装置的主要研究内容与技术关键。

  • The construction industry is working to head off strengthened requirements to buy American-made products which it sees as unnecessary red tape .

    建筑业 试图改变大力要求购买美国造产品的做法,它认为这是毫无必要的 官样文章

  • Before I want to play I saw a row in front of me little girl was working personnel department on the red tape so she stood in bamboo stage looked at below suddenly she stood there can 't jump .

    还没有等我想玩我就看见一个排在我前面的小女孩被 工作人员系上了红 带子,她站到竹台上望着下面忽然她站在那里不敢跳了。