


  • There are other worrisome signs that terror could prove more slippery even than u. s.tactics to contain it .

    其他 令人 的迹象表明,恐怖活动可能比美国战术所能遏制的要棘手。

  • I said you were all more worrisome than a baby .

    我说,你们都比小孩子还要 担心呢。

  • That 's the most worrisome matter for me .

    这真是最 烦恼的麻烦。

  • He noted a worrisome slowdown in the UK rate of new order growth .

    诺布尔指出,英国新订单的增速出现了“ 令人 担忧的”放缓。

  • But the flaws in the global trading system are large and worrisome .

    然而,全球贸易体系仍存在许多 令人 的重大缺陷。

  • Some of the most worrisome body signs are already well known thanks to extensive education campaigns .

    在大规模宣传教育活动的作用之下,一些最 危险的身体信号已广为人知。

  • A constant worrisome burden . The old man can hardly bear up to his family responsibility any more .

    沉重的负担,包袱持续 恼人的负担这个老人再也担负不了对自己家庭的责任了。

  • Water pollution is among the most worrisome byproducts of china 's rapid economic growth .

    水污染是中国经济高速发展最 令人 的副产品之一。

  • Although worries about Japan-style deflation in the US are overblown deflationary pressures are more worrisome than inflation .

    尽管外界对于美国将出现日本式通缩的担忧有些过虑,但通缩压力比通胀更 令人

  • It ` s worrisome you know .

    这是 令人 担忧的,你知道。

  • The destruction of your radio is a serious and worrisome affair .

    你的收音机损坏了,这是一件 犯愁的要紧事。

  • What is puzzling intriguing or worrisome to you ?

    什么问题使你困惑、感兴趣或 担忧

  • Within the hour though a worrisome caveat came to light .

    但是,还不到一小时,就出现了 令人 担忧的警告。

  • The good news must be viewed against a worrisome backdrop of rapidly expanding rice consumption in Africa .

    我们必须要对照非洲水稻消费迅量速增加这一 好的背景来看待这些好消息。

  • Despite all this wage inflation is one source of inflation in China that is less worrisome .

    尽管存在上述种种问题,但薪资上涨作为中国的通胀来源之一,并不那么 令人 担忧

  • Even more worrisome are those that are in denial about wasting time at work .


  • Far more worrisome for the political elite is the question of how to deal with rising social unrest .

    政治精英们更 担心的问题是如何应对日益加剧的社会不安定局面。

  • The frequency and the aplomb with which we think of being healthy are worrisome indeed !

    频率和沉着,在我们认为是健康的,确实 令人 担忧

  • It is a worrisome possibility that the drugs may have side effects which were not initially recognized .

    这些药也许有最初不能发现的副作用,这种可能性 令人 心存 疑虑

  • More worrisome is that it may not be the right medicine .

    担心的是,它可能并不是对 下药。

  • Perhaps the most worrisome development is how poorly the job market is already functioning for many workers .

    也许最 令人 忧虑的情况是,对于许多劳动者来说,就业市场的状况已经十分糟糕。

  • Regulations without a clear and open argument behind them are worrisome .

    没有经过透明和公开讨论而得出的规定是 令人 担忧的。

  • This is lamentable and worrisome .

    可悲的、 令人 忧虑的。

  • Actually I 've never had a worry as worrisome as the universe-destroying black holes .

    以毁灭宇宙的黑洞带给我的忧愁程度,实质上是我以前所有的 忧愁无法带来的。

  • Most worrisome the playbook launched without the email service that makes its smartphones so attractive to many users .

    令人 的是,正式版Playbook竟然没有电子邮件服务,而这恰恰是黑莓智能手机的杀手锏。

  • His injury is worrisome .

    他的伤情令人 担忧

  • Even more worrisome is the continuing occurrence of extensively drug-resistant TB which is virtually impossible to treat .

    令人 担忧的是广泛抗药结核病持续发生,该病几乎无法治疗。

  • Even more worrisome there is evidence of stagflation & slow economic growth and rising unemployment combined with inflation .

    他说,更 令人 担忧的是,现在还出现了滞胀的迹象,即经济增长放缓与失业增加的同时伴随着通货膨胀上升。