work input

[wɚk ˈɪnˌpʊt][wə:k ˈinput]


  • It is important that applications are architected to work properly with specialized input devices such as on-screen keyboards .

    将应用程序构建成 适合专门的 输入设备,如屏幕键盘,是重要的。

  • The mechanical work input and the reasonable input mode measured in the process of the four-stage agitating procedure will provide the technical guarantee for the producing homogenized and stable emulsified substances .

    通过试验确定了加工过程中四段搅拌工序的机械 输入 与合理的输入方式,为形成均匀、稳定的乳化物提供了工艺保证。

  • With just a little additional work the input gathered from a Web form can be stored in a database .

    只要做些其他的 工作,从Web表单里收集的 输入就能够存储在数据库中。

  • In a theoretically frictionless or ideal machine the work input and work output are equal and the efficiency would be1 or100 % .

    理论上,一个无摩擦力的,或者说是理想的机器, 输入和输出的 相等,因此效率是1,或者说是100%。

  • The Research of Digital Media Interaction Work Input and Output System

    数字媒体互动 作品 输入输出系统研究

  • Work about data input and processing of forest management investigation is tedious and lengthy and quality of database is affected by the accuracy and integrity of data .

    森林资源二类调查数据的 录入和整理是一项繁琐而又费时的 工作,数据的完整性、准确性等影响到数据库的质量。

  • The conventional charge pump changes work mode at fixed input voltage value .

    普通电荷泵型 LED 驱动器输入电压的固定值处转换 工作模式。

  • This not only avoids the missing or incorrect may appear in materials mailing and manual entry links in the past registration process and reduces heavy burden the work staffs to manually input candidate information .

    这不仅避免了过去的报名流程中,材料邮寄、手工录入等环节可能带来的遗失或错误,而且减轻了 工作人员手工 录入考生信息等沉重的 工作负担。

  • General self-efficacy in the work input also has significant influence pressure on the Impact of work also appears significant but sex on the work input has no significant impaction .

    一般自我效能对 工作 投入同样也具有显著影响,工作压力对工作 投入的影响也呈现显著,而性别对工作投入则无显著影响。

  • Systematic management by means of computer not only assures to rapidly carry on the work and timely input accounting data but also makes statistics of various kinds of information meeting the demands of higher-level departments and other management requirements .

    利用计算机进行系统管理,不仅能够保证 工作的快速开展、台账的及时 录入,而且还可以利用计算机对有关的各种信息进行统计,服务于各条线上级部门其他方面的需求和管理。

  • Occupational commitment as a work engagement input variable is increasingly concerned by the scholars in recent 20 years .

    职业承诺作为 工作 投入的相关变量,近20年来逐渐受到学者们的关注。

  • Use JWL to work with locale-sensitive output and input

    使用 JWL来处理场所敏感输出与 输入

  • As machining conditions such as blank error before machining hardness of work piece were input to the system in form of precise quantity or fuzzy value processing steps and material removal of each step could be acquired as outputs .

    对建立的模糊系统可以通过选择精确值或模糊语言真值 输入 加工前毛坯误差、工艺系统刚度等加工条件,系统能够输出满足加工要求的加工次数和各次加工量等加工参数。

  • XSS attacks work by supplying input that a program does not expect and exploiting how it handles rogue input .

    XSS通过提供程序不期望的 输入,然后利用程序对无赖输入的处理方式发动进攻。

  • The J2EE worker thread now waits for more work to appear on the input queue .

    J2EE工作线程现在等待更多 工作出现在 输入队列上。

  • For creating and modifying work products roles are assigned to perform tasks that have specific types of work products as input and output .

    为了创建和修改工作产品,角色被分配来执行某种具有 输入输出的 工作产品类型的任务。

  • Next drop some work in the input subdirectory .

    接下来,在 input目录中放一些 工作

  • Work input to water pumping equipments is the main reason for water head lowering .

    抽水设备 输入的有 用功是决定水井出水量分配和产生 能量转化,即引起水头下降的根本原因。

  • It can simplify diagram improve work efficiency and solve input error completely .

    简化并规范实验室 工作流程,提高了 工作效率,从根本上解决了检验项目 输入错误的差错。

  • Met these criteria it can work well in the input ;

    达到了这几个标准,人们在 工作时就能很好地 投入

  • It is a hard work to input data of table or books copy to database by manual work .

    将已存在的书本或表格中的数据用人工方法 录入到数据库中是一项繁重的 工作,且容易出现错误。

  • As soon as a flow instance finishes processing its input file it returns to the thread pool and begins work on the next input file from the list .

    一旦某个流实例完成其输入文件的处理,该实例立即返回线程池,并开始 处理列表中的下一个 输入文件。

  • This module main realization password verification after system picking machine the system will produce the prompt sound and the request input password when the password input will be correct the system will start to work ; Password input mistake system hanging machine . 4 .

    本模块主要实现密码校验,当系统摘机后,系统将给出提示音并要求输入密码,当密码输入正确,系统开始 工作;密码 输入错误,系统挂机。

  • The driver can work under condition with bigger input voltage changes and output constant current is accurate and adjustable .

    该驱动器可在 输入电压变化较大的情况下 工作,且输出恒流可调、精确度高。

  • But unlike previous DB2 stages sample you now work on the Input page of DB2 stage as input links are used instead of output links .

    但是,与之前的DB2stage示例不同,现在在 DB2stage的“ Input”页面上操作,因为这里使用输入链接,而不是输出链接。

  • The overall design work flow begins with input from the analysts usually in the form of call flow diagrams which can be captured as sequence diagrams .

    整个的设计 工作开始于分析人员的 输入,通常是以调用流图的形式,这些图可以是序列图的。

  • Human resource management system can solve the daily work of massive data input storage processing and output a good error to increase efficiency and reduce the probability of occurrence .

    人力资源管理系统可以很好的解决日常 工作中海量数据的 输入、存储、处理和输出,很好地提高工作效率和降低错误的发生概率。

  • Both the output voltage controller and voltage controller are designed so that several identical power modules can work with serial input and parallel output mode ensuring the output voltage-sharing and the wide range are adjustable .

    通过对输出电压控制器和均压控制器的设计,使多个模块在 输入并联输出串联的连接方式下 工作,保证输出电压均压并且电压宽范围输出可调。

  • To obtain the information of thenar is indispensable for the production of foot rectification implement and this is the work that the input equipment will do .

    足底矫形器的生产离不开人脚底的信息获取,这正是 输入设备所做的 工作