world environment day

[wɜrld ɛnˈvaɪrənmənt de][wɜː(r)ld inˈvaiərənmənt dei]


  • In today s world our environment is more serious day and day . So research on changes of population s survival condition in a polluted environment becomes a hot topic to many scholars .

    当今 世界 污染 日益严重,研究污染环境中生物种群的生存问题成为许多学者关注的热点问题。

  • World Environment Day Revelation

    世界 环境 启示录

  • Global warming is melting glaciers fast enough to justify making them the theme of this year 's world environment day .

    全球变暖造成冰层融化,其速度之剧足以使这一问题成为今年六月五 世界 环境 的主题。

  • Agencies will use World Environment Day to raise awareness of how Afghanistan 's environment has suffered from years of war .

    机构将利用 世界 环境 ,提高人们对遭受了多年战争的阿富汗环境的认知。

  • On World Environment Day millions of individuals community groups and businesses from around the world take part in local projects from clean up campaigns to art exhibits to tree-planting drives .

    世界 环境 这天,世界各地有数百万个人、社区团体和企业投身于清洁活动、艺术展览和植树活动等当地项目。

  • The Secretary-General message on World Environment Day

    莫使旱地变沙漠 世界 环境 联合国秘书长安南的致词

  • The late twentieth century with the further development of world science and technology business environment in which rapid change with each passing day .

    二十世纪中后期,随着 世界科学技术的进一步发展,企业所 环境发生了快速的变化、 日新月异

  • Every June5th is world environment day this year 's theme is : save energy .

    每年的6月5日是 世界 环境 ,今年的主题是:节能减排。

  • Message from Ms Irina Bokova Director-General of UNESCO on the Occasion of World Environment Day

    联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜博科娃女士 世界 环境 致辞

  • World Environment Day in China

    世界 环境 在中国

  • The country and individual has paid much attention to the traffic safety with the quantity of automobile and the road rank continue increasing the world road accident occurs frequently traffic safety environment is worse day by day .

    行车安全一直是国家和个人关注的焦点,随着汽车持有量的持续增加和公路级别的不断提高,全 世界的公路交通事故频繁发生,交通安全 问题 日益严重。

  • About World Environment Day 2006

    2006年 世界 环境

  • There will be many exciting activities throughout the life of the Expo and especially on June5th because June5th at the expo will be the WWF Day and not coincidentally World Environment Day .

    在上海世博会期间将会有许多令人兴奋的展览活动,尤其是在6月5日,因为6月5日将是世博会期间的“世界自然基金日”,也是 世界 环境保护

  • The theme of 2006 World Environment Day was Deserts and Desertification . The land degradation caused by human activity created a potential condition of Desert and Desertification for all mankind .

    2006年 世界 环境 聚焦沙漠和荒漠化,关注人为因素导致的土地退化,为全人类敲响沙漠和荒漠化警钟!

  • The World Environment Day theme selected for2006 is Deserts and Desertification and the slogan is Don 't Desert Drylands !

    2006年 世界 环境 的主题是“沙漠和荒漠化”,口号是“不要让干地变成沙漠”。

  • Yesterday was the35th World Environment Day .

    昨天是第35个 世界 环境

  • India the global host of World Environment Day in2011 is among a growing number of countries working to address the pressures of ecological change .

    印度是2011年 世界 环境 的全球主办国,它是世界上越来越多致力于应对生态变化压力的国家之一。

  • The theme of World Environment Day this year Forests : Nature at Your Service emphasizes the multi-trillion dollar value of these and other ecosystems to society – especially the poor .

    今年 世界 环境 的主题是“森林:大自然为你服务”,强调森林和其他生态系统对社会&特别是穷人所能带来的数万亿美元的价值。

  • Review 1972 : Walk into World Environment Day

    温故1972走入 世界 环境

  • With the world entering the era of knowledge economy and enterprise competition environment becoming complex turbulence day by day the innovation becoming the historical characteristics also becomes the enterprise survival development key .

    世界已进入知识经济时代,企业竞争 环境 日趋复杂动荡,创新成为时代特征也成为了企业生存发展的关键因素。

  • I am a Chinese child I would hope that countries and people around the world in a peaceful environment to maintain the fine traditions of their own national culture and live a happy day .

    我是一个中国孩子,希望我的国家和全 世界的人民在和平的 环境中,保持自己民族的优秀传统文化,过上幸福的 日子

  • World Environment Day is of particular relevance as we celebrate in 2014 International Year of Small Island Developing States ( SIDS ) .

    2014年适逢小岛屿发展中国家国际年,当此之际, 世界 环境 的意义尤为重大。

  • World Environment Day 2014 falls during the International Year of Small Island Developing States declared by the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness of the special needs of this diverse coalition as part of the global discussion on how to achieve a sustainable future for all .

    在为所有人建设一个可持续未来的全球讨论中,联合国大会宣布2014年为小岛屿发展中国家国际年,以提高人们对这个多样化群体的特殊需求的认识,2014年 世界 环境 应时而办。