working chamber

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈtʃembɚ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈtʃeimbə]


  • The molding portion is composed of a plunger and a working chamber which is arranged below the plunger and is coaxial with the plunger .

    成型部分由柱塞和柱塞下方与其保持同轴的 工作室构成。

  • For simulated firing device that its barrel length is 5 ~ 6 times as that of conventional large caliber gun there are larger deviation between theoretic calculation result of recoil brake working chamber pressure and tested data .

    对某身管长度是常规大口径火炮身管长度的5~6倍的模拟发射装置测试后发现,驻退机 工作 压力理论计算结果与测试数据之间存在较大偏差。

  • The compressibility of gas and liquid in the working chamber in a high pressure reciprocating pump exerts quite a great influence on the Volume coefficient Kv .

    高压往复泵 工作 中夹带的气体及液体的压缩性对容积系数KV具有较大的影响。

  • A Simplified Method of Calculating Working Chamber Volumes for Scroll Machinery

    一种涡旋机械 工作 容积的简化算法

  • The machine has a large working chamber which can carry out symmetrical operations in alternation thus making it easy to be operated and highly efficient .

    该机有一个轮番 工作的大 工作室进行两个工位的作业,操作方便,效率高。

  • In the working chamber shelf user can according to their own requirements for arbitrary regulation height and shelf number ;

    工作室 搁架用户可根据自己的要求任意调节高度及搁架多少;

  • Characteristic : Water-jacket heating mode . Temperature is even in the working chamber . if power failure the chamber can keep constant temperature for longer .

    特点:隔水式加热方式,温度均匀且断电后仍能保持较长 时间 恒温

  • Melting quality of a Pyrex type glass was improved considerably by tapping the bottom dirty layer from the side wall of the working chamber of the furnace .

    采用成型池两侧壁 打孔放料的办法,排除了炉 底部脏料,显著改进了高硼硅质玻璃的熔制质量。

  • The dominant factors causing the effect of substrate-to-target distance on the thickness of coating are the distribution of magnetic field in the working chamber and the gaseous particle scattering collision during their movement .

    磁场空间分布和粒子迁移中的散射碰撞是导致 基距影响镀层厚度的主要原因。

  • At the same time through changing geometric model and boundary condition of working chamber impact on pressure transfer characteristic of working chamber by length of working chamber tunnel depth and cutter head open ratio is studied .

    同时,通过改变 密封 几何模型和边界条件,研究了密封舱长度、隧道埋深、刀盘开口对密封舱压力传递特性的影响。

  • Toughened bulletproof double glass door to observe clearly the object in the working chamber .

    钢化、防弹双层玻璃门观察 工作室内物体,一目了然。

  • The environmental control system can adjust the air pressure temperature and relative humidity of the working chamber .

    整个微装配系统的 执行部件都放置在一个环境控制系统的 工作 腔内,该环境控制系统可以调节 工作 腔内的气压和温度,并可以通过调节 腔内的气体成分来调节相对湿度。

  • The relations of the lubricating oil amount in working chamber between sealing pressure relative speed of motion lubricating oil viscidity and gas pressure ratio were obtained by experiment .

    并通过实验得出了 工作 腔内润滑油量与密封比压、相对运动速度、润滑油粘度和气体压缩比等参数间的变化关系。

  • The working chamber is rectangular so as to achieve the maximum of effective volume .

    长方形 工作室,使有效容积达到最大。

  • Clean the working chamber and waste water processing device when handing over to the next shift .

    应建立卫生保洁制度,每天交班时应对 工作室和污水处理装置。

  • In the aspect of experiment study the vacuum in the working chamber of piston pump is compared by two different experiment devices of non-slippage pump and slippage pump .

    在实验方面,采用了不带补油泵和带补油泵两套实验装置来对比测试柱塞泵 工作 的真空度大小。

  • External bearing structure twin-screw pump working chamber with the bearings are separated .

    外置轴承结构的双螺杆泵 工作 同轴承是分开的。

  • On this basis by adopting experiment table of pressure control of working chamber as prototype research of DEM on pressure field of working chamber is carried out .

    在此基础上,以 密封 压力控制实验台为原型,进行密封舱压力场离散元数值模拟研究。

  • The pressure balance control of working chamber is one of the core technologies . It directly influences on stability of tunnel face safety and efficiency of tunneling construction energy consumption and so on .

    密封 压力平衡控制是土压平衡盾构核心技术之一,直接影响着隧道开挖面的稳定性、施工安全和效率、能量消耗等。

  • The working chamber is made of stainless steel plate to ensure durability .


  • Staring from the analysis to the pressure varying process in working chamber a pre-compression differential equation was established and the pre-compression pressure and pressure gradient of three type grooves was calculated .

    从分析叶片 工作 压力变化出发,建立了预升压微分方程,计算了三种减振槽的预升压和压力梯度,给出了预升压和压力梯度曲线。

  • The control equations of the working chamber earth pressure system under two kinds of control mode such as the separate control of screw conveyor speed the combination control of advancing speed and screw conveyor speed are given respectively .

    建立了单独控制螺旋输送机转速与同时控制推进速度和螺旋输送机转速这两种控制模式下,EPB盾构 密封 土压力系统控制方程。

  • The problems during establishing mathematical model of the working chamber earth pressure system are solved .

    解决了建立 密封 土压力系统数学模型所涉及的关键问题。

  • Variation law of axial force lies in the contradiction between working chamber pressure and secondary chamber pressure .

    轴向力的变化规律是由 工作 腔内和辅腔内流场压力这一对矛盾决定的。

  • The working chamber of the machine is totally enclosed by organic glass to prevent dusting during pressing process . Meanwhile the whole pressing process can be observed through a door .

    本机 工作室采用有机玻璃全封闭开启门,能见压片全过程,并能防止压片时粉尘飞扬。

  • Two-lobed epitrochoidal working chamber The curve ball is also called arc line ball .

    双弧外旋轮线 工作室 曲球打法又叫弧线球。

  • It can produce eddy current inside the working chamber at the same time which not only influence on the performance of the air flow but also make the air knife produce vibration .

    同时在 工作 内部有涡流产生,不仅影响了空气的流动性能,还使风刀产生振动。