work sheet method

[wɚk ʃit ˈmɛθəd][wə:k ʃi:t ˈmeθəd]

[经] 试算法,工作底稿法

  • Analyzes in 84 taste commonly used injury from fractures Chinese medicine using the Excel work sheet and the variance analytic method the calcium element content and the different natural quality the effect the nature and turns over to after between relations . Results : 1 .

    运用Excel 工作 和方差分析 分析84味常用跌打损伤中草药中钙元素含量与不同自然属性、功能主治、归经和性味之间的关系。

  • Some methods in our practice are as following : work sheet method T account method symbolizing method account classification method .

    在我国,其编报方法在实际 工作中主要有 工作 底稿 、T形账户法、标行法、科目分析法。

  • Under the common work of the pile net soil system used sheet to simulate net unit the calculating method of subgrade residual settlement was deduced basing on the sheet deformation theory .

    本文的新思路是:以 平板模拟网单元,基于薄板大挠度变形理论,结合桩网复合地基的具体情况,提出路基工后沉降量的直线计算 方法,并给出工程算例。