


  • The consequent bubble helped deliver the lost decade of the 1990s . Once a world-beater Japan fell into the doldrums .

    随之产生的泡沫,促成了上世纪90年代失落的十年。曾经的 天下无敌就此陷入了萧条。

  • Politicking and grand strategising were not the skills that first made Google a world-beater .

    政治游说和华丽的战略计划并不是当初让谷歌 出人头地的主要技能。

  • Ward is not the most consistent of players but when he is on song he looks a world-beater .

    沃德并不是 发挥最稳定的球员,可是一旦 进入 状态,他似乎 就是 天下无敌 王者

  • These were the hallmarks of JP Morgan ( JPM ) as a world-beater largely immune to the troubles of its bulge bracket peers .

    这些就是摩根大通 世界 无敌 标识 使得它基本上 大批同行所面临的问题困扰。