with a will

[wɪð e wɪl][wið ə wil]


  • For many users the basic free software shipped with a netbook will be quite enough .

    对于许多用户来说, 网簿装在一起交货的、基本的免费软件 完全够用。

  • He stepped hack with a look I will never forget hatred disgust you name it .

    他往后退,脸上的 神情永远也忘不了&憎恨、厌恶,反正什么神情都有。

  • One is to coat the glass with a substance that will make sure the glass doesn 't shatter into pieces when it is broken & that could be a plastic material for example .

    一方面是给玻璃杯 层特殊材料,防止其摔碎,这 材料可能 是塑料。

  • It was an easy opening circuit but the riders attacked it with a will .

    这一段起始赛道十分平缓,但车手们都铆足 往前冲。

  • PC road warriors more concerned with making a visual statement will find the VAIO Pro offers that and more .

    更关心视觉表现的PC商务骑士们 发现,VaioPro在这个方面不仅满足而且超过了他们的需求。

  • Finally Test reporting with a Python test framework will look at the powerful features these frameworks provide for viewing the results of your test runs .

    最后 文章 Python测试框架生成测试报告讨论这些框架为查看测试结果提供的强大特性。

  • Working with a database server that will be part of an embedded deployment requires a different approach from a traditional enterprise deployment .

    使用嵌入式数据库服务器 需要不同于传统企业部署的部署方式。

  • It was hard work but everybody went at it with a will .

    劳动很艰苦,可是大家 干劲 十足

  • If you lever up the stone with a stick you will find lots of insects living beneath it .

    要是 棍把这块石头撬起来,你 看到石头下面有许多虫子。

  • By most important we mean those decisions that provide the overall architecture with a structure that will hold up best over time .

    最重要的是,我们指的是 使用 某种结构(在 段时间内保持有效的)提供整体体系结构的那些决策。

  • This mode is simple and easy though it comes with a cost ; data will be lost since the last back up ( you have been warned !) .

    这种模式简单易行,但这是 代价的;如果发生故障,上次备份以来的数据 就会丢失(请注意这种风险!)

  • Taking a conservative approach to your analysis and then performing financial calculations with a concrete approach will set the stage for this leap .

    使用保守的方法进行你的分析,然后 使用可靠的方法进行计算, 能够给这个跳跃加上台阶。

  • Set to work with a will and be pleased with the amount you get done

    干活时卖力干,干了多少 满意

  • Most securities analysts following Microsoft were impressed with a few predicting Microsoft will rise as high as $ 34 or $ 35 A share .

    众多紧跟微软的证券分析师都对此印象深刻, 其中 少数人还预测微软股价 涨至34美元或35美元。

  • ' A man who lives with a woman will not only eat better and drink less he also goes to the doctor sooner with symptoms reports Penny Mansfield Director of a marriage research organization .


  • Do not close with a feeble thank you but instead close with a statement that will let your audience know you are finished .

    不要以一个虚弱的“谢谢”来结束演讲,而是 陈述 让你的观众知道你已经完成了。

  • To change an existing package with SSPW a user will need to re-import the SAP BW InfoQuery and then over-write the existing package .

    使用SSPW更改现有的包,用户 需要重新导入SAPBWInfoQuery,然后覆盖现有的包。

  • And when morning comes and you are still dark stand up and say to the day with a will I am still dark .

    当早晨来了而你还感着阴郁的时候, 站起来坚决地对白天说:“我还是阴郁的。”

  • Say to them that are of a fearful heart Be strong fear not : behold your God will come with vengeance even God with a recompence ; he will come and save you .

    对胆怯的人说,你们要刚强,不要惧怕。看哪,你们的神必来报仇,必来施行极大的报应,他 来拯救你们。

  • When night comes and you too are dark lie down and be dark with a will .

    当黑夜来了而你也阴郁的时候,就坚决地阴郁 下去

  • I 'll try to come up with a design that will easily let me add them in at a later date however .

    然而,我将尽快提出 个以后 可以轻易添加该功能的设计方案。

  • Since opening and closing the connection is the most expensive part of interacting with a database you will want to pool and reuse your database connection .

    因为在于数据库交互 ,打开以及关闭数据库的开销是非常昂贵的,您 应该 您的数据库连接放在池中并且能重新使用。

  • ( but Infiniti announced an exception this week : the G37 with a smaller engine will continue to be sold as such before being discontinued in 2015 . )

    (不过,本周英菲尼迪公布了一个例外: 采用更小引擎的G37 降价 Q50并行销售至2015年。)

  • Then why do we compromise with a career choice that will impact our future .

    那么我们为什么 对那些 可能影响我们未来事业的抉择妥协呢?

  • That youngster works with a will .

    这小伙子干活儿 股傻劲儿。

  • A wider search with a Web search engine will provide many more pointers .

    使用Web搜索引擎 找到更多的资料。

  • We will start with a Java applet that will make use of Apache Derby and eventually move this to an Ajax-based application that uses Derby as a cache .

    我们 从利用ApacheDerby的JavaApplet开始,最终实现一个使用Derby作为缓存的基于Ajax的应用程序。

  • The exact method of launching the transformation with a designated initial template will be specific to the implementation .

    指定初始模板启动转换的具体方法 取决于具体的实现。

  • If you have a good rapport with a dealer they will always let you have first refusal on anything interesting

    如果你 经销商关系好,好东西他们 任你先挑。