without debate

[wɪðˈaʊt dɪˈbet][wiˈðaut diˈbeit]

[法] 不经过辩论

  • Cerberus said its decision would allow it to protect its investors without being drawn into a debate that is more properly pursued by those with the formal charter and public responsibility to do so .

    赛伯乐表示,出售决定将保护其投资者 陷入一种 争论,这种 争论“更适合在那些有正式权责和公共责任的人中展开”。

  • Without being aware of it students speak their minds in a heated debate said Gu Cong 21 .

    同学们在激烈的 辩论 毫无顾忌地发表各自的看法。21岁的古聪(音译)说道。

  • I think I can say without fear of contradiction that this is of vital importance for all of us . Under no circumstances should a strong nation interfere in the internal affairs of another one he argued back at the debate .

    我认为我可以不怕辩驳 说,这件事对我们极为重要。他在 辩论中反驳说在任何情况下,强国都不该干涉弱国的内政。

  • Without public debate without Congressional consent without any cost projections Americans are being herded into the dawn of a new era .

    没有公开 辩论,也没国会同意,亦没任何成本推测,美国人正在被一起带进新纪元的黎明。

  • A day doesn 't pass without the radio and television stations offering a retrospective a debate or a portrait of the main characters of the era .

    每一天广播与电视台都要 播出相关的节目,有时是历史回顾,有时是 公开 辩论,有时则是描写那个时代主要人物的专题片。

  • We would be deeply diminished without Scotland this matters to all of our futures . And everyone in UK can have a voice in this debate .

    如果 没有苏格兰,我们会被大幅削弱;这对我们所有人的未来都很重要,每个英国人都可以参与 争论

  • It likely won 't happen without heated debate .

    似乎 不了将上演一场激烈的 辩论

  • Mr Joubert is used to issuing instructions without debate .

    朱伯特过去习惯于 质疑地发出指令。

  • A discussion of SOA governance would not be complete without addressing the Big SOA Little SOA debate .

    一个关于SOA治理的讨论 如果 涉及关于大SOA和小SOA的 争论的话就是不完全的。

  • Ladies and Gentlemen Syria is without doubt the biggest crisis facing the international community and is likely to figure prominently in the speeches and meetings during the General Debate segment and rightly so .

    女士们,先生们, 毫无疑问,叙利亚是国际社会面临的最大的危机,它有可能成为一般性 辩论期间所发表的演讲和召开的会议中的突出话题,这也合乎情理。

  • Parliament voted the bill through without a debate .

    国会 辩论 投票通过了这项法案。

  • Nowadays one can do this without the filtering of an intermediary by going directly to social media . Either way it may not be an optimal approach to a rational debate .

    现今,人们可以 绕过中间媒介,直接在社交媒体上解决这种问题,无论哪种方式,理性地说可能都不是最佳方式。

  • Without equivalent value of E or modified coefficients there is no debate on the determining of these values .

    不用E的等效值或者修正系数, 免去确定这些值的 争论

  • It 's better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debate it .

    讨论问题而不予解决,总比 讨论而就去解决问题为好。

  • No tectonic change occurs without years of study and debate and transformation happens gradually building buy-in among the key constituents affected .

    一切结构性改革都 经过多年 研讨,而且改革都是渐进推行的,以逐渐获得主要相关方面的认同。

  • Safety first : If race officials or medical personnel deem a runner to be unfit to continue with the race the participant will have to withdraw from the competition without debate .

    安全第一,大会裁判或医师有权视选手体能状况,中止选手继续比赛资格,选手 不得异议

  • He also repeats that there should be no more expansion without institutional reforms implying a fresh debate on the EU constitution .

    他还重申,在制度革新以前 不会考虑新增成员,这意味着欧盟内部会 体制 问题 展开新的 争论

  • Mr Bush 's agreement after more than a year of promising to commit to a long-term goal without proposing what that goal should be moves the climate change debate forward significantly .

    布什的决定将气候变化 辩论向前推进了一大步。一年多来,他一直承诺将致力于一项长期目标, 从未说明这一目标应该是什么。

  • No Parisian dinner party is complete without a debate on the human condition and the force of destiny .

    巴黎的宴会上永远少 不了关于人类状况和命运力量的 辩论

  • He takes a momentous decision without debate .

    考虑 做出一项重要的决定。

  • The exercise of the right of termination without any reason of the commission contract it is one of the hot issues of debate in the academic research and the judicial practice .

    商事委托合同的任意解除权行使问题,在理论界与实务界 引起了广泛关注,是学术研究和司法实践中 争论的热点问题之一。