with deliberation

[wɪð dɪˌlɪbəˈreʃən][wið dɪˌlɪbəˈreɪʃən]


  • The HKAC board of directors is to be constituted with a number of directors considered appropriate for the effective deliberation of issues relevant to hkac 's businesses and related interests .

    香港航空资本董事会 多名认为适合有效 考虑与香港航空资本业务和相关利益的问题的董事组成。

  • It sums up a new idea and method of waterfront landscape design in the paper with the system analysis research and deliberation to the real examples all for making a positive effect to the future of the Yitong waterfront landscape environment quality .

    归纳总结出新的滨水景观设计理念和方法, 结合实例进行了系统的分析、研究和 思考,以期对今后伊通河滨水景观环境质量的提升产生积极的影响。

  • In China Habitatio has been established in the Real Law ( Draft ) in the 15th Chapter the chapter with special 12 clauses and then has been canceled in the 5th deliberation for the Draft .

    我国于《物权法(草案)》第十五章中 专章12个条文的形式将其确立,后又于草案第五次 审议稿中将其悉数删去。

  • He put down his tumbler and deliberately struck a match ; then with even greater deliberation he lit a gold-tipped cigarette .

    他放下了大玻璃杯,不慌不忙地划了一根火柴;然后他更加 从容不迫地点起了一枝金纸嘴的香烟。

  • Be anxiously concerned with the needs of the age ye live and center your deliberation on its exigencies and requirements .

    应急且关注当代之需要,集中 思考其危机和要求。对国家紧迫的能源需求所作的应急措施。

  • With a bit more deliberation and purpose the best may be yet to come .

    凭借多一点 深思熟虑和决心,好 可能还在后头。

  • For if thou didst punish the enemies of thy servants and that deserved to die with so great deliberation giving them time and place whereby they might be changed from their wickedness .

    你处罚你子女们应处死的敌人,还这样小心 温和,给他们时间和机会改恶迁善。

  • Wisely ordered society is therefore provided with means for deliberation and reflection before the pressure of action becomes irresistible .

    因此,结构合理的社会 拥有一定的方法,可在采取行动的压力变得无法抗拒之前进行 考虑和反思。

  • Fred spoke with deliberation

    弗雷德 字斟句酌

  • The counting system of logistics-cost takes on important significance in optimizing economy-flow reducing cost and developing China 's modern logistics industry . It cries for the support of logistics-cost counting system and practical data that accords with its demand and withstands deliberation .

    物流成本的核算体系对优化经济流程、降低物流成本,加快发展中国现代物流产业具有重要的意义,这迫切需要有 符合自己要求、经得起 推敲的物流成本核算体系及其实际数据的支撑。

  • Researches in China have been confined to theories with deliberation and discussion as the focus but empirical studies are rare .

    相比 之下,国内相关研究主要囿于理论方面, 思考讨论为主,实证研究并不多见。

  • Slowly and with deliberation she turned to me and told me to get out .


  • Then his arm fell back with the same deliberation and Jean Valjean fell to meditating once more his cap in his left hand his club in his right hand his hair bristling all over his savage head .

    冉阿让 又堕入冥想中了,左手拿 小帽,右手拿着铁钎,头发乱竖在他那粗野的头上。

  • This kind of assessment with deliberation and scientificness will become preferable reference of green building system design projects .

    这种 具有 严密性、科学性的评价将成为绿色建筑系统设计方案优选的依据,亦可用于评价已建成的绿色建筑。

  • He was cool calm grave his gray hair was perfectly smooth upon his temples and he had just mounted the stairs with his habitual deliberation .

    他态度冷静、严肃,灰色头发平平整整地贴在两鬓,他刚才走上楼梯的步伐也是和平日一样 从容不迫的。

  • In order to consummate the enforceable legislation the author puts forward some concrete ideas on the basis of practical operation in accordance with the course of the legislative procedure focusing on submitting deliberation voting and other major links .

    为了完善实施性立法,笔者立足实务操作, 按照立法程序的进程,围绕提请、 审议和表决等主要环节提出了一些具体构想。

  • Acting with or marked by excessive haste and lack of due deliberation .

    轻率的,冲动 行事的行动过分着急并缺乏应有 考虑的,或以之为特点的。

  • Unlike the gung-ho days of the Soviet / American space race China 's manned space programme is proceeding with cautious deliberation .

    与那狂热的苏美太空竞赛岁月不同,中国的载人航天项目 慎之又慎

  • How to properly deal with the relationship of the United Deliberation Organ and relative Special Committee in the legislature with other functional Commissions ?

    如何妥善处理立法机关中统一 审议机构与有关的专门委员会和其他工作机构之间的关系?

  • John with great deliberation put his books into his briefcase .

    约翰极度 从容地把书放进公文包。

  • My mother folded her coat across the back of the chair with careful deliberation .

    母亲小心翼翼 把大衣搭在 椅背上。

  • Starting by penetrating into the limitations of S. Freud 's psychoanalytical theory this essay makes an in-depth discussion of the inner connection between Freud 's psychoanalytical theory and psychoanalytical feminism with the focus on its criticism inheritance development and deliberation on the part of feminism .

    本文从分析弗洛伊德精神分析理论的局限性切入,围绕 女性主义对其的批判、继承、发展和 反思,深入探讨了弗洛伊德的精神分析理论与精神分析女性主义之间的内在关联。

  • Mr Leng said : I have decided to resign as a director and chairman-designate with regret and after a great deal of deliberation .

    吉姆•棱表示: 经过 慎重 考虑 之后,我决定辞去董事和董事长继任者的职务,对此我感到遗憾。

  • In the subjective aspect I agree with the Crime of Illegal Detention for Debts can constitute only by the direct deliberation . And understanding of the law is not the contents of deliberation .

    在主观方面,笔者 赞同索债型非法拘禁罪只能由直接 故意构成,且违法性认识不应成为非法拘禁罪故意的内容,是否 具有违法性认识并不影响行为的定性。