with young

[wɪð jʌŋ][wið jʌŋ]


  • This kind of books is very popular with young people .

    这类书很受 年轻人欢迎。

  • The region is also slammed with young entrepreneurs who want to be the next Josh James .

    此外,该地区到处都是 充满雄心壮志的 年轻创业者,梦想着有朝一日能成为下一个乔希•詹姆斯。

  • That indicates that scattered rocks associated with young impact craters are more likely the causes of the high CPR .

    这表明 年轻的撞击坑相关的散布碎石很可能是高CPR的原因。

  • But I 've always been fascinated by the subject and think its as relevant today as it ever was with young men all over the world still sacrificing their lives in the name of war .

    但是,我总是已经被主题令人入神并且想它的同样地有关的今天当它曾经在全世界 年轻的男人在一起仍然牺牲战争的名字他们的生命。

  • On the same trip I had the opportunity to meet with young Palestinians in Ramallah whose ambition and incredible potential are matched by the pain they feel in having no firm place in the community of nations .

    在同一次访问中,我曾有机会 拉马拉的 年轻的巴勒斯坦人见面,他们的抱负及惊人的潜力与他们因在国家共同体中没有稳固的一席之地而感到的痛苦相伴。

  • I took the football across the street and gave it to a family with young kids .

    我把这个橄榄球拿到对街,送给一户 孩子的人家。

  • Nick Wileman is a school caretaker so it is vital that he gets on well with young people

    尼克·威尔曼是学校的管理员,因此 年轻人搞好关系很重要。

  • Then as with young birds the tie comes from the young to leave .

    后来,就像 小鸟一样,年轻 离家的时候到了。

  • We provide specially designed shopping trolleys to answer the needs of parents with young children .

    我们提供特别设计的购物车,以满足 幼儿的父母的需要。

  • This is particularly important one for mothers with young children or anyone about to have children .

    这条对孩子 年纪的妈妈们和那些将要生孩子的妇女来说尤其重要。

  • That old professor loved to surround himself with young people .

    那位老教授非常喜欢 年轻人围在他左右。

  • T-shirts of this style are especially popular with young people .

    这种式样的t恤衫特别受 年轻人的青睐。

  • And adults who live or work with young children come down with more colds .

    与儿童生活在一起或者工作中 儿童接触的成年人感冒较多。

  • I 'm chronically busy and traveling with young children is always difficult .

    我长期繁忙,并且 孩子一起旅行总是很麻烦的。

  • My husband is constantly thrown together with young people through his work .

    我丈夫由于工作关系经常 遇到 年轻人。

  • But when I worked with Chinese creatives and in fact I find that particularly with young Chinese creatives that we have many many things in common .

    但是,当我和中国的创意工作者一起工作,事实上我发现特别是 年轻的中国创意工作者一起工作时,我们有很多很多东西是共同的。

  • He associates mostly with young workers .

    他结交的朋友大多是 青年工人。

  • On a Sunday night families with young children and groups of middle-aged men fill the restaurant .

    一个周日的晚上,这家餐厅里满是 小孩的家庭顾客和一群群的中年男性。

  • But with young bachelors & ah that was a different matter !

    但是, 对于 年轻的单身汉&哦,那就是另一回事了!

  • That girl is with young .

    姑娘 怀孕了。

  • High-heel shoes have fallen out of favour with young ladies who prefer casual dress .

    那些爱穿休闲 年轻女士已经不再喜欢穿高跟鞋了。

  • Coach : No. I wanted to work with younger men . First . I wanted to coach high school football . I like to work with young men and women .

    教练:不,我想和年龄比我小的人在一起,起初,我想训练中学橄榄球队,我喜欢 年轻的男女在一起?

  • The finely twined baskets are made with young pliable spruce roots .

    这些编织精美的篮子是 柔韧的云杉 树根编成的。

  • The sandy beaches are ideal for families with young children .

    这个沙滩最适合 幼儿的家庭。

  • We mustn 't be too strict with young people nor can we let them do whatever they like .


  • Feel like a nurse with young female teacher is on the front .

    感觉好像是护士不够 年轻女老师全上前线了。

  • Most families with young kids would .

    大多数 小孩的家庭都会关注。

  • What fashions are popular with young people ?
