with cap in hand


  • It has received with polite dignity the Western bankers coming cap in hand to seek money .

    中国礼貌、郑重地接待了那些 毕恭毕敬前来中国寻求资金的西方银行家。

  • Then his arm fell back with the same deliberation and Jean Valjean fell to meditating once more his cap in his left hand his club in his right hand his hair bristling all over his savage head .

    冉阿让重又堕入冥想 了, 左手 小帽,右手拿着铁钎,头发乱竖在他那粗野的头上。

  • Whenever he speaks with a lady he will stand erect cap in hand

    每当他 女士交谈时,他总是 恭恭敬敬地站著

  • He stood a second facing the front door of the Dalton home the same door before which he had stood so humbly with his cap in his hand a little less than a week ago .

    他立定一秒钟,面向着道尔顿家大门,他 不到一星期前也曾在这同一扇门前站过, 手里 帽子,样子那么卑躬屈节。