withdraw from business

[wɪðˈdrɔ frʌm ˈbɪznɪs][wiðˈdrɔ: frɔm ˈbiznis]

[法] 歇业

  • The problems are as follows : first the state-owned commercial banks withdraw from the countryside and the rural business of Agriculture Bank of China also declines .

    主要有以下几个方面:一是各大国有商业银行相继 退出农村金融领域,农业银行的农村 业务也相对萎缩;二是农业发展银行的功能日趋单一,不能承担起政策支持农村经济发展的重任;

  • Finally this text thinks that strategy innovates and should be realized through the mode of four aspects : 1 On the basis of the purpose of enterprise 's resource rational distribution withdraw from some business not having the advantage ;

    最后,本文认为战略创新应通过四个层面的模式实现:1、基于企业资源优化配置的目的, 退出某些不具有优势的 业务

  • A spokesman for Toshiba hinted that the company may withdraw from the LCD production business .

    东芝公司一位发言人最近暗示,东芝公司很可能会 退出LCD产品制造 领域

  • With a view to reining in high land prices more stringent requirements on land bidding were stipulated and78 SOEs were ordered to withdraw from real estate business .

    为抑制高地价,政府针对土地竞拍颁布了更为严格的措施,勒令78家央企 退出房地产 经营

  • The government should withdraw from business activities that can be regulated and modulated by market rules .

    市场机制能有效调节的 经济活动, 一律 取消审批。

  • Carrying out the withdrawal strategy would make the enterprises withdraw from the inferior field focus on the major business optimize the resources disposition and get into a new business field .

    实施退出战略可以使企业 退出劣势领域、集中突出主 业务、优化资源配置、进入新的经营领域。

  • The number of banks providing aircraft financing has fallen to 12 from about 30 in 2006 with ing of the Netherlands becoming the latest institution to withdraw from the business .

    提供飞机融资服务的银行从2006年的30家跌至12家,荷兰国际集团(ing)是最近一家 撤出此项 业务的银行。

  • When the company reported a large financial loss in 2005 many analysts thought it would withdraw from the business and stick to making buses and to the joint venture it has with BMW to manufacture cars for the Chinese market .

    该公司2005年出现大额亏损,当时许多分析师认为,该公司会 从此业务 抽身退,坚守其制造公共汽车的老本行,并转向与宝马共同组建的合资企业,制造面向中国市场的汽车。