without day

[wɪðˈaʊt de][wiˈðaut dei]


  • That ye may approve things that are excellent ; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ ;

    使你们能分别是非,(或作喜爱那美好的事)作诚实 的人,直到基督的 日子

  • After months without a day off it 's official : You need a vacation .

    如果几个月你 没有正式的假期: 你需要 休假了。

  • Without you day of good blue good grass green even the mental derangement are getting wisdom !

    没有你, 好蓝,草好绿,连神经病都变智慧了!

  • Chopsticks the Chinese people can not live without three meals a day .

    筷子,中国人一 三餐 不了。

  • They always report back on their work without day .

    他们总是 定期地汇报工作。

  • He can 't do without cigarettes for one day .

    他一 烟也戒 掉。

  • I like to idle without boring day .

    我喜欢清闲 无聊的 日子

  • Not untill then did Cinderella realize that since she was admitted to the Royal palace eating without doing anything all day she had become a big lady .

    灰姑娘这才意识到,自从住进王宫后, 每天吃得好又 不用干活,她早已变成了大肥婆。

  • It also supervises the provision of legal aid services by the Legal Aid Department without interfering with its day to day operation .

    该局也监察法律援助署提供的法律援助服务, 干预该署的 日常运作。

  • Durable love keekps without living together day and night .

    两情若是长久时,又岂在 朝朝暮暮

  • Who earns his living without doing a day 's work ?

    白天 干活 能养活自己?

  • And life has to be quite boring without a laugh a day .

    和生活是相当枯燥 没有 笑天

  • That you may approve the better things that you may be sincere and without offence unto the day of Christ .

    使你们能辨别 卓绝之事,为叫你们直到基督的 日子,常是洁净 瑕的。

  • A day without laughter is a day wasted .

    CharlieChaplin 没有大笑的一天,等于浪费了

  • I love you without day and night !


  • Li Yuanji son of the Tang emperor Li Yuan is said to prefer going without food for three days to going without hunting for one day . This shows what a great favour hunting was among the nobility .

    据说唐帝李渊的儿子李元吉“宁可三日不食,不可一 猎”,可见狩猎在贵族中是多么地受欢迎。

  • But life is scarce worth living without a laugh a day .

    但是生命是有限的生活 值得笑着一

  • On the way up the mountain about two and a half hours into the final climb from camp four the Inglis party passed Sharp who had climbed without Sherpas the previous day on May14 .

    在登山过程中,从4号营地沿最后攀登线路走大概2个半小时,Inglis的小组经过了Sharp,Sharp是前 ,也就是5.14日开始 没有夏尔巴人的帮助下攀登的。

  • Of course a smooth life is what most of us long for but how can we see the rainbow without experiencing a rainy day ?

    当然,平顺的生活是我们很多人的渴望,但是 经历 风雨怎么见彩虹?

  • Results showed that the ET 1 of SAH group was higher in 1 ~ 14 day after attacking disease The levels of ET 1 in patients with cerebrovascular spasm ( CVS ) were higher than those without CVS on day 7 and 14 ;

    结果显示,SAH组发病1~14天ET-1浓度明显增高;伴脑血管痉挛(CVS)者第7 、14 血浆ET-1浓度均明显高于 CVS者;

  • And it will be unbroken day such as the Lord has knowledge of without change of day and night and even at nightfall it will be light .

    那日,必是耶和华所知道的。不是 白昼,也 不是黑夜,到了晚上才有光明。

  • As may be inferred from this space cause can not develop without simulation day by day .

    由此不难看出,航天事业的发展 越来 仿真。

  • But others were delighted by being able to sip or serve a strong espresso without finishing the day with clothes smelling of second-hand smoke .

    但是,其他人为此而感到高兴,因为他们 为啜饮或喝一杯浓咖啡 在结束 工作时弄得衣服上都是二手烟的烟味。

  • Smokers cannot go without cigarettes even a day .

    吸烟者哪怕一 没有香烟都不行。

  • And that we must speak of now at once without a day 's delay .

    而我们必须在现在,必须立即宣布这项决定,一 不能耽搁。

  • You dont become a champion without practicing every day .

    没有 每天的训练 可能成为冠军。

  • The procuratorial supervision system of China is an important judicial system regulated by Chinese constitution and law which is noted for the characteristic of after supervision procuratorial protest without day retrial put up absolutely .

    现行民事检察监督制度是我国宪法及法律规定的一项重要的司法制度,具有事后监督、 抗诉 期限限制、无条件启动再审程序的特点。

  • I can 't even function without my day planner .


  • In terms of actual time spent working on their craft Voltaire who worked tireless and almost without respite throughout the day appears to have set the standard .

    伏尔泰似乎为创作家们真正用于创作的时间制定了一个标准,他几乎 全天 休息,一直在不知疲倦地工作。

  • Well Uncle how have you got on without me all day ?

    唔,舅舅,我 在,你 整天是怎么过的?