with the concurrence of

[wɪð ði kənˈkə:rəns ʌv][wið ðə kənˈkɜ:rəns ɔv]


  • RESULTS & CONCLUSION : Patients select tort liability and exercise claim of right in accordance with the handling of the concurrence of liability stated in Contract Law which is helpful for the protection of their legal interests .

    结果与结论: 按照 合同法》对于责任 竞合 处理,患者选择侵权责任行使请求权更有利于保护自身的合法权益;

  • The incumbent may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of Parliament with the concurrence of the Supreme Court .

    现任者可以由议会三分之二投票, 经由最高法院 同意 免职

  • For the hybrid system consisting of an array of coupled cavities and each cavity doped with a two-level atom we use the two-atom concurrence and the visibility of interference fringes of photons to compare with the total excitation number fluctuation .

    在单腔中含有单个二能级原子的耦合腔阵列系统中,我们研究 两个非局域的可观测量,两原子之间 纠缠 以及光子干涉条纹的可见度。

  • Intermittent hemoptysis was presented in 1 ILS patient with the history of 18 years and other 2 had cough expectoration and fever including 1 female case with a concurrence of tuberculosis ; The ELS patient was detected in a routine chest radiography without any recorded complaints .

    1例叶内 表现为反复咯血,病史长达18年,2例表现为咳嗽 咳痰伴发热,其中1例女性患者 同时患有肺结核;1例叶外型为常规体检发现,无不适主诉。

  • With the full concurrence of General Marshall he had designated me to command the troop .

    由于马歇尔 赞同,他已决定我指挥该部队。

  • Starting with the definition this chapter defines the characteristics of the concurrence of claims and theoretically analyses the reasons of the birth of the issue of the concurrence of the claims and its influence during the application of substantive and procedural laws .

    本章从 请求 竞合 概念出发,界定了请求 竞合的特征,并从理论上分析了请求权竞合问题产生的原因以及在实体法上、诉讼法上产生的后果。

  • The entire industrial structure of China started to change in order to cope with the change in this mindset and has entered into a concurrence of multi-mode coexistence with cooperation and competition in diversity .

    中国 资讯 通路为了 应这个意识的改燮,整个产业结构开始燮化,已经步入了多模式共存和 竞合的新陪

  • The results show that alone with the development of mobile Internet industry chain the gravity of industry chain moves from network to concurrence of network content and terminal and finally move to user value .

    研究结果表明,移动互联网产业链从诞生起,产业链的演变表现为产业链重心从网络一 独秀,网络、内容和终端 竞合,到用户价值 至上三个 阶段的迁移。

  • With consideration of the P-T path of the regional metamorphism coeval with the emplacement of these granites the concurrence of I - S - and A-type granites indicates that these granites formed in the post-orogenic setting .

    结合区内 花岗岩 形成同时发生 变质作用P-T特征,这种 I-、S-和A-型花岗岩的同时产出,反映他们可能形成于造山后构造背景。

  • Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour and with the Concurrence of two thirds expel a Member .

    各院可制定其议事程序规则,处罚扰乱秩序的议员,并 2/3 议员 同意开除议员。

  • The child was adopted by Jo and his wife with the concurrence of julie .

    经朱莉 同意那孩子由乔和他的妻子收养。

  • With the concurrence of right to petition and the emergence of interpleader cause and action of formation the relationship between right to petition and object of litigation became complicated and thus in different theories the status of right to petition is different .

    随着请求权 竞合现象不断出现以及确认之诉和形成之诉的产生,民法请求权和诉讼标的之间的关系开始剪不断理还乱,在不同的诉讼标的理论中,民法请求权地位各异。