within an inch of

[wɪðˈɪn ən ɪntʃ ʌv][wiˈðin æn intʃ ɔv]


  • The bear clawed the hunter within an inch of his life . Mash them in a bowl with a little lemon juice .

    那熊 指把猎人 撕碎。加入一点柠檬汁在碗里捣碎。

  • He was within an inch of drowning .


  • I 'll flog him to within an inch of his life .

    我要把他打 死去活来

  • The rogue was beaten to within an inch of his life .

    那恶棍被打得 半死

  • I should like to thrash him within an inch of his life .

    我真想把他揍 半死

  • I beat him within an inch of life .

    我将他打得 半死

  • We 'll also see you beaten within an inch of your life .

    我们也可以叫人 得你 奄奄一息

  • My brother had hard luck in the snooker tournament ; he came within an inch of winning the cup . Students who are fa ing behind their peers at mi le school may not necessarily lag behind them at co ege .

    我兄弟在 落袋撞球锦标赛中真倒霉,差一点儿就赢得了大奖杯。在中学落后于同班同学的学生到了大学就不一定比其他同学差。

  • The bear clawed the hunter within an inch of his life .

    那熊 指把猎人 撕碎

  • No animals were harmed during the filming of this movie . Though we were petted within an inch of our lives .

    在电影拍摄过程中,没有动物受伤。但是我们被 爱抚 过度

  • I was studying chemistry and physics and I came within an inch of calling up the Corning glass company to ask them to get a curator or someone who probably could 've told me in five minutes how they did it .

    我研究了化学和物理,甚至差点给 康宁Corning)玻璃公司打电话,让他们找个人,用5分钟的时间告诉我他们是怎么做的。但最后我没有打。

  • Therefore instead of mere beheading William Wallace is subject to being Hung hung within an inch of death .


  • And comes within an inch of the large intestine .

    大肠 英尺

  • She came within an inch of winning the match .


  • The athlete was within an inch of breaking the record .

    那个运动员 点儿打破记录。

  • I came within an inch of losing my life in that trip .

    那次 行程中丧生。