without book

[wɪðˈaʊt bʊk][wiˈðaut buk]

无根据, 凭记忆

  • ' Well I can 't mind the exact day without looking at my memorandum - book ' replied Crick with the same intolerable unconcern .

    啊,我要看看我的备忘录, 不然我不记得准确的日子, 克里克回答说,说话里同样带着叫人无法忍受的漠不关心。

  • His sermons were delivered without book .

    他的讲道文 从不 引经据典

  • How could he punish anyone without book ?

    他怎么可以 随意处罚人呢?

  • Without getting blamed for the whole burn book .

    要是 红唇烈焰之 没有我的责任。

  • Yet overall even without this context the book is still entertaining .

    不过,总体而言,即便 没有上述这些内容,该 仍可谓趣味丛生。

  • He never went out without a book under his arm and he often returned with two .

    他在出门时,手臂下从来只 ,而回家时却常常带着两

  • For example JP Morgan announced that it would transact without restructuring for loan book hedges .

    例如,摩根大通宣布,将 没有对贷款 预定对冲的情况下办理贷款。

  • Answer these questions if ( it is ) possible without referring to the book .

    要是有可能,请 看书回答这些题目。

  • Aunt Polly 's daughter Mary helped him and after a time he could say the verses without looking at the book .

    在波莉姨妈的女儿玛丽的帮助下,过了一会儿,他 看书也能背下来了。

  • If you feel exposed without a text book you really have to have a textbook John actually I 'm going to reuse that word John at least suggest it on the course website .

    如果你觉得 没有教科书就缺乏安全 你真的需要一个了,其实我应该重新使用这个词儿,至少是建议,你能在课程网站上找到。

  • Inevitably such an anniversary cannot go unmarked without a new book or two in spite of the scores already published .

    不可避免的是,尽管这方面的著述已经出版了好几十本,但在如此一个纪念日,是不能 没有一两 新书出现的。

  • In the past I was so diligent without any tiredness in the book

    过去的我,是那么勤奋,整天钻到 书本里也 厌倦

  • The one is a philosopher without a tunic and the other without a book : here is another half naked : Bread I have not he says and I abide by reason .

    一者是不穿束腰长袍的哲学家,一者是 的哲人;这里还有一个半裸的:他说,我没有面包,但坚持理性。

  • I know I 'm holding the keys because without me that bird book 's about as meaningful as a fart in a wind storm .

    我知道的是,我掌握着其中的关键,要是 没有我,那 鸟书就屁都不值一个。

  • It is without question the best book I have ever read .


  • Without a unified statute book administrative law is composed of numerous administrative laws administrative regulations . The local laws and rules bring the complexity on different levels .

    行政法 没有统一的 法典,由众多的行政法律,行政法规,地方性法规、规章组成,这带来了解释层级上的复杂性;

  • One in ten women can cook fewer than three meals without looking at a recipe book or asking for help .

    十分之一的女性在 查看食谱 或没有帮助的 情况 三道菜也做不出。

  • It enables the user to identify a sight without a tourist guide book but by using the mobile phone .

    它使用户能够在确定视力 没有旅游指南 ,但通过使用移动电话。

  • Without their help and suggestions this book would have been harder to understand contained more errors been slightly less complete and probably been a little bit shorter .

    没有他们的帮助和建议,这 一定会更难理解,包含更多的错误,没有这么完全,当然,也可能稍微短一点。

  • He is so careless that he comes to class without his book .

    他粗心大意上课 连书

  • The book without life for center is a rigid book .

    没有以生活为中心的书本是死 书本

  • Dominic Matei : Without the book I 'll be nothing .

    多米尼克?马泰: 没有这本 ,我就什么都不是。

  • If I show up at work without that book .

    如果我 上班的时候 带去。

  • The company has without income have should make account book without fixed assets .

    公司有 收入,有无固定资产都要做

  • He is so diligent that he never goes anywhere without a book .


  • Stripped of his main reason for being chairman Stephen Green became a minister without portfolio ; a book tour here an honorary doctorate there .

    汇丰主席 葛霖(stephengreen)由此被剥夺了存在的主要理由,成为一个空头司令:在这儿进行签名 售书,到那里领取名誉博士学位。

  • And to reduce associated transactions and may not be assets not yet put into use or assets without objective and clear net book value .

    减少关联交易,不得是尚未投入使用的资产或 没有客观明确 账面净值的资产。

  • Mr jones : this is a disaster . I can 't work without my address book .

    琼斯先生:这真是一个灾难。我不能 没有电话 簿

  • The reason why there is only modest cause for celebration over the retreat from proprietary trading is that there are 101 other ways in which banks can take risky positions without placing them in a proprietary trading book .

    之所以说对于撤销自营交易只应适度庆祝,原因在于:银行若想 通过自营交易 账户而持有风险头寸,其它的途径比比皆是。

  • Every day without you is like a book without pages .

    没有你的日子就像一 没有书页的