with much ado

[wɪð mʌtʃ əˈdu][wið mʌtʃ əˈdu:]


  • And with much ado sailing by it we came into a certain place which is called Good-havens nigh to which was the city of Thalassa .

    我们沿岸而行,方才来到一个名叫 良港的地方,拉撒雅城就在附近。

  • I received this last part with some token of surprise and disorder and had much ado to avoid sinking down .

    我听到最后这段话,感到 惊慌,好 容易 鼓起 力气来,免得晕倒。

  • She found a job in the bank with much ado .

    了一 周折 在银行找到了一份工作。

  • He cleaned the house with much ado .
