wise up

[waɪz ʌp][waiz ʌp]


  • The later part of a wise man 's life is taken up in curing the follies prejudices and false opinions he had contracted in the former . & Jonathan Swift

    一个 明智的后半生,是用于矫正在前半生所 习染的愚蠢、偏见及谬误的见解。&斯威夫特

  • C.It was not wise for Andrew to give up his job .

    安德鲁 放弃那份工作是不 明智的。

  • Therefore architects should wise up the relations and pursue the right innovative direction in choosing the object .

    使建筑师在 纷繁复杂的客体选择过程中,能够 理清各种关系,追寻正确的创新方向。

  • When are they going to wise up to the fact that people aren 't interested ?

    他们要到什么 时候才能 明白没人感兴趣呢?

  • Thus he becomes wise up .

    于是,他变得 聪明 起来

  • I can wise the rabbit up with .

    我会 告诉那只兔子的。

  • Hey ! Wise up ! It is definitely a trap !


  • When are you gonna wise up and turn her loose ?

    你什么时候才能变 聪明 过她?

  • See the second person he said : this spider really stupid why not from the dry side and climbed up to look around the place ? I will be as foolish as it should not . Thus he becomes wise up .

    第二个看到的人,他说道“这蜘蛛真傻,他为什么不从干的地方爬去目的地啊,我再不会像他一样笨了”于是他变得 聪明 起来

  • It didn 't take him long to wise up t what was going on there .

    没有多久,他就 看清了那儿到底在搞些什么 名堂

  • He will in no wise give up any chances to get a better job .

    他不会 放弃任何机会以获得一份好工作。

  • It would be wise to give up now and try again later .

    最好是现在 暂且 放弃,以后再试。

  • Some insurers have wised up to the fact that their clients were getting very cheap insurance


  • Everyday you are changing also At the moment you are older than last second . but you should never regret for your past it is a wise thought and action which sum up past and handle the present .

    每天你也在变,此刻的你比上一秒又老了一点,但永远不要为过去后悔, 总结过去抓住此刻才是 明智 之举

  • Therefore it is not wise to give up money supply as the intermediate target of monetary policy in recent years .

    因此,目前还 不宜 放弃货币供应量作为货币政策的中介指标。

  • We citizens need to wise up and alter or abolish our federal government by any means necessary .

    我们公民需要 明智 起来采取任何必要的措施“改变或废除”我们的联邦政府。

  • In this cold wind you 'd be wise to bundle up well . Sit by the radiator and get warm .

    在这种寒风中,你最好穿得 暖暖和和的。坐在暖气旁边,暖和暖和。

  • When are you going to wise up ?

    什么时候你才能 变得 明理 一些

  • Everyone approved of this proposal but an old wise mouse got up and said That is all very well but who will tie the bell to the cat ?

    每个老鼠都同意这个建议,但是一只上了年纪的老鼠站 起来说:“那谁去给猫戴 上铃当呢?”

  • It 's time to wise up and tell those around you that enough is enough .

    现在该 觉醒 ,告诉你周围的人要适可而止。

  • Wise men lay up knowledge : but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction .


  • You had better wise up tell me where the money is .

    你最好 聪明,告诉我钱放在哪里。

  • Life demands that he wise up !

    生活要求它必须 聪明 起来

  • In the financial sector this is wise up to a point .

    在一定程度 ,这种 做法对金融业而言是 明智的。

  • It is wise to warm up before an athletic event .

    体育赛事之前做 热身运动是 明智的。

  • In this cold wind you 'd be wise to bundle up well .

    这么冷的风,你还是 穿好。

  • You can wise up on details by reading the newspaper .

    看报纸你就 知道详情

  • Come on wise up frank life isn 't like that and you should know it .

    好了, 醒悟 ,弗兰克,生活并不像那样,你应该知道这一点。

  • You 'd better wise that young man up he 's helpeless !

    你最好让那个年轻人的 头脑清醒一点,他没治了!