wise after the event

[waɪz ˈæftɚ ði ɪˈvɛnt][waiz ˈɑ:ftə ðə iˈvent]


  • It is easy to be wise after the event .

    事后 诸葛亮 人人会做。

  • Everyone has been able to be wise after the event and to pour scorn on the cathedral in particular and the Church of England in general for failing to know how to square the circle of public interest and protest .

    每一个人在 事件 过后都能变 聪明,并且会由于圣保罗大教堂和英国圣公会不知道如何解决公众利益和抗议活动 这种不可能完成之事,而对它们、尤其是前者大加奚落。

  • It 's easy to be wise after the event ; but much safer to take care before it happens . & Aesop

    事后 聪明容易,事前小心则更安全。&伊索

  • We don 't pay our financial analysts to be wise after the event !

    我们花钱请财务分析家不是让他们 事后 诸葛亮

  • Seeking truth from facts whether the last capable of striking where perhaps only omniscient God and know that wise after the event .

    实事求是地说,最后究竟能攻击到哪里,也许只有全知全能的上帝和 事后 诸葛亮知道。

  • It seems that 2008 was a great year for economists getting it all entirely wrong and then being spectacularly wise after the event .

    对于那些“ 事后 诸葛亮、事前猪一样”的经济学家来说,2008年似乎是美妙的一年。

  • It seems obvious now but that 's being wise after the event .

    现在事情看来显而易见,但这也是 事后 聪明

  • It doesn 't help to be wise after the event .

    事后 聪明是没用

  • I shouldn 't have put that extra spoonful of curry powder in this meal but I suppose we can all be wise after the event .

    我不应该在这顿饭里多放那一汤匙的咖喱粉,我想我们都是 事后 明白

  • Surprise is hindsight bias produced a prerequisite for the reversal of the deviation will lead to wise after the event type different studies draw very different conclusions .

    惊奇感是事后聪明式偏差产生的前提条件还是会导致 事后 聪明式偏差的反转,不同的研究得出了不同的结论。